Qt Quick 3D Xr Examples

This is a list of all examples included in Qt Quick 3D Xr:

Qt Quick 3D - XR Freeform Teleportation Example

Demonstrates how to make a simple locomotion in Qt Quick 3D XR.

Qt Quick 3D - XR Simple Example

Demonstrates setting up a simple VR scene with Qt Quick 3D XR.

Qt Quick 3D - XR Simple Input Example

Demonstrates controller input in Qt Quick 3D XR.

Qt Quick 3D - XR Simple Touch Example

Demonstrates hand-tracking input in Qt Quick 3D Xr.

Qt Quick 3D - XR Spatial Anchors Example

Demonstrates how to use spatial anchors in Qt Quick 3D XR.

Running the Example

To run the example from Qt Creator, open the Welcome mode and select the example from Examples. For more information, visit Building and Running an Example.

Make sure you have selected the correct target device and kit combination.

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