List of All Members for View3D
Dies ist die vollständige Liste der Mitglieder von View3D, einschließlich der vererbten Mitglieder.
- camera : QtQuick3D::Camera
- effectiveTextureSize : size
(since 6.7)
- environment : QtQuick3D::SceneEnvironment
- explicitTextureHeight : int
(since 6.7)
- explicitTextureWidth : int
(since 6.7)
- extensions : List<QtQuick3D::Object3D>
- importScene : QtQuick3D::Node
- renderFormat : enumeration
(since 6.4)
- renderMode : enumeration
- renderStats : QtQuick3D::RenderStats
- scene : QtQuick3D::Node
- vector3d mapFrom3DScene(vector3d scenePos)
- vector3d mapTo3DScene(vector3d viewPos)
- pickResult pick(float x, float y)
- pickResult pick(float x, float y, Model model)
(since 6.8)
- List<pickResult> pickAll(float x, float y)
(since 6.2)
- List<pickResult> pickSubset(float x, float y, list<Model> models)
(since 6.8)
- pickResult rayPick(vector3d origin, vector3d direction)
(since 6.2)
- List<pickResult> rayPickAll(vector3d origin, vector3d direction)
(since 6.2)
- setTouchpoint(Item target, point position, int pointId, bool pressed)
(since 6.8)
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