List of All Members for QtPositioning
Dies ist die vollständige Liste der Mitglieder von QtPositioning, einschließlich der geerbten Mitglieder.
- geocircle circle()
- geocircle circle(coordinate center, real radius)
- point coordToMercator(coordinate coord)
- coordinate coordinate()
- coordinate coordinate(real latitude, real longitude, real altitude)
- coordinate mercatorToCoord(point mercator)
- geopath path()
- geopath path(list<coordinate> coordinates, real width)
- geopolygon polygon()
- geopolygon polygon(list<coordinate> coordinates)
- geopolygon polygon(list<coordinate> perimeter, list<list<coordinate>> holes)
- georectangle rectangle()
- georectangle rectangle(list<coordinate> coordinates)
- georectangle rectangle(coordinate topLeft, coordinate bottomRight)
- georectangle rectangle(coordinate center, real width, real height)
- geoshape shape()
- geocircle shapeToCircle(geoshape shape)
- geopath shapeToPath(geoshape shape)
- geopolygon shapeToPolygon(geoshape shape)
- georectangle shapeToRectangle(geoshape shape)
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