
Make sure you have the following prerequisites before downloading and configuring your Qt Insight Private Cloud:

  • AWS account
  • Domain names for the main and subdomains
  • SSL certificates
  • OAuth-compatible identity provider.

Creating an AWS account

Qt Insight Private Cloud is deployed to your own AWS environment.

On an AWS account, create an admin user and access key, and set it up with your AWS command-line interface (AWS CLI) profile file.

For more information, see create a standalone AWS account.

Choosing domain names

  1. Choose a main domain name for your private cloud deployment (for example, insight.myorganisation.org).

    Note: Qt Insight Private Cloud deployment creates two subdomains under the main domain; one for the web application, and one for the event collector.

  2. Choose names for the subdomains. For example:
    • app.insight.myorganisation.org
    • collect.insight.myorganisation.org

For more information, see Configuring DNS delegation.

Creating SSL certificates

The two subdomain names require SSL certificates. Create these manually with your SSL provider, or use the AWS Certification Manager to request the certificates.

Note: If you create the certificates manually, you will need to import them into AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). For more information, see importing certificates into AWS Certificate Manager.

Configuring an OAuth identity provider

You will also need an OAuth-compatible identity provider (for example, Azure AD or Auth0). Qt Insight Private Cloud uses OAuth to authenticate users.

For details on how to configure an OAuth-compatible identity provider, see Setting up an OAuth identity provider.

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