ViewerSettings QML Type

Qt 3D Studio presentation viewer settings. More...

Import Statement: import QtStudio3D.OpenGL 2.8
Instantiates: Q3DSViewerSettings



  • load(string group, string organization, string application)
  • save(string group, string organization, string application)

Detailed Description

This type provides properties to define presentation-independent viewer settings.

Note: ViewerSettings are only applicable when Studio3D is used in the default mode, showing the final, composed image from the Qt 3D Studio renderer.

See also Studio3D.

Property Documentation

matteColor : QColor

Specifies the matte color.

matteEnabled : bool

Specifies if the empty area around the presentation (applicable when scaleMode is set to ScaleModeCenter or ScaleModeFit) should be filled with a custom color.

The default value is false.

scaleMode : enumeration

Specifies the scaling mode. The default value is ScaleModeFill where the size of the presentation on-screen follows and fills the size of the output area (the window, the screen, or the area occupied by the Studio3D element).

During the design phase it can be valuable to see the presentation with some other scaling approach. For example, the Qt 3D Studio Viewer application uses ScaleModeCenter by default.

ScaleModeFitScales the presentation to fit the output area.
ScaleModeFillScales the presentation to completely fill the output area.
ScaleModeCenterCenters the presentation in the output area without scaling it.

The default value is ScaleModeFill.

showRenderStats : bool

If this property is set to true, the simple profile view is displayed in-scene, on top of the 3D content.

Note: this feature can be disabled at build time, in which case this property has no effect.

The default value is false.

skipFramesInterval : int

Sets interval for skipping frame rendering. The default value is 0 meaning all frames are rendered. Setting this to 1 renders every other frame (30fps on 60Hz screen), 2 every third frame (20fps on 60Hz screen) etc. This property allows slowing down 3D rendering while keeping QtQuick UI rendering intact, decreasing the CPU/GPU usage.

This property was introduced in QtStudio3D.OpenGL 2.7.

stereoEyeSeparation : real

Specifies the eye (camera) separation of stereo rendering. Value is the amount left and right eye cameras move in x-coordinate values away from center. Bigger separation increases the 3D effect. Optimal value depends on viewed presentation.

This has only effect when stereo mode is set to something else than default StereoModeMono.

This property was introduced in QtStudio3D.OpenGL 2.5.

stereoMode : enumeration

Specifies the stereo mode. The default value is StereoModeMono where the view is rendered normally, as suitable for 2D displays. Other available modes target different 3D stereo rendering types.

StereoModeMonoRenders presentation normally in mono.
StereoModeTopBottomRenders presentation in stereoscopic top-bottom mode.
StereoModeLeftRightRenders presentation in stereoscopic left-right mode.
StereoModeAnaglyphRedCyanRenders presentation in anaglyph red-cyan mode.
StereoModeAnaglyphGreenMagentaRenders presentation in anaglyph green-magenta mode.

The default value is StereoModeMono.

This property was introduced in QtStudio3D.OpenGL 2.5.

stereoProgressiveEnabled : bool

Enables progressive rendering in stereoscopic modes. In this mode, only single eye per frame is rendered. Left eye for odd frames and right for even frames. This halves the maximum animation frame rate (meaning e.g. 30fps on 60Hz screen) while decreasing CPU/GPU usage.

Note: This property has only effect when stereo mode is set to StereoModeTopBottom or StereoModeLeftRight.

This property was introduced in QtStudio3D.OpenGL 2.7.

Method Documentation

load(string group, string organization, string application)

Loads previously saved viewer settings using group, organization and application.

save(string group, string organization, string application)

Persistently saves the viewer settings using group, organization and application.

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