AndroidDriverDistraction QML Type

Helper type that allows following user experience (UX) restriction state changes. More...

Import Statement: import QtAndroidAutomotive.Vehicle
Since: Qt 6.4



Detailed Description

The Driver Distraction feature is described in Driver Distraction Guidelines.

Property Documentation

currentRestrictions : QAndroidDriverDistraction::QRestrictions

This property holds the current Car UX Restrictions state.

maxContentDepth : int

This property holds the current maximum content depth.

maxCumulativeContentItems : int

This property holds the current maximum cumulative content items.

maxRestrictedStringLength : int

This property holds the current maximum restricted string length.

Signal Documentation

void maxContentDepthChanged(int maxContentDepth)

This signal is emitted when the maximum allowable number of content depth levels or view traversals through any one path in a single task changed. The maxContentDepth indicates the new maximum number of content depth.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMaxContentDepthChanged.

void maxCumulativeContentItemsChanged(int maxCumulativeContentItems)

This signal is emitted when the maximum allowable number of content items that can be displayed to a user, during traversal through any one path in a single task, has changed. The maxCumulativeContentItems indicates the new maximum allowable number of content items.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMaxCumulativeContentItemsChanged.

void maxRestrictedStringLengthChanged(int maxRestrictedStringLength)

This signal is emitted when the maximum length of general purpose strings that can be displayed levels or view traversals through any one path in a single task changed. The maxRestrictedStringLength indicates the new maximum string length.

Note: The corresponding handler is onMaxRestrictedStringLengthChanged.

void restrictionsChanged(QAndroidDriverDistraction::QRestrictions restrictions)

This signal is emitted when Car UX Restrictions that are active have changed. The restrictions indicates the new combination of the Car UX Restrictions.

Note: The corresponding handler is onRestrictionsChanged.

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