Qt 6.2의 새로운 클래스와 함수
이 페이지에는 Qt 6.2에 도입된 모든 새로운 클래스와 함수의 종합적인 목록이 포함되어 있습니다.
- 새로운 네임스페이스
- 새로운 클래스
- 새로운 멤버 함수
- 네임스페이스의 새로운 함수
- 새로운 전역 함수
- 새로운 매크로
- 새로운 열거형 유형
- 새로운 열거형 값
- 새로운 프로퍼티
- 새로운 변수
- 새로운 QML 유형
- 새로운 QML 프로퍼티
- 새로운 QML 메서드
새로운 네임스페이스
(preliminary) namespace | QtAndroidPrivate |
새 클래스
- A
- QAndroidActivityResultReceiver
- QAndroidApplication (QNativeInterface)
- QAndroidBinder
- QAndroidIntent
- QAndroidParcel
- QAndroidService
- QAndroidServiceConnection
신규 회원 기능
클래스 QAbstractAxis:
(since 6.2) void | labelsTruncatedChanged(bool labelsTruncated) |
(since 6.2) void | truncateLabelsChanged(bool truncateLabels) |
클래스 QAbstractProxyModel:
(since 6.2) QModelIndex | createSourceIndex(int row, int col, void *internalPtr) const |
클래스 QAbstractSocket:
(since 6.2) bool | bind(QHostAddress::SpecialAddress addr, quint16 port, QAbstractSocket::BindMode mode) |
클래스 QBarSet:
(since 6.2) void | deselectAllBars() |
(since 6.2) void | deselectBar(int index) |
(since 6.2) void | deselectBars(const QList<int> &indexes) |
(since 6.2) bool | isBarSelected(int index) const |
(since 6.2) void | selectAllBars() |
(since 6.2) void | selectBar(int index) |
(since 6.2) void | selectBars(const QList<int> &indexes) |
(since 6.2) QList<int> | selectedBars() const |
(since 6.2) QColor | selectedColor() const |
(since 6.2) void | setBarSelected(int index, bool selected) |
(since 6.2) void | setSelectedColor(const QColor &color) |
(since 6.2) void | toggleSelection(const QList<int> &indexes) |
클래스 QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent:
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::Error error) |
클래스 QBluetoothDeviceInfo:
(since 6.2) void | setName(const QString &name) |
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QBluetoothLocalDevice::Error error) |
클래스 QBluetoothServer:
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QBluetoothServer::Error error) |
클래스 QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent:
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::Error error) |
클래스 QBluetoothSocket:
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QBluetoothSocket::SocketError error) |
클래스 QByteArray:
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QByteArrayView bv) const |
클래스 QByteArrayView:
(since 6.2) int | compare(QByteArrayView bv, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QByteArrayView bv) const |
클래스 QCanBusDevice:
(since 6.2) virtual QCanBusDeviceInfo | deviceInfo() const |
클래스 QCanBusDeviceInfo:
(since 6.2) QString | plugin() const |
클래스 QColorSpace:
(since 6.2) QString | description() const |
(since 6.2) void | setDescription(const QString &description) |
클래스 QFileInfo:
(since 6.2) std::filesystem::path | filesystemJunctionTarget() const |
(since 6.2) QString | junctionTarget() const |
클래스 QFlags:
(since 6.2) QFlags<T> | fromInt(QFlags<T>::Int i) |
(since 6.2) QFlags<T> | operator&(QFlags<T> mask) const |
(since 6.2) QFlags<T> & | operator&=(QFlags<T> mask) |
(since 6.2) size_t | qHash(QFlags<Enum> key, size_t seed) |
(since 6.2) bool | testAnyFlag(Enum flag) const |
(since 6.2) bool | testAnyFlags(QFlags<T> flags) const |
(since 6.2) bool | testFlags(QFlags<T> flags) const |
(since 6.2) QFlags<T>::Int | toInt() const |
클래스 QGeoAddress:
(since 6.2) QGeoAddress & | operator=(QGeoAddress &other) |
(since 6.2) void | setStreetNumber(const QString &streetNumber) |
(since 6.2) QString | streetNumber() const |
(since 6.2) void | swap(QGeoAddress &other) |
클래스 QGeoAreaMonitorInfo:
(since 6.2) QGeoAreaMonitorInfo & | operator=(QGeoAreaMonitorInfo &&other) |
(since 6.2) void | swap(QGeoAreaMonitorInfo &other) |
(since 6.2) virtual QVariant | backendProperty(const QString &name) const |
(since 6.2) virtual bool | setBackendProperty(const QString &name, const QVariant &value) |
클래스 QGeoCoordinate:
(since 6.2) QGeoCoordinate & | operator=(QGeoCoordinate &&other) |
(since 6.2) void | swap(QGeoCoordinate &other) |
클래스 QGeoLocation:
(since 6.2) QGeoShape | boundingShape() const |
(since 6.2) QGeoLocation & | operator=(QGeoLocation &&other) |
(since 6.2) void | setBoundingShape(const QGeoShape &boundingShape) |
(since 6.2) void | swap(QGeoLocation &other) |
클래스 QGeoPositionInfo:
(since 6.2) QGeoPositionInfo & | operator=(QGeoPositionInfo &&other) |
(since 6.2) void | swap(QGeoPositionInfo &other) |
클래스 QGeoSatelliteInfo:
(since 6.2) QGeoSatelliteInfo & | operator=(QGeoSatelliteInfo &&other) |
(since 6.2) void | swap(QGeoSatelliteInfo &other) |
(since 6.2) virtual QVariant | backendProperty(const QString &name) const |
(since 6.2) virtual bool | setBackendProperty(const QString &name, const QVariant &value) |
클래스 QGraphicsSceneEvent:
(since 6.2) quint64 | timestamp() const |
(since 6.2) bool | isInverted() const |
(since 6.2) Qt::ScrollPhase | phase() const |
(since 6.2) QPoint | pixelDelta() const |
클래스 QImage:
(since 6.2) QSizeF | deviceIndependentSize() const |
(since 6.2) QImage | fromData(QByteArrayView data, const char *format) |
(since 6.2) bool | loadFromData(QByteArrayView data, const char *format) |
클래스 QJSEngine:
(since 6.2) QJSValue | newSymbol(const QString &name) |
클래스 QJniEnvironment:
(since 6.2) jfieldID | findField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName, const char *signature) |
(since 6.2) jmethodID | findMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName, const char *signature) |
(since 6.2) jfieldID | findStaticField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName, const char *signature) |
(since 6.2) jmethodID | findStaticMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName, const char *signature) |
(since 6.2) bool | isValid() const |
클래스 QJniObject:
(since 6.2) QByteArray | className() const |
(since 6.2) jclass | objectClass() const |
클래스 QLatin1StringView:
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QLatin1StringView l1, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
클래스 QLegend:
(since 6.2) void | attachedToChartChanged(bool attached) |
(since 6.2) bool | isInteractive() const |
(since 6.2) void | setInteractive(bool interactive) |
클래스 QLocale:
(since 6.2) QLocale::Territory | codeToTerritory(QStringView territoryCode) |
(since 6.2) QString | nativeTerritoryName() const |
(since 6.2) QLocale::Territory | territory() const |
(since 6.2) QString | territoryToCode(QLocale::Territory territory) |
(since 6.2) QString | territoryToString(QLocale::Territory territory) |
클래스 QLockFile:
(since 6.2) void | setStaleLockTime(std::chrono::milliseconds staleLockTime) |
(since 6.2) std::chrono::milliseconds | staleLockTimeAsDuration() const |
(since 6.2) bool | tryLock(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) |
(since 6.2) QLowEnergyDescriptor | clientCharacteristicConfiguration() const |
Class QLowEnergyController:
(since 6.2) QLowEnergyController * | createPeripheral(const QBluetoothAddress &localDevice, QObject *parent) |
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QLowEnergyController::Error newError) |
(since 6.2) int | mtu() const |
클래스 QLowEnergyService:
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QLowEnergyService::ServiceError newError) |
클래스 QMetaMethod:
(since 6.2) bool | isConst() const |
클래스 QMetaObject:
(since 6.2) QMetaType | metaType() const |
(since 6.2) int | interFrameDelay() const |
(since 6.2) void | setInterFrameDelay(int microseconds) |
클래스 QNativeGestureEvent:
(since 6.2) QPointF | delta() const |
(since 6.2) int | fingerCount() const |
클래스 QAndroidApplication:
(since 6.2) QJniObject | context() |
(since 6.2) void | hideSplashScreen(int duration) |
(since 6.2) bool | isActivityContext() |
(since 6.2) QFuture<QVariant> | runOnAndroidMainThread(const std::function<QVariant ()> &runnable, const QDeadlineTimer timeout) |
(since 6.2) int | sdkVersion() |
클래스 QNdefFilter:
(since 6.2) bool | match(const QNdefMessage &message) const |
클래스 QNdefMessage:
(since 6.2) QNdefMessage & | operator=(QNdefMessage &&other) |
(since 6.2) QNdefMessage & | operator=(const QNdefMessage &other) |
클래스 QNdefRecord:
(since 6.2) void | clear() |
클래스 QNearFieldManager:
(since 6.2) bool | isEnabled() const |
(since 6.2) void | setUserInformation(const QString &message) |
(since 6.2) void | targetDetectionStopped() |
클래스 QNetworkAddressEntry:
(since 6.2) QDebug | operator<<(QDebug debug, const QNetworkAddressEntry &entry) |
클래스 QNetworkRequest:
(since 6.2) qint64 | decompressedSafetyCheckThreshold() const |
(since 6.2) void | setDecompressedSafetyCheckThreshold(qint64 threshold) |
클래스 QPixmap:
(since 6.2) QSizeF | deviceIndependentSize() const |
클래스 QQmlContext:
(since 6.2) QObject * | objectForName(const QString &name) const |
클래스 QQmlListReference:
(since 6.2) qsizetype | size() const |
클래스 QQuickItemGrabResult:
(since 6.2) bool | saveToFile(const QUrl &filePath) const |
클래스 QQuickRenderTarget:
(since 6.2) QQuickRenderTarget | fromOpenGLRenderBuffer(uint renderbufferId, const QSize &pixelSize, int sampleCount) |
클래스 QSqlQuery:
클래스 QSqlQueryModel:
(since 6.2) void | setQuery(QSqlQuery &&query) |
클래스 QString:
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QLatin1StringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(const QRegularExpression &re, QRegularExpressionMatch *rmatch) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(const QString &str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
클래스 QStringView:
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(const QRegularExpression &re, QRegularExpressionMatch *rmatch) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QLatin1StringView l1, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
클래스 QTimeZone:
(since 6.2) QLocale::Territory | territory() const |
클래스 QUntypedBindable:
(since 6.2) QMetaType | metaType() const |
클래스 QWaylandBufferRef:
(since 6.2) bool | hasProtectedContent() const |
클래스 QWebEnginePage:
(since 6.2) void | loadingChanged(const QWebEngineLoadingInfo &loadingInfo) |
(since 6.2) void | navigationRequested(QWebEngineNavigationRequest &request) |
(since 6.2) void | newWindowRequested(QWebEngineNewWindowRequest &request) |
클래스 QWebEngineProfile:
(since 6.2) void | requestIconForIconURL(const QUrl &url, int desiredSizeInPixel, std::function<void (const QIcon &, const QUrl &)> iconAvailableCallback) const |
(since 6.2) void | requestIconForPageURL(const QUrl &url, int desiredSizeInPixel, std::function<void (const QIcon &, const QUrl &, const QUrl &)> iconAvailableCallback) const |
클래스 QWebEngineView:
(since 6.2) QWebEngineView * | forPage(const QWebEnginePage *page) |
(since 6.2) QWebEngineContextMenuRequest * | lastContextMenuRequest() const |
(since 6.2) void | pdfPrintingFinished(const QString &filePath, bool success) |
(since 6.2) void | print(QPrinter *printer) |
(since 6.2) void | printFinished(bool success) |
(since 6.2) void | printRequested() |
(since 6.2) void | printToPdf(const QString &filePath, const QPageLayout &layout, const QPageRanges &ranges) |
(since 6.2) void | printToPdf(const std::function<void (const QByteArray &)> &resultCallback, const QPageLayout &layout, const QPageRanges &ranges) |
클래스 QWebSocket:
(since 6.2) void | alertReceived(QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType type, const QString &description) |
(since 6.2) void | alertSent(QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType type, const QString &description) |
(since 6.2) void | continueInterruptedHandshake() |
(since 6.2) void | handshakeInterruptedOnError(const QSslError &error) |
(since 6.2) void | peerVerifyError(const QSslError &error) |
클래스 QWebSocketServer:
(since 6.2) void | alertReceived(QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType type, const QString &description) |
(since 6.2) void | alertSent(QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType type, const QString &description) |
(since 6.2) void | handshakeInterruptedOnError(const QSslError &error) |
클래스 QXYSeries:
(since 6.2) QPair<qreal, qreal> | bestFitLineEquation(bool &ok) const |
(since 6.2) void | clearPointConfiguration(const int index) |
(since 6.2) void | clearPointConfiguration(const int index, const QXYSeries::PointConfiguration key) |
(since 6.2) void | clearPointsConfiguration() |
(since 6.2) void | clearPointsConfiguration(const QXYSeries::PointConfiguration key) |
(since 6.2) void | colorBy(const QList<qreal> &sourceData, const QLinearGradient &gradient) |
(since 6.2) void | deselectAllPoints() |
(since 6.2) void | deselectPoint(int index) |
(since 6.2) void | deselectPoints(const QList<int> &indexes) |
(since 6.2) bool | isPointSelected(int index) |
(since 6.2) const QImage & | lightMarker() const |
(since 6.2) void | lightMarkerChanged(const QImage &lightMarker) |
(since 6.2) qreal | markerSize() const |
(since 6.2) QHash<QXYSeries::PointConfiguration, QVariant> | pointConfiguration(const int index) const |
(since 6.2) QXYSeries::PointsConfigurationHash | pointsConfiguration() const |
(since 6.2) void | selectAllPoints() |
(since 6.2) void | selectPoint(int index) |
(since 6.2) void | selectPoints(const QList<int> &indexes) |
(since 6.2) const QImage & | selectedLightMarker() const |
(since 6.2) QList<int> | selectedPoints() const |
(since 6.2) void | setLightMarker(const QImage &lightMarker) |
(since 6.2) void | setMarkerSize(qreal size) |
(since 6.2) void | setPointConfiguration(const int index, const QHash<QXYSeries::PointConfiguration, QVariant> &configuration) |
(since 6.2) void | setPointConfiguration(const int index, const QXYSeries::PointConfiguration key, const QVariant &value) |
(since 6.2) void | setPointSelected(int index, bool selected) |
(since 6.2) void | setPointsConfiguration(const QHash<int, QHash<QXYSeries::PointConfiguration, QVariant>> &pointsConfiguration) |
(since 6.2) void | setSelectedLightMarker(const QImage &selectedLightMarker) |
(since 6.2) void | sizeBy(const QList<qreal> &sourceData, const qreal minSize, const qreal maxSize) |
(since 6.2) void | toggleSelection(const QList<int> &indexes) |
네임스페이스의 새로운 함수
(since 6.2) void | beginPropertyUpdateGroup() |
(since 6.2) bool | bindService(const QAndroidIntent & 서비스 인텐트, const QAndroidServiceConnection & 서비스 커넥션, QtAndroidPrivate::BindFlags 플래그) |
(preliminary) QFuture<QtAndroidPrivate::PermissionResult> | checkPermission(const QString &permission) |
(since 6.2) void | endPropertyUpdateGroup() |
(preliminary) QFuture<QtAndroidPrivate::PermissionResult> | requestPermission(const QString &permission) |
(since 6.2) void | startActivity(const QJniObject &intent, int receiverRequestCode, std::function<void (int, int, const QJniObject &)> callbackFunc) |
(since 6.2) void | startActivity(const QJniObject &intent, int receiverRequestCode, QAndroidActivityResultReceiver *resultReceiver) |
(since 6.2) void | startActivity(const QAndroidIntent &intent, int receiverRequestCode, QAndroidActivityResultReceiver *resultReceiver) |
(since 6.2) void | startIntentSender(const QJniObject &intentSender, int receiverRequestCode, QAndroidActivityResultReceiver *resultReceiver) |
새로운 글로벌 함수
(since 6.2) std::underlying_type_t<Enum> | qToUnderlying(Enum e) |
(since 6.2) const char * | qWebEngineChromiumVersion() |
(since 6.2) const char * | qWebEngineVersion() |
새로운 매크로
(since 6.2) | PRIXQUINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | PRIdQINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | PRIdQPTRDIFF |
(since 6.2) | PRIdQSIZETYPE |
(since 6.2) | PRIiQINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | PRIiQPTRDIFF |
(since 6.2) | PRIiQSIZETYPE |
(since 6.2) | PRIoQUINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | PRIuQUINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | PRIxQUINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | Q_IMPORT_QML_PLUGIN(PluginName) |
새로운 열거형 유형
(since 6.2) enum | RubberBand { NoRubberBand, VerticalRubberBand, HorizontalRubberBand, RectangleRubberBand, ClickThroughRubberBand } |
(since 6.2) enum | SocketOption { NoOptions, AbstractNamespaceOption } |
(since 6.2) enum | DiscoveryMode { FullDiscovery, SkipValueDiscovery } |
(since 6.2) enum | EditFlag { CanUndo, CanRedo, CanCut, CanCopy, CanPaste, …, CanEditRichly } |
(since 6.2) enum | MediaFlag { MediaInError, MediaPaused, MediaMuted, MediaLoop, MediaCanSave, …, MediaCanRotate } |
(since 6.2) enum | MediaType { MediaTypeNone, MediaTypeImage, MediaTypeVideo, MediaTypeAudio, MediaTypeCanvas, …, MediaTypePlugin } |
(since 6.2) enum class | PointConfiguration { Color, Size, Visibility, LabelVisibility, LabelFormat } |
(since 6.2) enum class | BindFlag { None, AutoCreate, DebugUnbind, NotForeground, AboveClient, …, ExternalService } |
새로운 열거형 값
enum value | Country::AnyTerritory |
enum value | Country::NauruTerritory |
enum value | Country::TokelauTerritory |
enum value | Country::TuvaluTerritory |
enum value | Error::LocationServiceTurnedOffError |
enum value | Error::UpdateTimeoutError |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBA16FPx4 |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBA16FPx4_Premultiplied |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBA32FPx4 |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBA32FPx4_Premultiplied |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBX16FPx4 |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBX32FPx4 |
enum value | PixelMetric::PM_LineEditIconSize |
enum value | SpecialCharacter::VisualTabCharacter |
새로운 프로퍼티
새로운 변수
(since 6.2) | CCCDDisable |
(since 6.2) | CCCDEnableIndication |
(since 6.2) | CCCDEnableNotification |
새로운 QML 유형
- P
- Particle3D
- ParticleAbstractShape3D
- ParticleEmitter3D
- ParticleModelShape3D
- ParticleShape3D
- ParticleSystem3D
- ParticleSystem3DLogging
- PointRotator3D
- W
- Wander3D
새로운 QML 속성
QML 유형 ColorGroup:
(since 6.2) | placeholderText : color |
QML 유형 Image:
(since 6.2) | mirrorVertically : bool |
QML 유형 SystemPalette:
(since 6.2) | placeholderText : color |
QML 유형 TableView:
(since 6.2) | selectionModel : ItemSelectionModel |
QML 유형 Texture:
(since 6.2) | autoOrientation : bool |
새로운 QML 메서드
QML Type Locale:
(since 6.2) string | formattedDataSize(int bytes, int precision, DataSizeFormat format) |
QML 유형 TableView:
(since 6.2) real | columnWidth(int column) |
(since 6.2) real | implicitColumnWidth(int column) |
(since 6.2) real | implicitRowHeight(int row) |
(since 6.2) bool | isColumnLoaded(int column) |
(since 6.2) bool | isRowLoaded(int row) |
(since 6.2) real | rowHeight(int row) |
QML 유형 View3D:
(since 6.2) List<pickResult> | pickAll(float x, float y) |
(since 6.2) pickResult | rayPick(vector3d origin, vector3d direction) |
(since 6.2) List<pickResult> | rayPickAll(vector3d origin, vector3d direction) |
© 2025 The Qt Company Ltd. Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of their respective owners. The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd. in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.