Tasking Namespace
The Tasking namespace encloses all classes and global functions of the Tasking solution. More...
Header: | #include <Tasking> |
class | CustomTask |
class | ExecutableItem |
class | Group |
class | GroupItem |
class | Storage |
class | Sync |
class | TaskAdapter |
class | TaskInterface |
class | TaskTree |
enum class | CallDoneIf { SuccessOrError, Success, Error } |
enum class | DoneResult { Success, Error } |
enum class | DoneWith { Success, Error, Cancel } |
GroupItems | |
enum class | SetupResult { Continue, StopWithSuccess, StopWithError } |
TaskTreeTask | |
TimeoutTask | |
enum class | WorkflowPolicy { StopOnError, ContinueOnError, StopOnSuccess, ContinueOnSuccess, StopOnSuccessOrError, …, FinishAllAndError } |
const Tasking::GroupItem | continueOnError |
const Tasking::GroupItem | continueOnSuccess |
const Tasking::ExecutableItem | errorItem |
const Tasking::GroupItem | finishAllAndError |
const Tasking::GroupItem | finishAllAndSuccess |
const Tasking::GroupItem | nullItem |
const Tasking::GroupItem | parallel |
const Tasking::GroupItem | parallelIdealThreadCountLimit |
const Tasking::ParallelLimitFunctor | parallelLimit |
const Tasking::GroupItem | sequential |
const Tasking::GroupItem | stopOnError |
const Tasking::GroupItem | stopOnSuccess |
const Tasking::GroupItem | stopOnSuccessOrError |
const Tasking::ExecutableItem | successItem |
const Tasking::WorkflowPolicyFunctor | workflowPolicy |
Tasking::GroupItem | onGroupDone(Handler &&handler, Tasking::CallDoneIf callDoneIf = CallDoneIf::SuccessOrError) |
Tasking::GroupItem | onGroupSetup(Handler &&handler) |
class CustomTask
A class template used for declaring custom task items and defining their setup and done handlers. More...
class ExecutableItem
Base class for executable task items. More...
class Group
Group represents the basic element for composing declarative recipes describing how to execute and handle a nested tree of asynchronous tasks. More...
class GroupItem
GroupItem represents the basic element that may be a part of any Group. More...
class Storage
A class template for custom data exchange in the running task tree. More...
class Sync
Synchronously executes a custom handler between other tasks. More...
class TaskAdapter
A class template for implementing custom task adapters. More...
class TaskInterface
TaskInterface is the abstract base class for implementing custom task adapters. More...
class TaskTree
The TaskTree class runs an async task tree structure defined in a declarative way. More...
Type Documentation
enum class Tasking::CallDoneIf
This enum is an optional argument for the onGroupDone() element or custom task's constructor. It instructs the task tree on when the group's or task's done handler should be invoked.
Constant | Value | Description |
Tasking::CallDoneIf::SuccessOrError | 0 | The done handler is always invoked. |
Tasking::CallDoneIf::Success | 1 | The done handler is invoked only after successful execution, that is, when DoneWith::Success. |
Tasking::CallDoneIf::Error | 2 | The done handler is invoked only after failed execution, that is, when DoneWith::Error or when DoneWith::Cancel. |
enum class Tasking::DoneResult
This enum is optionally returned from the group's or task's done handler function. When the done handler doesn't return any value, that is, its return type is void
, its final return value is automatically deduced by the running task tree and reported to its parent group.
When the done handler returns the DoneResult, you can tweak the final return value inside the handler.
When the DoneResult is returned by the group's done handler, the group's workflow policy is ignored.
This enum is also used inside the TaskInterface::done() signal and it indicates whether the task finished with success or an error.
Constant | Value | Description |
Tasking::DoneResult::Success | 0 | The group's or task's execution ends with success. |
Tasking::DoneResult::Error | 1 | The group's or task's execution ends with an error. |
enum class Tasking::DoneWith
This enum is an optional argument for the group's or task's done handler. It indicates whether the group or task finished with success or an error, or it was canceled.
It is also used as an argument inside the TaskTree::done() signal, indicating the final result of the TaskTree execution.
Constant | Value | Description |
Tasking::DoneWith::Success | 0 | The group's or task's execution ended with success. |
Tasking::DoneWith::Error | 1 | The group's or task's execution ended with an error. |
Tasking::DoneWith::Cancel | 2 | The group's or task's execution was canceled. This happens when the user calls TaskTree::cancel() for the running task tree or when the group's workflow policy results in canceling some of its running children. Tweaking the done handler's final result by returning Tasking::DoneResult from the handler is no-op when the group's or task's execution was canceled. |
Type alias for QList<GroupItem>.
enum class Tasking::SetupResult
This enum is optionally returned from the group's or task's setup handler function. It instructs the running task tree on how to proceed after the setup handler's execution finished.
Constant | Value | Description |
Tasking::SetupResult::Continue | 0 | Default. The group's or task's execution continues normally. When a group's or task's setup handler returns void, it's assumed that it returned Continue. |
Tasking::SetupResult::StopWithSuccess | 1 | The group's or task's execution stops immediately with success. When returned from the group's setup handler, all child tasks are skipped, and the group's onGroupDone() handler is invoked with DoneWith::Success. The group reports success to its parent. The group's workflow policy is ignored. When returned from the task's setup handler, the task isn't started, its done handler isn't invoked, and the task reports success to its parent. |
Tasking::SetupResult::StopWithError | 2 | The group's or task's execution stops immediately with an error. When returned from the group's setup handler, all child tasks are skipped, and the group's onGroupDone() handler is invoked with DoneWith::Error. The group reports an error to its parent. The group's workflow policy is ignored. When returned from the task's setup handler, the task isn't started, its error handler isn't invoked, and the task reports an error to its parent. |
Type alias for the CustomTask, to be used inside recipes, associated with the TaskTree task.
Type alias for the CustomTask, to be used inside recipes, associated with the std::chrono::milliseconds
type. std::chrono::milliseconds
is used to set up the timeout duration. The default timeout is std::chrono::milliseconds::zero()
, that is, the TimeoutTask finishes as soon as the control returns to the running event loop.
Example usage:
using namespace std::chrono; using namespace std::chrono_literals; const auto onSetup = [](milliseconds &timeout) { timeout = 1000ms; } const auto onDone = [] { qDebug() << "Timed out."; } const Group root { Timeout(onSetup, onDone) };
enum class Tasking::WorkflowPolicy
This enum describes the possible behavior of the Group element when any group's child task finishes its execution. It's also used when the running Group is canceled.
Constant | Value | Description |
Tasking::WorkflowPolicy::StopOnError | 0 | Default. Corresponds to the stopOnError global element. If any child task finishes with an error, the group stops and finishes with an error. If all child tasks finished with success, the group finishes with success. If a group is empty, it finishes with success. |
Tasking::WorkflowPolicy::ContinueOnError | 1 | Corresponds to the continueOnError global element. Similar to stopOnError, but in case any child finishes with an error, the execution continues until all tasks finish, and the group reports an error afterwards, even when some other tasks in the group finished with success. If all child tasks finish successfully, the group finishes with success. If a group is empty, it finishes with success. |
Tasking::WorkflowPolicy::StopOnSuccess | 2 | Corresponds to the stopOnSuccess global element. If any child task finishes with success, the group stops and finishes with success. If all child tasks finished with an error, the group finishes with an error. If a group is empty, it finishes with an error. |
Tasking::WorkflowPolicy::ContinueOnSuccess | 3 | Corresponds to the continueOnSuccess global element. Similar to stopOnSuccess, but in case any child finishes successfully, the execution continues until all tasks finish, and the group reports success afterwards, even when some other tasks in the group finished with an error. If all child tasks finish with an error, the group finishes with an error. If a group is empty, it finishes with an error. |
Tasking::WorkflowPolicy::StopOnSuccessOrError | 4 | Corresponds to the stopOnSuccessOrError global element. The group starts as many tasks as it can. When any task finishes, the group stops and reports the task's result. Useful only in parallel mode. In sequential mode, only the first task is started, and when finished, the group finishes too, so the other tasks are always skipped. If a group is empty, it finishes with an error. |
Tasking::WorkflowPolicy::FinishAllAndSuccess | 5 | Corresponds to the finishAllAndSuccess global element. The group executes all tasks and ignores their return results. When all tasks finished, the group finishes with success. If a group is empty, it finishes with success. |
Tasking::WorkflowPolicy::FinishAllAndError | 6 | Corresponds to the finishAllAndError global element. The group executes all tasks and ignores their return results. When all tasks finished, the group finishes with an error. If a group is empty, it finishes with an error. |
Whenever a child task's result causes the Group to stop, that is, in case of StopOnError, StopOnSuccess, or StopOnSuccessOrError policies, the Group cancels the other running child tasks (if any - for example in parallel mode), and skips executing tasks it has not started yet (for example, in the sequential mode - those, that are placed after the failed task). Both canceling and skipping child tasks may happen when parallelLimit() is used.
The table below summarizes the differences between various workflow policies:
WorkflowPolicy | Executes all child tasks | Result | Result when the group is empty |
StopOnError | Stops when any child task finished with an error and reports an error | An error when at least one child task failed, success otherwise | Success |
ContinueOnError | Yes | An error when at least one child task failed, success otherwise | Success |
StopOnSuccess | Stops when any child task finished with success and reports success | Success when at least one child task succeeded, an error otherwise | An error |
ContinueOnSuccess | Yes | Success when at least one child task succeeded, an error otherwise | An error |
StopOnSuccessOrError | Stops when any child task finished and reports child task's result | Success or an error, depending on the finished child task's result | An error |
FinishAllAndSuccess | Yes | Success | Success |
FinishAllAndError | Yes | An error | An error |
If a child of a group is also a group, the child group runs its tasks according to its own workflow policy. When a parent group stops the running child group because of parent group's workflow policy, that is, when the StopOnError, StopOnSuccess, or StopOnSuccessOrError policy was used for the parent, the child group's result is reported according to the Result column and to the child group's workflow policy row in the table above.
Variable Documentation
const Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::continueOnError
A convenient global group's element describing the ContinueOnError workflow policy.
const Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::continueOnSuccess
A convenient global group's element describing the ContinueOnSuccess workflow policy.
const Tasking::ExecutableItem Tasking::errorItem
A convenient global executable element containing an empty, erroneous, synchronous task.
This is useful in if-statements to indicate that a branch ends with an error:
const ExecutableItem conditionalTask = ...; Group group { stopOnError, If (conditionalTask) >> Then { ... } >> Else { errorItem }, nextTask };
In the above example, if the conditionalTask
finishes with an error, the Else
branch is chosen, which finishes immediately with an error. This causes the nextTask
to be skipped (because of the stopOnError workflow policy of the group
) and the group
finishes with an error.
See also successItem.
const Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::finishAllAndError
A convenient global group's element describing the FinishAllAndError workflow policy.
const Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::finishAllAndSuccess
A convenient global group's element describing the FinishAllAndSuccess workflow policy.
const Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::nullItem
A convenient global group's element indicating a no-op item.
This is useful in conditional expressions to indicate the absence of an optional element:
const ExecutableItem task = ...; const std::optional<ExecutableItem> optionalTask = ...; Group group { task, optionalTask ? *optionalTask : nullItem };
const Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::parallel
A convenient global group's element describing the parallel execution mode.
All the direct child tasks of a group are started after the group is started, without waiting for the previous child tasks to finish. In this mode, all child tasks run simultaneously.
See also sequential and parallelLimit().
const Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::parallelIdealThreadCountLimit
A convenient global group's element describing the parallel execution mode with a limited number of tasks running simultanously. The limit is equal to the ideal number of threads excluding the calling thread.
This is a shortcut to:
See also parallel and parallelLimit().
const Tasking::ParallelLimitFunctor Tasking::parallelLimit
A convenient global group's element describing the parallel execution mode with a limited number of tasks running simultanously.
See also sequential and parallel.
const Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::sequential
A convenient global group's element describing the sequential execution mode.
This is the default execution mode of the Group element.
When a Group has no execution mode, it runs in the sequential mode. All the direct child tasks of a group are started in a chain, so that when one task finishes, the next one starts. This enables you to pass the results from the previous task as input to the next task before it starts. This mode guarantees that the next task is started only after the previous task finishes.
See also parallel and parallelLimit().
const Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::stopOnError
A convenient global group's element describing the StopOnError workflow policy.
This is the default workflow policy of the Group element.
const Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::stopOnSuccess
A convenient global group's element describing the StopOnSuccess workflow policy.
const Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::stopOnSuccessOrError
A convenient global group's element describing the StopOnSuccessOrError workflow policy.
const Tasking::ExecutableItem Tasking::successItem
A convenient global executable element containing an empty, successful, synchronous task.
This is useful in if-statements to indicate that a branch ends with success:
const ExecutableItem conditionalTask = ...; Group group { stopOnDone, If (conditionalTask) >> Then { ... } >> Else { successItem }, nextTask };
In the above example, if the conditionalTask
finishes with an error, the Else
branch is chosen, which finishes immediately with success. This causes the nextTask
to be skipped (because of the stopOnDone workflow policy of the group
) and the group
finishes with success.
See also errorItem.
const Tasking::WorkflowPolicyFunctor Tasking::workflowPolicy
A convenient global group's element that describes workflow policies.
Function Documentation
template <typename Handler> Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::onGroupDone(Handler &&handler, Tasking::CallDoneIf callDoneIf = CallDoneIf::SuccessOrError)
Constructs a group's element holding the group done handler. By default, the handler is invoked whenever the group finishes. Pass a non-default value for the callDoneIf argument when you want the handler to be called only on a successful or failed execution. Depending on the group's workflow policy, this handler may also be called when the running group is canceled (e.g. when stopOnError element was used).
The passed handler is of the std::function<DoneResult(DoneWith)>
type. Optionally, each of the return DoneResult type or the argument DoneWith type may be omitted (that is, its return type may be void
). For more information on a possible handler type, refer to GroupItem::GroupDoneHandler.
When the handler is invoked, all of the group's child tasks are already finished.
If a group contains the Storage elements, the handler is invoked before the storages are destructed, so that the handler may still perform a last read of the active storages' data.
See also GroupItem::GroupDoneHandler and onGroupSetup().
template <typename Handler> Tasking::GroupItem Tasking::onGroupSetup(Handler &&handler)
Constructs a group's element holding the group setup handler. The handler is invoked whenever the group starts.
The passed handler is either of the std::function<SetupResult()>
or the std::function<void()>
type. For more information on a possible handler type, refer to GroupItem::GroupSetupHandler.
When the handler is invoked, none of the group's child tasks are running yet.
If a group contains the Storage elements, the handler is invoked after the storages are constructed, so that the handler may already perform some initial modifications to the active storages.
See also GroupItem::GroupSetupHandler and onGroupDone().
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