
The following prerequisites must be installed to start developing for the different target platforms on the Linux and Windows host. You can download the Qt Online Installer from your Qt account.

The following table lists all the common and board-specific prerequisites:

Use Qt Online Installer to install the following prerequisites:

  • Qt for MCUs SDK
  • Qt Creator v13.0.0 or newer
  • CMake 3.21.1 or newer
  • Ninja 1.10.0 or newer
  • ARM Toolchain 12.3.rel1 or IAR Build Tools for Arm V9.40, depending on which toolchain you are using

    Note: IAR Build Tools for Arm V9.40 needs to be installed separately (available from IAR Systems).

Use Qt Online Installer to install the following prerequisites:

  • For BareMetal and FreeRTOS targets:
    • MCUXpresso IDE
    • MCUXpresso board SDK:
      • MIMXRT1050-EVKB - MCUXpresso SDK 24.12.00
      • MIMXRT1060-EVKB - MCUXpresso SDK 24.12.00
      • MIMXRT1064-EVK - MCUXpresso SDK 24.12.00
      • MIMXRT1170-EVKB - MCUXpresso SDK 2.16.000
  • For MCIMX93-EVK:
    • Boot to Qt Software Stack 6.6.3, NXP i.MX 93 11x11 LPDDR4X EVK Linux System and Linux Toolchain packages

Use Qt Online Installer to install the following prerequisites:

  • For EK-RA8D1:
    • Flexible Software Package (FSP) source code v5.2.0.

Install the following separately as Qt Online Installer does not provide these:

Use Qt Online Installer to install the following prerequisites:

  • STM Cube Programmer 2.17.0 or newer
  • STM32Cube board SDK:
    • STM32F769I-DISCOVERY - STM32CubeF7 SDK 1.17.2 or newer
    • STM32H750B-DISCOVERY - STM32CubeH7 SDK 1.11.2
  • Udev rules that provide access to the plugged devices for flashing. The STM32Cube programmer or STM32Cube IDE provides the following files, containing the Udev rules:
    • 49-stlinkv1.rules
    • 49-stlinkv2-1.rules
    • 49-stlinkv2.rule
    • 49-stlinkv3.rules
    • 50-usb-conf.rules

    Copy the relevant ones to /etc/udev/rules.d.

In addition, flash the bootloader image to the device if required. For more information, see Bootloader Flashing Instructions for ST boards.

Install the following separately as Qt Online Installer does not provide these:

  • Get these tools either from Green Hills Software or IAR:
    • Green Hills MULTI Compiler for Embedded ARM. Qt for MCUs is tested against Compiler version 2017.1 of Green Hills MULTI Compiler for Embedded ARM.
    • IAR Build Tools for Arm. Qt for MCUs is tested against version 8.22.3 of IAR Functional Safety Build Tools for Arm.
  • Contact your local Infineon sales or distributor, or contact Qt Support to get access to the following software:
    • For TVII-C-2D-6M-327-SET (REV-01), TVII-C-2D-6M-327-REF, TVII-C-2D-4M-216-SET (REV-01), KIT_T2G_C-2D-4M_LITE (Rev-01), and KIT_T2G_C-2D-6M_LITE (Rev-02):
      • Graphics Driver for TRAVEO T2G Cluster Series V2.4.0, make sure both the LIB and SDK packages are installed.
      • Qt Quick Ultralite will not work properly with the TVII-GraphicsDriver-G2M-V2.4.0 graphics driver when using the IAR toolchain on TVII-C-2D-6M-327-SET (REV-01). Make sure to use the non-G2M TVII-GraphicsDriver-V2.4.0.
    • For TVII-C-2D-6M-327-CPU REV-B:
      • Graphics Driver for TRAVEO T2G Cluster Series V1.2.1, the LIB and SDK packages.
    • For TVII-C-2D-6M-500-CPU REV-B only:
      • Graphics Driver for TRAVEO T2G Cluster Series V1.1.0, including the SRC, LIB and SDK packages.
    • Infineon Auto Flash Utility 1.4 to be able to flash the built executables to the device.
    • A MiniProg4 Debug Kit if flashing directly from Qt Creator.

In addition, flash the bootloader image to the device if required. For more information, see Bootloader Flashing Instructions for Infineon boards.

After installing these prerequisites, launch the Qt Creator IDE to automatically generate kits for all the available targets. If you don't find the kit for a specific target, update the requirements for the target and restart Qt Creator. For more information, refer to Qt Creator setup.

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