List of All Members for Locale
Dies ist die vollständige Liste der Mitglieder von Locale, einschließlich der vererbten Mitglieder.
- amText : string
- decimalPoint : string
- exponential : string
- firstDayOfWeek : enumeration
- groupSeparator : string
- measurementSystem : enumeration
- name : string
- nativeCountryName : string
(deprecated in 6.4)
- nativeLanguageName : string
- nativeTerritoryName : string
- negativeSign : string
- numberOptions : enumeration
- percent : string
- pmText : string
- positiveSign : string
- textDirection : enumeration
- uiLanguages : Array<string>
- weekDays : Array<int>
- zeroDigit : string
- string currencySymbol(format)
- string dateFormat(type)
- string dateTimeFormat(type)
- string dayName(day, type)
- string formattedDataSize(int bytes, int precision, DataSizeFormat format)
(since 6.2)
- string monthName(month, type)
- string standaloneDayName(day, type)
- string standaloneMonthName(month, type)
- string timeFormat(type)
- string toString(int i)
(since 6.5)
- string toString(Date date, FormatType format)
(since 6.5)
- string toString(Date date, string format)
(since 6.5)
- string toString(double f, char format, int precision)
(since 6.5)
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