BarCategoryAxis QML Type
Adds categories to a chart's axes. More...
Import Statement: | import QtCharts 2.8 |
In C++: | QBarCategoryAxis |
Inherits: |
- categories : list<string>
- count : int
- max : string
- min : string
- rangeChanged(string min, string max)
- void clear()
Detailed Description
The BarCategoryAxis type can be set up to show an axis line with tick marks, grid lines, and shades. Categories are drawn between the ticks. It can be used also with a line series.
The following QML snippet illustrates how to use BarCategoryAxis:
ChartView { BarCategoryAxis { id: categoryAxis categories: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun" ] } // Add a few series... }
Property Documentation
count : int |
The number of categories of an axis.
max : string |
The maximum value on the axis.
min : string |
The minimum value on the axis.
Signal Documentation
This signal is emitted when min or max value of the axis changes.
The corresponding signal handler is onRangeChanged
Note: The corresponding handler is onRangeChanged
Method Documentation
void clear() |
Removes all categories. Sets the maximum and minimum values of the axis range to QString::null.
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