Qt 6.3의 새로운 클래스와 함수

이 페이지에는 Qt 6.3에 도입된 모든 새로운 클래스와 함수의 종합적인 목록이 포함되어 있습니다.

새 클래스

신규 회원 기능

클래스 QAbstract3DGraph:

(since 6.3) bool hasSeries(QAbstract3DSeries *series) const

클래스 QBluetoothDeviceInfo:

(since 6.3) QMultiHash<QBluetoothUuid, QByteArray> serviceData() const
(since 6.3) QByteArray serviceData(const QBluetoothUuid &serviceId) const
(since 6.3) QList<QBluetoothUuid> serviceIds() const
(since 6.3) bool setServiceData(const QBluetoothUuid &serviceId, const QByteArray &data)

클래스 QByteArray:

(since 6.3) bool isValidUtf8() const

클래스 QByteArrayList:

(since 6.3) QByteArray join(QByteArrayView separator) const

클래스 QByteArrayMatcher:

(since 6.3) qsizetype indexIn(QByteArrayView data, qsizetype from) const

클래스 QByteArrayView:

(since 6.3) bool isValidUtf8() const
(since 6.3) double toDouble(bool *ok) const
(since 6.3) float toFloat(bool *ok) const
(since 6.3) int toInt(bool *ok, int base) const
(since 6.3) long toLong(bool *ok, int base) const
(since 6.3) qlonglong toLongLong(bool *ok, int base) const
(since 6.3) short toShort(bool *ok, int base) const
(since 6.3) uint toUInt(bool *ok, int base) const
(since 6.3) ulong toULong(bool *ok, int base) const
(since 6.3) qulonglong toULongLong(bool *ok, int base) const
(since 6.3) ushort toUShort(bool *ok, int base) const
(since 6.3) QByteArrayView trimmed() const

클래스 QCborArray:

(since 6.3) QCborArray fromJsonArray(QJsonArray &&array)

클래스 QCborMap:

(since 6.3) QCborMap fromJsonObject(QJsonObject &&obj)

클래스 QCollator:

(since 6.3) int defaultCompare(QStringView s1, QStringView s2)
(since 6.3) QCollatorSortKey defaultSortKey(QStringView key)

클래스 QCryptographicHash:

(since 6.3) QByteArrayView resultView() const

클래스 QDebug:

(since 6.3) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QVarLengthArray<T, P> &array)

클래스 QDir:

(since 6.3) bool mkdir(const QString &dirName, QFileDevice::Permissions permissions) const

클래스 QDirIterator:

(since 6.3) QFileInfo nextFileInfo()

클래스 QDoubleValidator:

(since 6.3) virtual void fixup(QString &input) const override

클래스 QFile:

(since 6.3) std::filesystem::path filesystemSymLinkTarget() const
(since 6.3) std::filesystem::path filesystemSymLinkTarget(const std::filesystem::path &fileName)
(since 6.3) bool open(QIODeviceBase::OpenMode mode, QFileDevice::Permissions permissions)

클래스 QFontComboBox:

(since 6.3) std::optional<QFont> displayFont(const QString &fontFamily) const
(since 6.3) QString sampleTextForFont(const QString &fontFamily) const
(since 6.3) QString sampleTextForSystem(QFontDatabase::WritingSystem writingSystem) const
(since 6.3) void setDisplayFont(const QString &fontFamily, const QFont &font)
(since 6.3) void setSampleTextForFont(const QString &fontFamily, const QString &sampleText)
(since 6.3) void setSampleTextForSystem(QFontDatabase::WritingSystem writingSystem, const QString &sampleText)

클래스 QFontMetrics:

(since 6.3) QRect boundingRect(const QString &text, const QTextOption &option) const
(since 6.3) int horizontalAdvance(const QString &text, const QTextOption &option) const
(since 6.3) QRect tightBoundingRect(const QString &text, const QTextOption &option) const

클래스 QFontMetricsF:

(since 6.3) QRectF boundingRect(const QString &text, const QTextOption &option) const
(since 6.3) qreal horizontalAdvance(const QString &text, const QTextOption &option) const
(since 6.3) QRectF tightBoundingRect(const QString &text, const QTextOption &option) const

클래스 QInputDevice:

(since 6.3) QStringList seatNames()

클래스 QLatin1StringView:

(since 6.3) qsizetype lastIndexOf(QChar ch, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const

클래스 QLocalServer:

(since 6.3) int listenBacklogSize() const
(since 6.3) void setListenBacklogSize(int size)

클래스 QLocale:

(since 6.3) QLocale::Language codeToLanguage(QStringView languageCode, QLocale::LanguageCodeTypes codeTypes)
(since 6.3) QString languageToCode(QLocale::Language language, QLocale::LanguageCodeTypes codeTypes)

클래스 QEGLContext:

(since 6.3) virtual EGLConfig config() const = 0
(since 6.3) virtual EGLDisplay display() const = 0

클래스 QNetworkInformation:

(since 6.3) bool loadDefaultBackend()
(since 6.3) QNetworkInformation::Features supportedFeatures() const

클래스 QNetworkReply:

(since 6.3) void requestSent()
(since 6.3) void socketStartedConnecting()

클래스 QObject:

(since 6.3) QList<T> findChildren(Qt::FindChildOptions options) const

클래스 QOpcUaClient:

(since 6.3) QOpcUaHistoryReadResponse *readHistoryData(const QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest &request)

클래스 QOpcUaLocalizedText:

(since 6.3) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QOpcUaLocalizedText &text)

클래스 QOpcUaNode:

(since 6.3) QOpcUaHistoryReadResponse *readHistoryRaw(const QDateTime &startTime, const QDateTime &endTime, quint32 numValues, bool returnBounds)

클래스 QOpcUaQualifiedName:

(since 6.3) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QOpcUaQualifiedName &name)

클래스 QProcessEnvironment:

(since 6.3) bool inheritsFromParent() const

클래스 QQuickItem:

(since 6.3) void dumpItemTree() const
(since 6.3) void ensurePolished()

클래스 QQuickRenderTarget:

(since 6.3) qreal devicePixelRatio() const
(since 6.3) void setDevicePixelRatio(qreal ratio)

클래스 QRegularExpressionMatch:

(since 6.3) bool hasCaptured(QAnyStringView name) const
(since 6.3) bool hasCaptured(int nth) const

클래스 QSemaphore:

(since 6.3) bool tryAcquire(int n, std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> timeout)
(since 6.3) bool try_acquire()
(since 6.3) bool try_acquire_for(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &timeout)
(since 6.3) bool try_acquire_until(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> &tp)

클래스 QString:

(since 6.3) qsizetype lastIndexOf(QChar ch, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const

클래스 QStringView:

(since 6.3) qsizetype lastIndexOf(QChar c, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const

클래스 QTableWidgetSelectionRange:

(since 6.3) bool operator!=(const QTableWidgetSelectionRange &lhs, const QTableWidgetSelectionRange &rhs)
(since 6.3) bool operator==(const QTableWidgetSelectionRange &lhs, const QTableWidgetSelectionRange &rhs)

클래스 QTcpServer:

(since 6.3) int listenBacklogSize() const
(since 6.3) void setListenBacklogSize(int size)

클래스 QThreadPool:

(since 6.3) void startOnReservedThread(QRunnable *runnable)
(since 6.3) void startOnReservedThread(Callable &&callableToRun)

클래스 QUrl:

(since 6.3) QString fromAce(const QByteArray &domain, QUrl::AceProcessingOptions options)
(since 6.3) QByteArray toAce(const QString &domain, QUrl::AceProcessingOptions options)

클래스 QUtf8StringView:

(since 6.3) bool isValidUtf8() const

Class QVarLengthArray:

(since 6.3) QVarLengthArray<T, Prealloc>::iterator emplace(QVarLengthArray<T, Prealloc>::const_iterator pos, Args &&... args)
(since 6.3) T &emplace_back(Args &&... args)

클래스 QWidget:

(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QString &text)
(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text)
(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut)
(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut)
(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QString &text, Args &&... args)
(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, Args &&... args)
(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, Args &&... args)
(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, Args &&... args)
(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type)
(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type)
(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type)
(since 6.3) QAction *addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QKeySequence &shortcut, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type)

네임스페이스의 새로운 함수

(since 6.3) void failOnWarning(const char *message)
(since 6.3) void failOnWarning(const QRegularExpression &messagePattern)
(since 6.3) QFuture<OutputSequence> whenAll(InputIt first, InputIt last)
(since 6.3) QFuture<OutputSequence> whenAll(Futures &&... futures)
(since 6.3) QFuture<QtFuture::WhenAnyResult<T>> whenAny(InputIt first, InputIt last)
(since 6.3) QFuture<std::variant<std::decay_t<Futures>...>> whenAny(Futures &&... futures)

새로운 전역 함수

(since 6.3) const char *qWebEngineChromiumSecurityPatchVersion()

새로운 매크로

(since 6.3) QT_TRID_N_NOOP(id)
(since 6.3) QVERIFY_THROWS_EXCEPTION(exceptiontype, ...)
(since 6.3) Q_APPLICATION_STATIC(Type, VariableName, ...)

새로운 열거형 유형

(since 6.3) enum class TransportMedium { Unknown, Ethernet, Cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth }
(since 6.3) enum Initialization { InheritFromParent }
(since 6.3) enum AceProcessingOption { IgnoreIDNWhitelist, AceTransitionalProcessing }

새로운 열거형 값

새로운 프로퍼티

새로운 변수

(since 6.3) MacOSMonterey
(since 6.3) Windows10_1809
(since 6.3) Windows10_1903
(since 6.3) Windows10_1909
(since 6.3) Windows10_2004
(since 6.3) Windows10_20H2
(since 6.3) Windows10_21H1
(since 6.3) Windows10_21H2
(since 6.3) Windows11

새로운 QML 유형

새로운 QML 속성

QML 유형 Bar3DSeries:

(since 6.3) rowColors : list<ThemeColor>

QML 유형 Bars3D:

(since 6.3) barSeriesMargin : size

QML 유형 FileInstancing:

(since 6.3) instanceCount : int

QML 유형 HeightMapSurfaceDataProxy:

(since 6.3) autoScaleY : real
(since 6.3) maxYValue : real
(since 6.3) minYValue : real

QML 유형 HoverHandler:

(since 6.3) blocking : bool

QML Type InstanceList:

(since 6.3) instanceCount : int

QML Type ParticleSystem3DLogging:

(since 6.3) timeDeviation : real

QML Type SpriteParticle3D:

(since 6.3) lights : list<Light>
(since 6.3) offsetX : real
(since 6.3) offsetY : real

QML Type Surface3DSeries:

(since 6.3) wireframeColor : color

QML Type TextMetrics:

(since 6.3) renderType : enumeration

QML Type WheelHandler:

(since 6.3) blocking : bool

새로운 QML 메서드

QML Type AbstractGraph3D:

(since 6.3) bool hasSeries(Abstract3DSeries series)

QML 유형 Instancing:

(since 6.3) color instanceColor(int index)
(since 6.3) vector3d instanceCustomData(int index)
(since 6.3) vector3d instancePosition(int index)
(since 6.3) quaternion instanceRotation(int index)
(since 6.3) vector3d instanceScale(int index)

QML 유형 Item:

(since 6.3) dumpItemTree()

QML 유형 TestCase:

(since 6.3) failOnWarning(message)

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