Attribute Names

Below is a list of the attributes that can be set on the various scene objects via Q3DSPresentation::setAttribute() or Q3DSElement::setAttribute().

Note: vector (e.g. a group's or model's rotation) and color (e.g. a material's diffuse) attributes allow setting/getting all components in one operation, and are mapped to QVector3D and QColor, respectively.

Note: As of Qt 3D Studio 2.1 not all properties can be changed on the fly at run time. As a general rule attributes that are animatable in the Qt 3D Studio application are freely changeable by the applications during run time as well.

Note: When possible, applications are recommended to rely on the data input functionality of Qt 3D Studio instead. This avoids the need to refer to hard-coded attribute names, and instead allows the designers to expose the interesting attributes with arbitrary data input names to the application developers, thus offering a fixed, well-known interface from the 3D presentation to the application code. See Q3DSDataInput, DataInput, Q3DSDataOutput, and DataOutput for more information.

Name name string
Enable Background Color bgcolorenable boolean
Background Color R backgroundcolor.r number
Background Color G backgroundcolor.g number
Background Color B backgroundcolor.b number
Elements other than Scenes
Element Name name string
(Eyeball) eyeball boolean
Timebar Start starttime number in integer milliseconds
Timebar End endtime number in integer milliseconds
Disable Depth Test disabledepthtest boolean
Progressive AA progressiveaa string values: 'None', '2x', '4x', '8x'
Multisample AA multisampleaa string values: 'None', '2x', '4x'
Temporal AA temporalaa boolean
Layer Background background string values: 'Transparent', 'Unspecified', 'SolidColor'
Background Color R backgroundcolor.r number
Background Color G backgroundcolor.g number
Background Color B backgroundcolor.b number
Blend Type blendtype string values: 'Normal', 'Screen', 'Multiply', 'Add', '*Overlay', '*ColorBurn', '*ColorDodge'
Horizontal Fields horzfields string values: 'Left/Width', 'Left/Right', 'Width/Right'
Left left number
Left Units leftunits string values: 'pixels', 'percent'
Width width number
Width Units widthunits string values: 'pixels', 'percent'
Right right number
Right Units rightunits string values: 'pixels', 'percent'
Vertical Fields vertfields string values: 'Top/Height', 'Top/Bottom', 'Height/Bottom'
Top top number
Top Units topunits string values: 'pixels', 'percent'
Height height number
Height Units heightunits string values: 'pixels', 'percent'
Bottom bottom number
Bottom Units bottomunits string values: 'pixels', 'percent'
Ambient Occlusion aostrength number values between 0 and 100
AO Distance aodistance number
AO Softness aosoftness number
AO Threshold aobias number
AO Sampling Rate aosamplerate number
AO Dithering aodither boolean
Shadow Strength shadowstrength number
Shadow Distance shadowdist number
Shadow Softness shadowsoftness number
Shadow Threshold shadowbias number
Light Probe lightprobe image element
IBL Horizon Cutoff probehorizon number values from -1 (no horizon) to -0.001 (hard edge)
Sub-Presentation sourcepath string id of the sub-presentation to display
Position X position.x number
Position Y position.y number
Position Z position.z number
Rotation X rotation.x number
Rotation Y rotation.y number
Rotation Z rotation.z number
Scale X scale.x number
Scale Y scale.y number
Scale Z scale.z number
Pivot X pivot.x number
Pivot Y pivot.y number
Pivot Z pivot.z number
Opacity opacity number
orientation string values: 'Left Handed', 'Right Handed'
rotationorder string values: 'XYZ', 'YZX', 'ZXY', 'XZY', 'YXZ', 'ZYX', 'XYZr', 'YZXr', 'ZXYr', 'XZYr', 'YXZr', 'ZYXr'
ignoresparent boolean prevents parent transformation from being applied [ignored as of 2.0]
Reference referencednode string relative or absolute element path
Orthographic orthographic boolean
Field of View fov number
Clipping Start clipnear number
Clipping End clipfar number
Runtime Scale Mode scalemode string values: 'Fit', 'Same Size'
Runtime Scale Anchor scaleanchor string values: 'Center', 'NW', 'N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W'
Scope scope string full path to the element
Light Type lighttype string values: 'Directional', 'Point', 'Area'
Light Color R lightdiffuse.r number
Light Color G lightdiffuse.g number
Light Color B lightdiffuse.b number
Specular Color R lightspecular.r number
Specular Color G lightspecular.g number
Specular Color B lightspecular.b number
Ambient Color R lightambient.r number
Ambient Color G lightambient.g number
Ambient Color B lightambient.b number
Brightness brightness number only applies to point lights
Linear Fade linearfade number only applies to point lights
Exponential Fade expfade number only applies to point lights
Cast Shadows? castshadow boolean
Shadow Darkness shdwfactor number
Shadow Softness shdwfilter number
Shadow Resolution shdwmapres string values: '256', '512', '1024', '2048'
Shadow Depth Bias shdwbias number
Shadow Far Clip shdwmapfar number
Shadow Field of View shdwmapfov number
Import sourcepath string
Text String textstring string
Text Color R textcolor.r number
Text Color G textcolor.g number
Text Color B textcolor.b number
Font font string
Font Size size number
Horizontal Alignment horzalign string values: 'Left', 'Center', 'Right'
Vertical Alignment vertalign string values: 'Top', 'Middle', 'Bottom'
Leading leading number
Tracking tracking number
Mesh sourcepath string
Tessellation Mode tessellation string values: 'None', 'Linear', 'Phong', 'NPatch' [ignored as of 2.0]
Edge Tessellation edgetess number [ignored as of 2.0]
Inner Tessellation innertess number [ignored as of 2.0]
Standard Materials
Lighting shaderlighting string values: 'Vertex', 'Pixel', 'None'
Blending Mode blendmode string values: 'Normal', 'Screen', 'Multiply'
Diffuse Color R diffuse.r number
Diffuse Color G diffuse.g number
Diffuse Color B diffuse.b number
Diffuse Map diffusemap image element to change the image set the sourcepath attribute on the image element
Diffuse Map 2 diffusemap2 image element to change the image set the sourcepath attribute on the image element
Diffuse Map 3 diffusemap3 image element to change the image set the sourcepath attribute on the image element
Specular Reflection specularreflection image element to change the image set the sourcepath attribute on the image element
Specular Tint R speculartint.r number
Specular Tint G speculartint.g number
Specular Tint B speculartint.b number
Specular Amount specularamount number
Specular Map specularmap image element to change the image set the sourcepath attribute on the image element
Specular Model specularmodel string values: 'Default', 'KGGX', 'KWard'
Fresnel Power fresnelPower number
Index of Refraction ior number
Specular Roughness specularroughness number
Bump Map bumpmap image element to change the image set the sourcepath attribute on the image element
Normal Map normalmap image element to change the image set the sourcepath attribute on the image element
Bump Amount bumpamount number affects both bump and normal maps
Displacement Map displacementmap image element to change the image set the sourcepath attribute on the image element
Displacement Amount displaceamount number
Opacity opacity number
Opacity Map opacitymap image element to change the image set the sourcepath attribute on the image element
Emissive Power emissivepower number
Emissive Map emissivemap image element to change the image set the sourcepath attribute on the image element
Material References
Referenced Material referencedmaterial string relative or absolute element path
U Repeat scaleu number
V Repeat scalev number
Texture Mapping mappingmode string values: 'UV Mapping', 'Environmental Mapping'
U Tiling tilingmodehorz string values: 'Tiled', 'Mirrored', 'No Tiling'
V Tiling tilingmodevert string values: 'Tiled', 'Mirrored', 'No Tiling'
UV Rotation rotationuv number
U Position positionu number
V Position positionv number
U Pivot pivotu number
V Pivot pivotv number
Sub-Presentation subpresentation string id of the sub-presentation to display
Source Path sourcepath string path to the image

Custom materials and effects have their custom set of properties that are defined in the .material or .effect file. For example, an instances of an effect with the following metadata will have an attribute HBlurBias with the type number that can be set and queried as if it was a built-in attribute.

        <Property name="HBlurBias" formalName="Horizontal Blur" min="0" max="10" default="2" description="Amount of corona horizontally."/>

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