Installing Qt for Android Automotive

If you have not already done so please contact Qt sales to discuss access to the Qt for Android Automotive deliverable for your Qt Account.

Installing with a QBSP

Go to your Qt account downloads page and select Qt for Android Automotive from the product drop down menu.

Next download the QBSP files and Follow step 1 of the QBSP install guide.

Follow any instructions regarding current Qt for Android Automotive Known Issues and Limitations.

Installing with the Qt Online Installer

Go to Get and Install Qt and follow the instructions there, making sure at step 3 to select Custom Installation and then select the following components:

  • Qt for Android Automotive
  • Under the same Qt Version that you selected for Qt for Android Automotive, select:
    • Qt for Android
    • Qt Quick Timeline
    • Under Add-ons select the following:
      • Qt Interface Framework
      • Qt Remote Objects

First time setup

If this is your first time installing Qt for Android Automotive, developing with Qt for Android, or using Qt creator, you'll need to complete some additional steps to set up your build environment. Find these additional steps in the Qt for Android Automotive Quick Starter Guide.

Licenses and Attributions

Qt for Android Automotive is available under commercial license from The Qt Company. The license terms and conditions are available at https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions/.

See Licenses used in Qt for Android Automotive for more information.

Available under certain Qt licenses.
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