GrpcHttp2Channel QML Type

HTTP/2 QML channel. More...

Import Statement: import QtGrpc
Since: Qt 6.7
In C++: QGrpcHttp2Channel


Detailed Description

Implements the QAbstractGrpcChannel interface for HTTP/2 channel type. It allows to set QGrpcChannelOptions options required for a channel creation and returns a pointer to the QAbstractGrpcChannel-based object.

Note: You can inherit from QGrpcChannelOptions for importing custom channel in QML.

See also QGrpcHttp2Channel.

Property Documentation

hostUri : QUrl

Sets a host URL for the channel.

Note: host is REQUIRED property. It must be set for object creation.

See also QGrpcHttp2Channel::hostUri.

options : GrpcChannelOptions

Returns a pointer to the GrpcChannelOptions object.

See also QGrpcChannelOptions.

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