PDF 다중 페이지 뷰어 예제

페이지를 스크롤할 수 있는 Qt Quick PDF 뷰어입니다.

PDF 다중 페이지 뷰어는 PdfMultiPageView 컴포넌트를 사용하여 PDF 문서를 렌더링하고 그 안의 텍스트를 검색하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

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기본 창 만들기

ApplicationWindow 을 인스턴스화하여 제목을 PDF 문서의 제목에 바인딩하고 도구 모음을 만듭니다:

ApplicationWindow {
    id: root
    width: 800
    height: 1024
    color: "lightgrey"
    title: doc.title
    visible: true
    property string source // for main.cpp

    header: ToolBar {
        RowLayout {
            anchors.fill: parent
            anchors.rightMargin: 6

도구 모음에는 대부분의 일반적인 작업을 위한 버튼이 있습니다:

            ToolButton {
                action: Action {
                    shortcut: StandardKey.Open
                    icon.source: "qrc:/multipage/resources/document-open.svg"
                    onTriggered: fileDialog.open()
            ToolButton {
                action: Action {
                    shortcut: StandardKey.ZoomIn
                    enabled: view.renderScale < 10
                    icon.source: "qrc:/multipage/resources/zoom-in.svg"
                    onTriggered: view.renderScale *= Math.sqrt(2)
            ToolButton {
                action: Action {
                    shortcut: StandardKey.ZoomOut

PdfDocument 을 선언하고 status 속성 및 passwordRequired 신호를 바인딩하여 오류가 발생하거나 비밀번호가 필요할 때 사용자에게 알립니다:

    Dialog {
        id: passwordDialog
        title: "Password"
        standardButtons: Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel
        modal: true
        closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        width: 300

        contentItem: TextField {
            id: passwordField
            placeholderText: qsTr("Please provide the password")
            echoMode: TextInput.Password
            width: parent.width
            onAccepted: passwordDialog.accept()
        onOpened: passwordField.forceActiveFocus()
        onAccepted: doc.password = passwordField.text

    Dialog {
        id: errorDialog
        title: "Error loading " + doc.source
        standardButtons: Dialog.Close
        modal: true
        closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        width: 300
        visible: doc.status === PdfDocument.Error

        contentItem: Label {
            id: errorField
            text: doc.error

    PdfDocument {
        id: doc
        source: Qt.resolvedUrl(root.source)
        onPasswordRequired: passwordDialog.open()

메인 컴포넌트인 PdfMultiPageView 을 추가합니다:

    PdfMultiPageView {
        id: view
        anchors.fill: parent
        anchors.leftMargin: sidebar.position * sidebar.width
        document: doc
        searchString: searchField.text
        onCurrentPageChanged: currentPageSB.value = view.currentPage + 1

    DropArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        keys: ["text/uri-list"]
        onEntered: (drag) => {
            drag.accepted = (drag.proposedAction === Qt.MoveAction || drag.proposedAction === Qt.CopyAction) &&
                drag.hasUrls && drag.urls[0].endsWith("pdf")
        onDropped: (drop) => {
            doc.source = drop.urls[0]

DrawerListView 을 보유하여 searchModel 의 검색 결과를 표시합니다:

    Drawer {
        id: sidebar
        edge: Qt.LeftEdge
        modal: false
        width: 300
        y: root.header.height
        height: view.height
        dim: false
        clip: true

        TabBar {
            id: sidebarTabs
            x: -width
            rotation: -90
            transformOrigin: Item.TopRight
            currentIndex: 2 // bookmarks by default
            TabButton {
                text: qsTr("Info")
            TabButton {
                text: qsTr("Search Results")
            TabButton {
                text: qsTr("Bookmarks")
            TabButton {
                text: qsTr("Pages")

        GroupBox {
            anchors.fill: parent
            anchors.leftMargin: sidebarTabs.height

            StackLayout {
                anchors.fill: parent
                currentIndex: sidebarTabs.currentIndex
                component InfoField: TextInput {
                    width: parent.width
                    selectByMouse: true
                    readOnly: true
                    wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
                Column {
                    spacing: 6
                    width: parent.width - 6
                    Label { font.bold: true; text: qsTr("Title") }
                    InfoField { text: doc.title }
                    Label { font.bold: true; text: qsTr("Author") }
                    InfoField { text: doc.author }
                    Label { font.bold: true; text: qsTr("Subject") }
                    InfoField { text: doc.subject }
                    Label { font.bold: true; text: qsTr("Keywords") }
                    InfoField { text: doc.keywords }
                    Label { font.bold: true; text: qsTr("Producer") }
                    InfoField { text: doc.producer }
                    Label { font.bold: true; text: qsTr("Creator") }
                    InfoField { text: doc.creator }
                    Label { font.bold: true; text: qsTr("Creation date") }
                    InfoField { text: doc.creationDate }
                    Label { font.bold: true; text: qsTr("Modification date") }
                    InfoField { text: doc.modificationDate }
                ListView {
                    id: searchResultsList
                    implicitHeight: parent.height
                    model: view.searchModel
                    currentIndex: view.searchModel.currentResult
                    ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { }
                    delegate: ItemDelegate {
                        id: resultDelegate
                        required property int index
                        required property int page
                        required property string contextBefore
                        required property string contextAfter
                        width: parent ? parent.width : 0
                        RowLayout {
                            anchors.fill: parent
                            spacing: 0
                            Label {
                                text: "Page " + (resultDelegate.page + 1) + ": "
                            Label {
                                text: resultDelegate.contextBefore
                                elide: Text.ElideLeft
                                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
                                Layout.fillWidth: true
                                Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width / 2
                            Label {
                                font.bold: true
                                text: view.searchString
                                width: implicitWidth
                            Label {
                                text: resultDelegate.contextAfter
                                elide: Text.ElideRight
                                Layout.fillWidth: true
                                Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width / 2
                        highlighted: ListView.isCurrentItem
                        onClicked: view.searchModel.currentResult = resultDelegate.index
                TreeView {
                    id: bookmarksTree
                    implicitHeight: parent.height
                    implicitWidth: parent.width
                    columnWidthProvider: function() { return width }
                    delegate: TreeViewDelegate {
                        required property int page
                        required property point location
                        required property real zoom
                        onClicked: view.goToLocation(page, location, zoom)
                    model: PdfBookmarkModel {
                        document: doc
                    ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { }
                GridView {
                    id: thumbnailsView
                    implicitWidth: parent.width
                    implicitHeight: parent.height
                    model: doc.pageModel
                    cellWidth: width / 2
                    cellHeight: cellWidth + 10
                    delegate: Item {
                        required property int index
                        required property string label
                        required property size pointSize
                        width: thumbnailsView.cellWidth
                        height: thumbnailsView.cellHeight
                        Rectangle {
                            id: paper
                            width: image.width
                            height: image.height
                            x: (parent.width - width) / 2
                            y: (parent.height - height - pageNumber.height) / 2
                            PdfPageImage {
                                id: image
                                document: doc
                                currentFrame: index
                                asynchronous: true
                                fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
                                property bool landscape: pointSize.width > pointSize.height
                                width: landscape ? thumbnailsView.cellWidth - 6
                                                 : height * pointSize.width / pointSize.height
                                height: landscape ? width * pointSize.height / pointSize.width
                                                  : thumbnailsView.cellHeight - 14
                                sourceSize.width: width
                                sourceSize.height: height
                        Text {
                            id: pageNumber
                            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                            text: label
                        TapHandler {
                            onTapped: view.goToPage(index)

마지막으로 두 번째 툴바를 푸터로 추가하여 검색 필드, 검색 위/아래 버튼 및 일부 상태 정보를 표시합니다:

    footer: ToolBar {
        height: footerRow.implicitHeight + 6
        RowLayout {
            id: footerRow
            anchors.fill: parent
            ToolButton {
                action: Action {
                    id: sidebarOpenAction
                    checkable: true
                    checked: sidebar.opened
                    icon.source: checked ? "qrc:/multipage/resources/sidebar-collapse-left.svg" : "qrc:/multipage/resources/sidebar-expand-left.svg"
                    onTriggered: sidebar.open()
                ToolTip.visible: enabled && hovered
                ToolTip.delay: 2000
                ToolTip.text: "open sidebar"
            ToolButton {
                action: Action {
                    icon.source: "qrc:/multipage/resources/go-up-search.svg"
                    shortcut: StandardKey.FindPrevious
                    enabled: view.searchModel.count > 0
                    onTriggered: view.searchBack()
                ToolTip.visible: enabled && hovered
                ToolTip.delay: 2000
                ToolTip.text: "find previous"
            TextField {
                id: searchField
                placeholderText: "search"
                Layout.minimumWidth: 150
                Layout.fillWidth: true
                Layout.bottomMargin: 3
                onAccepted: {
                Image {
                    visible: searchField.text !== ""
                    source: "qrc:/multipage/resources/edit-clear.svg"
                    sourceSize.height: searchField.height - 6
                    anchors {
                        right: parent.right
                        verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                        margins: 3
                    TapHandler {
                        onTapped: searchField.clear()
            ToolButton {
                action: Action {
                    icon.source: "qrc:/multipage/resources/go-down-search.svg"
                    shortcut: StandardKey.FindNext
                    enabled: view.searchModel.count > 0
                    onTriggered: view.searchForward()
                ToolTip.visible: enabled && hovered
                ToolTip.delay: 2000
                ToolTip.text: "find next"
            Label {
                id: statusLabel
                property size implicitPointSize: doc.pagePointSize(view.currentPage)
                text: "page " + (currentPageSB.value) + " of " + doc.pageCount +
                      " scale " + view.renderScale.toFixed(2) +
                      " original " + implicitPointSize.width.toFixed(1) + "x" + implicitPointSize.height.toFixed(1) + " pt"
                visible: doc.pageCount > 0

파일 및 어트리뷰션

예제 프로젝트 @ code.qt.io

PDF 단일 페이지 뷰어 예시도참조하세요 .

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