QDiffuseMapMaterial Class


The QDiffuseMapMaterial provides a default implementation of the phong lighting effect where the diffuse light component is read from a texture map. More...

Header: #include <QDiffuseMapMaterial>
qmake: QT += 3dextras
Since: Qt 5.7
Inherits: Qt3DRender::QMaterial

This class is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

This class was introduced in Qt 5.7.


Public Functions

QDiffuseMapMaterial(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QDiffuseMapMaterial()
QColor ambient() const
Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture *diffuse() const
float shininess() const
QColor specular() const
float textureScale() const

Public Slots

void setAmbient(const QColor &color)
void setDiffuse(Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture *diffuse)
void setShininess(float shininess)
void setSpecular(const QColor &specular)
void setTextureScale(float textureScale)


void ambientChanged(const QColor &ambient)
void diffuseChanged(Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture *diffuse)
void shininessChanged(float shininess)
void specularChanged(const QColor &specular)
void textureScaleChanged(float textureScale)

Detailed Description

This class is deprecated; use Qt3DExtras::QDiffuseSpecularMaterial instead.

The specular lighting effect is based on the combination of 3 lighting components ambient, diffuse and specular. The relative strengths of these components are controlled by means of their reflectivity coefficients which are modelled as RGB triplets:

  • Ambient is the color that is emitted by an object without any other light source.
  • Diffuse is the color that is emitted for rought surface reflections with the lights.
  • Specular is the color emitted for shiny surface reflections with the lights.
  • The shininess of a surface is controlled by a float property.

This material uses an effect with a single render pass approach and performs per fragment lighting. Techniques are provided for OpenGL 2, OpenGL 3 or above as well as OpenGL ES 2.

Property Documentation

ambient : QColor

Holds the current ambient color.

Access functions:

QColor ambient() const
void setAmbient(const QColor &color)

Notifier signal:

void ambientChanged(const QColor &ambient)

diffuse : Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture*

Holds the current texture used as the diffuse map.

By default, the diffuse texture has the following properties:

  • Linear minification and magnification filters
  • Linear mipmap with mipmapping enabled
  • Repeat wrap mode
  • Maximum anisotropy of 16.0

Access functions:

Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture *diffuse() const
void setDiffuse(Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture *diffuse)

Notifier signal:

void diffuseChanged(Qt3DRender::QAbstractTexture *diffuse)

shininess : float

Holds the current shininess as a float value.

Access functions:

float shininess() const
void setShininess(float shininess)

Notifier signal:

void shininessChanged(float shininess)

specular : QColor

Holds the current specular color.

Access functions:

QColor specular() const
void setSpecular(const QColor &specular)

Notifier signal:

void specularChanged(const QColor &specular)

textureScale : float

Holds the current texture scale. It is applied as a multiplier to texture coordinates at render time. Defaults to 1.0.

When used in conjunction with QTextureWrapMode::Repeat, textureScale provides a simple way to tile a texture across a surface. For example, a texture scale of 4.0 would result in 16 (4x4) tiles.

Access functions:

float textureScale() const
void setTextureScale(float textureScale)

Notifier signal:

void textureScaleChanged(float textureScale)

Member Function Documentation

QDiffuseMapMaterial::QDiffuseMapMaterial(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new QDiffuseMapMaterial instance with parent object parent.

[virtual] QDiffuseMapMaterial::~QDiffuseMapMaterial()

Destroys the QDiffuseMapMaterial instance.

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