Unresolved type

This category contains following warnings:

  • Type is used but is not resolved
  • Type was not found for the return type of method
  • Type was not found for the type of parameter in method
  • Property has incomplete type; You may be missing an import
  • Type of property not found; This is likely due to a missing dependency entry or a type not being exposed declaratively
  • Type of property not fully resolved; This is likely due to a missing dependency entry or a type not being exposed declaratively
  • Type not found in namespace

These warnings usually indicate missing imports or faulty QML modules, depending on whether you are using or writing a QML module.

This warning category is spelled [unresolved-type] by qmllint.

For QML module users

What happened?

You used a type that was not found by QML tooling. It usually indicates a potential typo, a missing import, or improperly set up import paths.

Why is this bad?

The type can't be found by QML tooling, and most likely not by the QML engine.



import QtQuick

Itme { ... }

To fix this warning, correct the typo:

import QtQuick

Item { ... }

Missing import statement

Item { ... }

To fix this warning, import the module that exposes Item:

import QtQuick

Item { ... }

If adding the import statement does not help, take a look at your import paths.

If you get this warning via QML Language Server, your setup might be incomplete.

For QML module authors

What happened?

The QML tooling can't find a type in your QML module. It can be a type that you expose to QML directly or indirectly by using it as a:

  • Base type
  • Property type
  • Signal, slot, or Q_INVOKABLE parameter type
  • Q_INVOKABLE return type

You might be missing a declarative type registration if the unresolved type is exposed by your module.

Otherwise, your QML module might have undeclared dependencies to the QML module exposing the unresolved type.

Why is this bad?

The QML tooling will not work on your types and users of your QML module will get spurious warnings that they can't fix.


Missing type registration

Refer to Defining QML Types from C++ on how to register your types declaratively. Make sure that all types and enums exposed directly and indirectly to QML are registered.

Missing QML module dependency

Let MyItem be a C++ type in your QML module:

class MyItem: public QQuickItem {
    Q_PROPERTY(SomeType someProperty READ someProperty WRITE setSomeProperty NOTIFY somePropertyChanged)

The QML tooling can't resolve MyItem correctly if it can't resolve QQuickItem or SomeType first. If QQuickItem lives in the QtQuick QML module and SomeType in SomeModule, then you need to state these C++ dependencies in the QML module definition.

To achieve that, add the dependencies to the QML module definition. This can be done with DEPENDENCIES, for example:

        QtQuick # for QQuickItem to be resolved
        SomeModule # for SomeType to be resolved

Refer to declaring C++ dependencies between QML modules for more information.

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