Qt Quick 3D - ボリュームレンダリングの例
Qt Quick 3D でボリュームレンダリングを行う方法を説明します。
このアプリケーションはQMLを使用しており、ApplicationWindow 、ボリュームを含むView3D 、設定を含むScrollView 。ボリュームをレンダリングするために、View3D オブジェクトにシーンを作成し、中央に立方体モデルを配置します。
Model { id: cubeModel source: "#Cube" visible: true materials: CustomMaterial { shadingMode: CustomMaterial.Unshaded vertexShader: "alpha_blending.vert" fragmentShader: "alpha_blending.frag" property TextureInput volume: TextureInput { texture: Texture { textureData: VolumeTextureData { id: volumeTextureData source: "file:///default_colormap" dataType: dataTypeComboBox.currentText ? dataTypeComboBox.currentText : "uint8" width: parseInt(dataWidth.text) height: parseInt(dataHeight.text) depth: parseInt(dataDepth.text) } minFilter: Texture.Nearest mipFilter: Texture.None magFilter: Texture.Nearest tilingModeHorizontal: Texture.ClampToEdge tilingModeVertical: Texture.ClampToEdge //tilingModeDepth: Texture.ClampToEdge // Qt 6.7 } } property TextureInput colormap: TextureInput { enabled: true texture: Texture { id: colormapTexture tilingModeHorizontal: Texture.ClampToEdge source: getColormapSource(colormapCombo.currentIndex) } } property real stepLength: Math.max(0.0001, parseFloat( stepLengthText.text, 1 / cubeModel.maxSide)) property real minSide: 1 / cubeModel.minSide property real stepAlpha: stepAlphaSlider.value property bool multipliedAlpha: multipliedAlphaBox.checked property real tMin: tSlider.first.value property real tMax: tSlider.second.value property vector3d sliceMin: sliceSliderMin( xSliceSlider.value, xSliceWidthSlider.value, ySliceSlider.value, ySliceWidthSlider.value, zSliceSlider.value, zSliceWidthSlider.value) property vector3d sliceMax: sliceSliderMax( xSliceSlider.value, xSliceWidthSlider.value, ySliceSlider.value, ySliceWidthSlider.value, zSliceSlider.value, zSliceWidthSlider.value) sourceBlend: CustomMaterial.SrcAlpha destinationBlend: CustomMaterial.OneMinusSrcAlpha } property real maxSide: Math.max(parseInt(dataWidth.text), parseInt(dataHeight.text), parseInt(dataDepth.text)) property real minSide: Math.min(parseInt(dataWidth.text), parseInt(dataHeight.text), parseInt(dataDepth.text)) scale: Qt.vector3d(parseFloat(scaleWidth.text), parseFloat(scaleHeight.text), parseFloat(scaleDepth.text)) Model { visible: drawBoundingBox.checked geometry: LineBoxGeometry {} materials: DefaultMaterial { diffuseColor: "#323232" lighting: DefaultMaterial.NoLighting } receivesShadows: false castsShadows: false } Model { visible: drawBoundingBox.checked geometry: LineBoxGeometry {} materials: DefaultMaterial { diffuseColor: "#323232" lighting: DefaultMaterial.NoLighting } receivesShadows: false castsShadows: false position: sliceBoxPosition(xSliceSlider.value, ySliceSlider.value, zSliceSlider.value, xSliceWidthSlider.value, ySliceWidthSlider.value, zSliceWidthSlider.value) scale: Qt.vector3d(xSliceWidthSlider.value, ySliceWidthSlider.value, zSliceWidthSlider.value) } }
property TextureInput volume: TextureInput { texture: Texture { textureData: VolumeTextureData { id: volumeTextureData source: "file:///default_colormap" dataType: dataTypeComboBox.currentText ? dataTypeComboBox.currentText : "uint8" width: parseInt(dataWidth.text) height: parseInt(dataHeight.text) depth: parseInt(dataDepth.text) } minFilter: Texture.Nearest mipFilter: Texture.None magFilter: Texture.Nearest tilingModeHorizontal: Texture.ClampToEdge tilingModeVertical: Texture.ClampToEdge //tilingModeDepth: Texture.ClampToEdge // Qt 6.7 } }
Model { visible: drawBoundingBox.checked geometry: LineBoxGeometry {} materials: DefaultMaterial { diffuseColor: "#323232" lighting: DefaultMaterial.NoLighting } receivesShadows: false castsShadows: false } Model { visible: drawBoundingBox.checked geometry: LineBoxGeometry {} materials: DefaultMaterial { diffuseColor: "#323232" lighting: DefaultMaterial.NoLighting } receivesShadows: false castsShadows: false position: sliceBoxPosition(xSliceSlider.value, ySliceSlider.value, zSliceSlider.value, xSliceWidthSlider.value, ySliceWidthSlider.value, zSliceWidthSlider.value) scale: Qt.vector3d(xSliceWidthSlider.value, ySliceWidthSlider.value, zSliceWidthSlider.value) }
void MAIN() { POSITION = MODELVIEWPROJECTION_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0); ray_direction_model = VERTEX - (inverse(MODEL_MATRIX) * vec4(CAMERA_POSITION, 1.0)).xyz; }
void MAIN() { FRAGCOLOR = vec4(0); // The camera position (eye) in model space const vec3 ray_origin_model = (inverse(MODEL_MATRIX) * vec4(CAMERA_POSITION, 1)).xyz; // Get the ray intersection with the sliced box float t_0, t_1; const vec3 top_sliced = vec3(100)*sliceMax - vec3(50); const vec3 bottom_sliced = vec3(100)*sliceMin - vec3(50); if (!ray_box_intersection(ray_origin_model, ray_direction_model, bottom_sliced, top_sliced, t_0, t_1)) return; // No ray intersection with sliced box, nothing to render // Get the start/end points of the ray in original box const vec3 top = vec3(50, 50, 50); const vec3 bottom = vec3(-50, -50, -50); const vec3 ray_start = (ray_origin_model + ray_direction_model * t_0 - bottom) / (top - bottom); const vec3 ray_stop = (ray_origin_model + ray_direction_model * t_1 - bottom) / (top - bottom); vec3 ray = ray_stop - ray_start; float ray_length = length(ray); vec3 step_vector = stepLength * ray / ray_length; vec3 position = ray_start; // Ray march until reaching the end of the volume, or color saturation while (ray_length > 0) { ray_length -= stepLength; position += step_vector; float val = textureLod(volume, position, 0).r; if (val == 0 || val < tMin || val > tMax) continue; const float alpha = multipliedAlpha ? val * stepAlpha : stepAlpha; vec4 val_color = vec4(textureLod(colormap, vec2(val, 0.5), 0).rgb, alpha); // Opacity correction val_color.a = 1.0 - pow(max(0.0, 1.0 - val_color.a), 1.0); FRAGCOLOR.rgb += (1.0 - FRAGCOLOR.a) * val_color.a * val_color.rgb; FRAGCOLOR.a += (1.0 - FRAGCOLOR.a) * val_color.a; if (FRAGCOLOR.a >= 0.95) break; } }
ボリュームモデルを制御するために、アークボールコントローラを実装したArcballControllerというカスタムItemを追加し、モデルを自由に回転できるようにします。マウスをクリックして動かすと、DragHandler が ArcballController にコマンドを送ります。WheelHandler は、カメラのズーム機能を追加します。
ArcballController { id: arcballController controlledObject: cubeModel function jumpToAxis(axis) { cameraRotation.from = arcballController.controlledObject.rotation cameraRotation.to = originGizmo.quaternionForAxis( axis, arcballController.controlledObject.rotation) cameraRotation.duration = 200 cameraRotation.start() } function jumpToRotation(qRotation) { cameraRotation.from = arcballController.controlledObject.rotation cameraRotation.to = qRotation cameraRotation.duration = 100 cameraRotation.start() } QuaternionAnimation { id: cameraRotation target: arcballController.controlledObject property: "rotation" type: QuaternionAnimation.Slerp running: false loops: 1 } } DragHandler { id: dragHandler target: null acceptedModifiers: Qt.NoModifier onCentroidChanged: { arcballController.mouseMoved(toNDC(centroid.position.x, centroid.position.y)) } onActiveChanged: { if (active) { view.forceActiveFocus() arcballController.mousePressed(toNDC(centroid.position.x, centroid.position.y)) } else arcballController.mouseReleased(toNDC(centroid.position.x, centroid.position.y)) } function toNDC(x, y) { return Qt.vector2d((2.0 * x / width) - 1.0, 1.0 - (2.0 * y / height)) } } WheelHandler { id: wheelHandler orientation: Qt.Vertical target: null acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.TouchPad onWheel: event => { let delta = -event.angleDelta.y * 0.01 cameraNode.z += cameraNode.z * 0.1 * delta } }
OriginGizmo { id: originGizmo anchors.top: parent.top anchors.right: parent.right anchors.margins: 10 width: 120 height: 120 targetNode: cubeModel onAxisClicked: axis => { arcballController.jumpToAxis(axis) } }
すべての設定をコントロールするために、左側にScrollView 、たくさんのUI要素があります:
ScrollView { id: settingsPane height: parent.height property bool hidden: false function toggleHide() { if (settingsPane.hidden) { settingsPaneAnimation.from = settingsPane.x settingsPaneAnimation.to = 0 } else { settingsPaneAnimation.from = settingsPane.x settingsPaneAnimation.to = -settingsPane.width } settingsPane.hidden = !settingsPane.hidden settingsPaneAnimation.running = true } NumberAnimation on x { id: settingsPaneAnimation running: false from: width to: width duration: 100 } Column { topPadding: 10 bottomPadding: 10 leftPadding: 20 rightPadding: 20 spacing: 10 Label { text: qsTr("Visible value-range:") } RangeSlider { id: tSlider from: 0 to: 1 first.value: 0 second.value: 1 } Image { width: tSlider.width height: 20 source: getColormapSource(colormapCombo.currentIndex) } Label { text: qsTr("Colormap:") } ComboBox { id: colormapCombo model: [qsTr("Cool Warm"), qsTr("Plasma"), qsTr("Viridis"), qsTr("Rainbow"), qsTr("Gnuplot")] } Label { text: qsTr("Step alpha:") } Slider { id: stepAlphaSlider from: 0 value: 0.2 to: 1 } Grid { horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter spacing: 5 Label { text: qsTr("Step length:") } TextField { id: stepLengthText text: "0.00391" // ~1/256 width: 100 } } CheckBox { id: multipliedAlphaBox text: qsTr("Multiplied alpha") checked: true } CheckBox { id: drawBoundingBox text: qsTr("Draw Bounding Box") checked: true } CheckBox { id: autoRotateCheckbox text: qsTr("Auto-rotate model") checked: false } // X plane Label { text: qsTr("X plane slice (position, width):") } Slider { id: xSliceSlider from: 0 to: 1 value: 0.5 } Slider { id: xSliceWidthSlider from: 0 value: 1 to: 1 } // Y plane Label { text: qsTr("Y plane slice (position, width):") } Slider { id: ySliceSlider from: 0 to: 1 value: 0.5 } Slider { id: ySliceWidthSlider from: 0 value: 1 to: 1 } // Z plane Label { text: qsTr("Z plane slice (position, width):") } Slider { id: zSliceSlider from: 0 to: 1 value: 0.5 } Slider { id: zSliceWidthSlider from: 0 value: 1 to: 1 } // Dimensions Label { text: qsTr("Dimensions (width, height, depth):") } Row { spacing: 5 TextField { id: dataWidth text: "256" validator: IntValidator { bottom: 1 top: 2048 } } TextField { id: dataHeight text: "256" validator: IntValidator { bottom: 1 top: 2048 } } TextField { id: dataDepth text: "256" validator: IntValidator { bottom: 1 top: 2048 } } } Label { text: qsTr("Scale (x, y, z):") } Row { spacing: 5 TextField { id: scaleWidth text: "1" validator: DoubleValidator { bottom: 0.001 top: 1000 decimals: 4 } } TextField { id: scaleHeight text: "1" validator: DoubleValidator { bottom: 0.001 top: 1000 decimals: 4 } } TextField { id: scaleDepth text: "1" validator: DoubleValidator { bottom: 0.001 top: 1000 decimals: 4 } } } Label { text: qsTr("Data type:") } ComboBox { id: dataTypeComboBox model: ["uint8", "uint16", "int16", "float32", "float64"] } Label { text: qsTr("Load Built-in Volume:") } Row { spacing: 5 Button { text: qsTr("Helix") onClicked: { volumeTextureData.loadAsync("file:///default_helix", 256, 256, 256, "uint8") spinner.running = true } } Button { text: qsTr("Box") onClicked: { volumeTextureData.loadAsync("file:///default_box", 256, 256, 256, "uint8") spinner.running = true } } Button { text: qsTr("Colormap") onClicked: { volumeTextureData.loadAsync("file:///default_colormap", 256, 256, 256, "uint8") spinner.running = true } } } Button { text: qsTr("Load Volume...") onClicked: fileDialog.open() } } }
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