EK-RA8D1 Kit

This topic provides board-specific information about Renesas' EK-RA8D1.

Board features

  • R7FA8D1BHECBD MCU featuring ARM® Cortex®-M85, 2 MB Flash, 1 MB SRAM
  • 4.5” 480x854 LCD Touch Display
  • 64 MB SDRAM
  • 64MB External Octo-SPI Flash

Supported color depths

The reference port for this board supports 16bpp color depth. See QUL_COLOR_DEPTH and Color depth for more information.

Building applications with prebuilt Qt Quick Ultralite libraries

Open the CMake project file for the example you want to build and configure it with the kit you created earlier. Once the project is configured, select Run or press Ctrl+r on your keyboard to build and flash the binary to the target.

Reading debug messages

By default, log data is redirected to JLink CDC UART Port (USB COM port).

Port settings

Bits per second115200
Data bits8
Stop bits1
Flow controlNone


Renesas e2 studio

Renesas e2 studio lets you debug a project using a custom configuration.

  1. Create a Bare Metal - Minimal project for EK-RA8D1.
  2. Build the project.
  3. Copy the Qt Quick Ultralite .elf file into the Debug folder of the e2 studio project.
  4. Take a copy of the original .sbd file and rename it with same name as the Qt Quick Ultralite .elf file.
  5. Select Run from the top menu.
  6. Select Debug Configurations....
  7. Select Renesas GDB Hardware Debugging.
  8. Set the Qt Quick Ultralite .elf to the C/C++ Application:.
  9. Select Apply and Close.
  10. Select Launch in 'Debug' mode.

Default FSP Configuration in Renesas e2 studio

Note: Use the default value for the property if not specified in the table.


RA Common > Main stack size (bytes)65536
RA Common > Heap size (bytes)262144


Clock settingValue
PLL2 Mulx40.0

Note: SCICLK should be 120MHz

Note: LCDCLK should be 200MHz


Add the following stacks and configure them:

Analog > ADC (r_adc)

Module > General > Nameg_adc0
Module > Input > Channel Scan Mask > Channel 2Selected
Pins > AN02P006

Connectivity > I2C Master (r_iic_master)

Module > Nameg_i2c_touch
Module > Channel1
Module > RateStandard
Module > Rise Time (ns)120
Module > Fall Time (ns)120
Module > Duty Cycle (%)50
Module > Slave Address0x00
Module > Address Mode7-bit
Module > Timeout ModeShort Mode
Module > Callbacktouch_i2c_callback
Module > Interrupt Priority LevelPriority 6
Pins > SCL1P512
Pins > SDA1P511

Connectivity > UART (r_sci_b_uart)

Module > General > Nameg_uart0
Module > General > Channel9
Module > General > Data Bits8bits
Module > General > ParityNone
Module > General > Stop Bits1bit
Module > Interrupts > Callbackuser_uart_callback
Pins > RXD9PA15
Pins > TXD9PA14

Graphics > D/AVE 2D Port Interface (r_drw)

Common > Allow Indirect ModeEnabled
Common > Memory AllocationDefault
Module D/AVE 2D Port Interface (r_drw) > D2 Device Handle Named2_handle0
Module D/AVE 2D Port Interface (r_drw) > DRW Interrupt PriorityPriority 2

Graphics > Graphics LCD (r_glcdc)

Module > General > Nameg_display0
Module > Low Power > Ultra Low Power State Wakeup Period290

MIPI Physical Layer (r_mipi_phy)

Module > DSI PLL Frequency560

Input > External IRQ (r_icu)

Module > Nameg_touch_irq
Module > Channel3
Module > TriggerFalling
Module > Digital FilteringEnabled
Module > Digital Filtering Sample ClockPCLK / 64
Module > Callbacktouch_irq_cb
Module > Pin Interrupt PriorityPriority 5

Note: Ensure that the mode of pin P510 is Output mode (Initial Low). The mode is changed to Input mode during the GT911 initialization process.

Timers > Timer, General PWM (r_gpt)

Common > Pin Output SupportEnabled
Module > General > Nameg_timer_PWM
Module > General > Channel7
Module > General > ModePWM
Module > General > Period10
Module > General > Period UnitMilliseconds
Module > Output > Duty Cycle Percent75
Module > Output > GTIOCB Output EnabledTrue
Pins > GTIOCBP404

Note: When setting the GTIOCB pin, ensure that the Operation Mode of the GPT Timer is GTIOCA or GTIOCB, and pin P404 is in Peripheral mode.

Known issues or limitations

  • The external 64 MB Octo-SPI flash memory is not supported in the technology preview.

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