Qt3D Namespace

Contains classes and types that are the foundation of the Qt3D simulation framework, as well as classes that provide the ability to render using the Qt3D framework. More...

Header: #include <Qt3D>
qmake: QT += 3dcore


namespace AssimpHelper
namespace AssimpHelper
namespace AssimpHelper
namespace Input
namespace Input
namespace Input
namespace Logic
namespace Quick
namespace Quick
namespace Quick
namespace Render


class AbstractSceneParser
class ArrayAllocatingPolicy
class ArrayPreallocationPolicy
class AspectTaskRunnable
class AssimpParser
class AssimpParser
class AssimpParser
class CircularBufferData
class Dependency
class DependencyHandler
class FaceIndices
class FunctorType
class GLTFParser
class GLTFParser
class GLTFParser
class Int2Type
class ListAllocatingPolicy
class NonLockingPolicy
class NullCollisionQueryService
class NullOpenGLInformationService
class NullSystemInformationService
class ObjLoader
class ObjectLevelLockingPolicy
class PropertyChangeHandler
class PropertyReaderInterface
class Q3DKeyEvent
class Q3DKeyEvent
class Q3DKeyEvent
class Q3DMouseEvent
class Q3DMouseEvent
class Q3DMouseEvent
class Q3DWheelEvent
class Q3DWheelEvent
class Q3DWheelEvent
class QAbstractArbiter
class QAbstractAspect
class QAbstractAttribute
class QAbstractBuffer
class QAbstractCollider
class QAbstractCollisionQueryService
class QAbstractCollisionQueryServicePrivate
class QAbstractFrameAdvanceService
class QAbstractFunctor
class QAbstractLight
class QAbstractPostman
class QAbstractServiceProvider
class QAbstractTextureImage
class QAbstractTextureProvider
class QAbstractTransform
class QAlphaCoverage
class QAlphaTest
class QAnnotation
class QAspectEngine
class QAspectFactory
class QAspectJob
class QAspectJobProviderInterface
class QAspectManager
class QAspectThread
class QAttribute
class QAttributePrivate
class QAxisAlignedBoundingBox
class QBackendNode
class QBackendNodeFactory
class QBackendNodeFunctor
class QBackendScenePropertyChange
class QBlendEquation
class QBlendState
class QBlendStateSeparate
class QBoundedCircularBuffer
class QBoundingSphere
class QBoundingVolume
class QBoundingVolumeProvider
class QBoxCollider
class QBuffer
class QBufferFunctor
class QBufferPrivate
class QCamera
class QCameraLens
class QCameraSelector
class QCapsuleCollider
class QChangeArbiter
class QCircularBuffer
class QClearBuffer
class QClipPlane
class QCollisionAspect
class QCollisionQueryResult
class QCollisionQueryResultPrivate
class QColorMask
class QComponent
class QCuboidMesh
class QCullFace
class QCylinderMesh
class QDepthMask
class QDepthTest
class QDiffuseMapMaterial
class QDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial
class QDirectionalLight
class QDithering
class QEffect
class QEntity
class QFixedFrameAllocator
class QForwardRenderer
class QFrameAllocator
class QFrameChunk
class QFrameGraph
class QFrameGraphNode
class QFrameGraphSelector
class QFrameGraphSelectorFunctor
class QFrontFace
class QGeometry
class QGeometryCollider
class QGeometryFunctor
class QGeometryRenderer
class QGeometryRendererPrivate
class QGoochMaterial
class QHandle
class QHandleManager
class QInputAspect
class QInputAspect
class QInputAspect
class QItemModelBuffer
class QKeyboardController
class QKeyboardController
class QKeyboardController
class QKeyboardInput
class QKeyboardInput
class QKeyboardInput
class QLayer
class QLayerFilter
class QLockableObserverInterface
class QLogicAspect
class QLogicComponent
class QLookAtTransform
class QMaterial
class QMatrixTransform
class QMesh
class QMouseController
class QMouseController
class QMouseController
class QMouseControllerPrivate
class QMouseControllerPrivate
class QMouseControllerPrivate
class QMouseInput
class QMouseInput
class QMouseInput
class QMouseInputPrivate
class QMouseInputPrivate
class QMouseInputPrivate
class QNoDraw
class QNode
class QNodeId
class QNodeVisitor
class QNormalDiffuseMapAlphaMaterial
class QNormalDiffuseMapMaterial
class QNormalDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial
class QObservableInterface
class QObserverInterface
class QOpenGLFilter
class QOpenGLInformationService
class QParameter
class QParameterMapping
class QPerVertexColorMaterial
class QPhongMaterial
class QPlaneMesh
class QPointLight
class QPolygonOffset
class QPostman
class QRay3D
class QRayCastingService
class QRayCastingServicePrivate
class QRenderAspect
class QRenderAttachment
class QRenderPass
class QRenderPassFilter
class QRenderState
class QRenderTarget
class QRenderTargetSelector
class QResourceInfo
class QResourceManager
class QRotateTransform
class QScaleTransform
class QScene
class QSceneChange
class QSceneLoader
class QSceneObserverInterface
class QScenePropertyChange
class QScheduler
class QScissorTest
class QServiceLocator
class QShaderData
class QShaderProgram
class QSkyboxEntity
class QSortCriterion
class QSortMethod
class QSphereCollider
class QSphereMesh
class QSpotLight
class QStateSet
class QStateSetPrivate
class QStencilMask
class QStencilOp
class QStencilOpSeparate
class QStencilTest
class QStencilTestSeparate
class QSystemInformationService
class QTechnique
class QTechniqueFilter
class QTexture1D
class QTexture1DArray
class QTexture2D
class QTexture2DArray
class QTexture2DMultisample
class QTexture2DMultisampleArray
class QTexture3D
class QTextureBuffer
class QTextureCubeMap
class QTextureCubeMapArray
class QTextureDataFunctor
class QTextureImage
class QTextureRectangle
class QTextureWrapMode
class QThreadPooler
class QTickClock
class QTickClockService
class QTorusMesh
class QTransform
class QTranslateTransform
class QUrlHelper
class QViewport
class QWindow
class QWindowPrivate
class RunnableInterface
class Sphere
class SyncTaskRunnable
class TexImageData
class TypedCircularBufferData
class WeaverJob


enum ChangeFlag { NodeCreated, NodeAboutToBeDeleted, NodeDeleted, NodeUpdated, ..., AllChanges }
flags ChangeFlags
typedef FutureQueryResult
typedef ParameterList
typedef PropertyReaderInterfacePtr
typedef Q3DKeyEventPtr
typedef Q3DKeyEventPtr
typedef Q3DKeyEventPtr
typedef Q3DMouseEventPtr
typedef Q3DMouseEventPtr
typedef Q3DMouseEventPtr
typedef Q3DWheelEventPtr
typedef Q3DWheelEventPtr
typedef Q3DWheelEventPtr
typedef QAbstractBufferPtr
typedef QAspectJobPtr
typedef QAttributeList
typedef QBackendNodeFunctorPtr
typedef QBackendScenePropertyChangePtr
typedef QBufferFunctorPtr
typedef QComponentList
typedef QFrameGraphSelectorFunctorPtr
typedef QGeometryFunctorPtr
typedef QNodeList
typedef QNodePtr
typedef QObservableList
typedef QQueryHandle
typedef QSceneChangeList
typedef QSceneChangePtr
typedef QScenePropertyChangePtr
typedef QTextureDataFunctorPtr
typedef TexImageDataPtr
typedef TextureDict


PropertyChangeHandler(Receiver * receiver, QObject * parent)
QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> acquire(T * d)
GLuint byteSizeFromType(GLint type)
QVector3D center() const
void clear()
void connectToPropertyChange(const QObject * object, int propertyIndex)
const T * constData(const QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> & handle, bool * ok) const
T * data(const QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> & handle, bool * ok)
void disconnectFromPropertyChange(const QObject * object, int propertyIndex)
GLint elementType(GLint type)
qintptr functorTypeId()
bool intersects(const QAxisAlignedBoundingBox & a, const QAxisAlignedBoundingBox & b)
bool intersects(const Sphere & a, const Sphere & b)
uint qHash(const QNodeId & id, uint seed = 0)
int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call call, int methodId, void ** args)
float radius() const
void registerBackendType(const QBackendNodeFunctorPtr & functor)
void release(const QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> & handle)
void reset()
void setCenter(const QVector3D & c)
void setRadius(float r)
void swap(QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)
GLint tupleSizeFromType(GLint type)
void update(const QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> & handle, T * d)
bool operator!=(const Dependency & left, const Dependency & right)
bool operator!=(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)
bool operator!=(const QOpenGLFilter & reference, const QOpenGLFilter & sample)
QCircularBuffer<T> operator+(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)
bool operator<(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QAxisAlignedBoundingBox & c)
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QNodeId & id)
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Qt3D::QRay3D & ray)
QDataStream & operator<<(QDataStream & stream, const Qt3D::QRay3D & ray)
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> & h)
bool operator<=(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)
bool operator==(const Dependency & left, const Dependency & right)
bool operator==(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)
bool operator==(const QOpenGLFilter & reference, const QOpenGLFilter & sample)
bool operator>(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)
bool operator>=(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)
QDataStream & operator>>(QDataStream & stream, Qt3D::QRay3D & ray)

Detailed Description

Contains classes and types that are the foundation of the Qt3D simulation framework, as well as classes that provide the ability to render using the Qt3D framework.


namespace Qt3D::AssimpHelper

namespace Qt3D::AssimpHelper

namespace Qt3D::AssimpHelper

namespace Qt3D::Input

namespace Qt3D::Input

namespace Qt3D::Input

namespace Qt3D::Logic

namespace Qt3D::Quick

namespace Qt3D::Quick

namespace Qt3D::Quick

namespace Qt3D::Render


class Qt3D::AbstractSceneParser

class ArrayAllocatingPolicy

Allocates memory in a contiguous space trying to minimize fragmentation and cache misses. More...

class ArrayPreallocationPolicy

class AspectTaskRunnable

class Qt3D::AssimpParser

Provides a generic way of loading various 3D assets format into a Qt3D scene. More...

class Qt3D::AssimpParser

Provides a generic way of loading various 3D assets format into a Qt3D scene. More...

class AssimpParser

Provides a generic way of loading various 3D assets format into a Qt3D scene. More...

class CircularBufferData

class Dependency

class DependencyHandler

class Qt3D::FaceIndices

class FunctorType

class Qt3D::GLTFParser

class Qt3D::GLTFParser

class GLTFParser

class Int2Type

class ListAllocatingPolicy

Allocates resources in a list. More...

class NonLockingPolicy

class NullCollisionQueryService

class NullOpenGLInformationService

class NullSystemInformationService

class Qt3D::ObjLoader

class ObjectLevelLockingPolicy

Provides locking access to a resource through the use of a QReadWriteLock. More...

class PropertyChangeHandler

class Qt3D::PropertyReaderInterface

class Qt3D::Q3DKeyEvent

class Qt3D::Q3DKeyEvent

class Q3DKeyEvent

class Qt3D::Q3DMouseEvent

The Qt3D::Q3DMouseEvent contains parameters that describe a mouse event. More...

class Qt3D::Q3DMouseEvent

The Qt3D::Q3DMouseEvent contains parameters that describe a mouse event. More...

class Q3DMouseEvent

The Qt3D::Q3DMouseEvent contains parameters that describe a mouse event. More...

class Qt3D::Q3DWheelEvent

The Qt3D::Q3DWheelEvent contains parameters that describe a mouse wheel event. More...

class Qt3D::Q3DWheelEvent

The Qt3D::Q3DWheelEvent contains parameters that describe a mouse wheel event. More...

class Q3DWheelEvent

The Qt3D::Q3DWheelEvent contains parameters that describe a mouse wheel event. More...

class QAbstractArbiter

class QAbstractAspect

QAbstractAspect is the base class for aspects that provide a vertical slice of behavior. More...

class QAbstractAttribute

class QAbstractBuffer

class Qt3D::QAbstractCollider

class QAbstractCollisionQueryService

class QAbstractCollisionQueryServicePrivate

class QAbstractFrameAdvanceService

Interface for a Qt3D frame advance service More...

class QAbstractFunctor

class Qt3D::QAbstractLight

class QAbstractPostman

class QAbstractServiceProvider

class Qt3D::QAbstractTextureImage

Encapsulates the necessary information to create an OpenGL texture image. More...

class Qt3D::QAbstractTextureProvider

A base class to be used to provide textures. More...

class QAbstractTransform

class Qt3D::QAlphaCoverage

class Qt3D::QAlphaTest

class Qt3D::QAnnotation

The QAnnotation class provides ... More...

class QAspectEngine

class QAspectFactory

class QAspectJob

class QAspectJobProviderInterface

class QAspectManager

class QAspectThread

class Qt3D::QAttribute

class Qt3D::QAttributePrivate

class QAxisAlignedBoundingBox

class QBackendNode

class QBackendNodeFactory

class QBackendNodeFunctor

class QBackendScenePropertyChange

class Qt3D::QBlendEquation

class Qt3D::QBlendState

Encapsulates blending information. More...

class Qt3D::QBlendStateSeparate

Encapsulates blending information. More...

class QBoundedCircularBuffer

class QBoundingSphere

class QBoundingVolume

class QBoundingVolumeProvider

class Qt3D::QBoxCollider

Represents a box used for collision detection More...

class Qt3D::QBuffer

class Qt3D::QBufferFunctor

class Qt3D::QBufferPrivate

class QCamera

class QCameraLens

Qt3D::QCameraLens specifies the projection matrix that will be used to define a Camera for a 3D scene. More...

class Qt3D::QCameraSelector

class Qt3D::QCapsuleCollider

Represents a capsule used for collision detection More...

class QChangeArbiter

Acts as a message router between observables and observers. More...

class QCircularBuffer

A template class providing a dynamic circular array. More...

class Qt3D::QClearBuffer

class Qt3D::QClipPlane

Enables an additional OpenGL clipping plane that can be in shaders using gl_ClipDistance More...

class Qt3D::QCollisionAspect

class QCollisionQueryResult

class QCollisionQueryResultPrivate

class Qt3D::QColorMask

Allows specifying which color components should be written to the currently bound frame buffer. More...

class QComponent

The base class of scene nodes that can be aggregated by Qt3D::QEntity instances as a component. More...

class Qt3D::QCuboidMesh

class Qt3D::QCullFace

class Qt3D::QCylinderMesh

class Qt3D::QDepthMask

class Qt3D::QDepthTest

class Qt3D::QDiffuseMapMaterial

The QDiffuseMapMaterial provides a default implementation of the phong lighting effect where the diffuse light component is read from a texture map. More...

class Qt3D::QDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial

The QDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial provides a default implementation of the phong lighting and bump effect where the diffuse and specular light components are read from texture maps. More...

class Qt3D::QDirectionalLight

class Qt3D::QDithering

class Qt3D::QEffect

class QEntity

Qt3D::QEntity is a Qt3D::QNode subclass that can aggregate several Qt3D::QComponent instances that will specify its behavior. More...

class QFixedFrameAllocator

class Qt3D::QForwardRenderer

The Qt3D::QForwardRenderer provides a default FrameGraph implementation of a forward renderer. More...

class QFrameAllocator

Provides a pool of memory chunks to be used to allocate objects on a per frame basis. More...

class QFrameChunk

class Qt3D::QFrameGraph

class Qt3D::QFrameGraphNode

Base class of all FrameGraph configuration nodes. More...

class Qt3D::QFrameGraphSelector

Qt3D::QFrameGraphSelector provide a way to select a one or more subtree of the FrameGraph at runtime More...

class Qt3D::QFrameGraphSelectorFunctor

class Qt3D::QFrontFace

class Qt3D::QGeometry

class Qt3D::QGeometryCollider

Represents a geometric mesh used for collision detection More...

class Qt3D::QGeometryFunctor

class Qt3D::QGeometryRenderer

class Qt3D::QGeometryRendererPrivate

class Qt3D::QGoochMaterial

The QGoochMaterial provides a material that implements the Gooch shading model, popular in CAD and CAM applications. More...

class QHandle

class QHandleManager

class Qt3D::QInputAspect

class Qt3D::QInputAspect

class QInputAspect

class Qt3D::QItemModelBuffer

class Qt3D::QKeyboardController

class Qt3D::QKeyboardController

class QKeyboardController

class Qt3D::QKeyboardInput

class Qt3D::QKeyboardInput

class QKeyboardInput

class Qt3D::QLayer

The QLayer class provides ... More...

class Qt3D::QLayerFilter

The QLayerFilter class provides ... More...

class QLockableObserverInterface

class Qt3D::QLogicAspect

class Qt3D::QLogicComponent

Provides a way to have a synchronous function executed each frame. More...

class QLookAtTransform

class Qt3D::QMaterial

Provides an abstract class that should be the base of all Material component classes in a scene. More...

class QMatrixTransform

class Qt3D::QMesh

class Qt3D::QMouseController

Qt3D::QMouseController is in charge of dispatching mouse events to attached Qt3D::QMouseInput objects. More...

class Qt3D::QMouseController

Qt3D::QMouseController is in charge of dispatching mouse events to attached Qt3D::QMouseInput objects. More...

class QMouseController

Qt3D::QMouseController is in charge of dispatching mouse events to attached Qt3D::QMouseInput objects. More...

class Qt3D::QMouseControllerPrivate

class Qt3D::QMouseControllerPrivate

class QMouseControllerPrivate

class Qt3D::QMouseInput

Provides a mean of being notified about mouse events when attached to a Qt3D::QMouseController instance. More...

class Qt3D::QMouseInput

Provides a mean of being notified about mouse events when attached to a Qt3D::QMouseController instance. More...

class QMouseInput

Provides a mean of being notified about mouse events when attached to a Qt3D::QMouseController instance. More...

class Qt3D::QMouseInputPrivate

class Qt3D::QMouseInputPrivate

class QMouseInputPrivate

class Qt3D::QNoDraw

class QNode

Qt3D::QNode is the base class of all Qt3D node classes used to build a Qt3D scene. More...

class QNodeId

class QNodeVisitor

class Qt3D::QNormalDiffuseMapAlphaMaterial

The QNormalDiffuseMapAlphaMaterial provides a default implementation of the phong lighting and bump effect where the diffuse light component is read from a texture map and the normals of the mesh being rendered from a normal texture map. In addition, it defines an alpha to coverage and a depth test to be performed in the rendering pass. More...

class Qt3D::QNormalDiffuseMapMaterial

The QNormalDiffuseMapMaterial provides a default implementation of the phong lighting and bump effect where the diffuse light component is read from a texture map and the normals of the mesh being rendered from a normal texture map. More...

class Qt3D::QNormalDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial

The QNormalDiffuseSpecularMapMaterial provides a default implementation of the phong lighting and bump effect where the diffuse and specular light components are read from texture maps and the normals of the mesh being rendered from a normal texture map. More...

class QObservableInterface

class QObserverInterface

class Qt3D::QOpenGLFilter

class QOpenGLInformationService

Interface for a Qt3D OpenGL information service More...

class Qt3D::QParameter

class Qt3D::QParameterMapping

The QParameterMapping class provides ... More...

class Qt3D::QPerVertexColorMaterial

The QPerVertexColorMaterial class provides a default implementation for rendering the color properties set for each vertex. More...

class Qt3D::QPhongMaterial

The QPhongMaterial class provides a default implementation of the phong lighting effect. More...

class Qt3D::QPlaneMesh

class Qt3D::QPointLight

class Qt3D::QPolygonOffset

class QPostman

class QRay3D

class Qt3D::QRayCastingService

class Qt3D::QRayCastingServicePrivate

class Qt3D::QRenderAspect

class Qt3D::QRenderAttachment

class Qt3D::QRenderPass

class Qt3D::QRenderPassFilter

class Qt3D::QRenderState

class Qt3D::QRenderTarget

class Qt3D::QRenderTargetSelector

class QResourceInfo

class QResourceManager

The QResourceManager allocates memory for resources that can be referenced by a QHandle. More...

class QRotateTransform

class QScaleTransform

class QScene

class QSceneChange

class Qt3D::QSceneLoader

class QSceneObserverInterface

class QScenePropertyChange

class QScheduler

class Qt3D::QScissorTest

class QServiceLocator

Service locator used by aspects to retrieve pointers to concrete service objects More...

class Qt3D::QShaderData

Provides a way of specifying values of a Uniform Block or a shader structure. More...

class Qt3D::QShaderProgram

class Qt3D::QSkyboxEntity

Qt3D::QSkyboxEntity is a convenience Qt3D::QEntity subclass that can be used to insert a skybox in a 3D scene. More...

class Qt3D::QSortCriterion

class Qt3D::QSortMethod

class Qt3D::QSphereCollider

Represents a sphere used for collision detection More...

class Qt3D::QSphereMesh

class Qt3D::QSpotLight

class Qt3D::QStateSet

The Qt3D::QStateSet FrameGraph node offers a way of specifying a set of Qt3D::QRenderState to be applied during the execution of a FrameGraph branch. More...

class Qt3D::QStateSetPrivate

class Qt3D::QStencilMask

class Qt3D::QStencilOp

class Qt3D::QStencilOpSeparate

class Qt3D::QStencilTest

class Qt3D::QStencilTestSeparate

class QSystemInformationService

Interface for a Qt3D system information service More...

class Qt3D::QTechnique

class Qt3D::QTechniqueFilter

class Qt3D::QTexture1D

A QAbstractTextureProvider with a Target1D target format. More...

class Qt3D::QTexture1DArray

A QAbstractTextureProvider with a Target1DArray target format. More...

class Qt3D::QTexture2D

A QAbstractTextureProvider with a Target2D target format. More...

class Qt3D::QTexture2DArray

A QAbstractTextureProvider with a Target2DArray target format. More...

class Qt3D::QTexture2DMultisample

A QAbstractTextureProvider with a Target2DMultisample target format. More...

class Qt3D::QTexture2DMultisampleArray

A QAbstractTextureProvider with a Target2DMultisampleArray target format. More...

class Qt3D::QTexture3D

A QAbstractTextureProvider with a Target3D target format. More...

class Qt3D::QTextureBuffer

A QAbstractTextureProvider with a TargetBuffer target format. More...

class Qt3D::QTextureCubeMap

A QAbstractTextureProvider with a TargetCubeMap target format. More...

class Qt3D::QTextureCubeMapArray

A QAbstractTextureProvider with a TargetCubeMapArray target format. More...

class Qt3D::QTextureDataFunctor

class Qt3D::QTextureImage

class Qt3D::QTextureRectangle

A QAbstractTextureProvider with a TargetRectangle target format. More...

class Qt3D::QTextureWrapMode

Defines the wrap mode a Qt3D::QAbstractTextureProvider should apply to a texture. More...

class QThreadPooler

class QTickClock

class QTickClockService

Default Qt3D::QAbstractFrameAdvanceService implementation. More...

class Qt3D::QTorusMesh

class QTransform

class QTranslateTransform

class QUrlHelper

class Qt3D::QViewport

class Qt3D::QWindow

class Qt3D::QWindowPrivate

class RunnableInterface

class Qt3D::Sphere

class SyncTaskRunnable

class Qt3D::TexImageData

class TypedCircularBufferData

class WeaverJob

Type Documentation

enum Qt3D::ChangeFlag
flags Qt3D::ChangeFlags

The types of change that can be sent and received by Qt3D's change notification system.

Qt3D::NodeCreated1<<0A new instance of a QNode subclass has been created.
Qt3D::NodeAboutToBeDeleted1<<1A QNode is about to be deleted from the scene.
Qt3D::NodeDeleted1<<2A QNode has been deleted.
Qt3D::NodeUpdated1<<3A QNode property has been updated.
Qt3D::NodeAdded1<<4A QNode has been added to the scene.
Qt3D::NodeRemoved1<<5A QNode has been removed from the scene.
Qt3D::ComponentAdded1<<6A QComponent has been added to a QEntity.
Qt3D::ComponentRemoved1<<7A QComponent has been removed from a QEntity.
Qt3D::AllChanges0xFFFFFFFFAllows an observer to monitor for any of the above changes.

The ChangeFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<ChangeFlag>. It stores an OR combination of ChangeFlag values.

typedef Qt3D::FutureQueryResult

typedef Qt3D::ParameterList

typedef Qt3D::PropertyReaderInterfacePtr

typedef Qt3D::Q3DKeyEventPtr

typedef Qt3D::Q3DKeyEventPtr

typedef Qt3D::Q3DKeyEventPtr

typedef Qt3D::Q3DMouseEventPtr

typedef Qt3D::Q3DMouseEventPtr

typedef Qt3D::Q3DMouseEventPtr

typedef Qt3D::Q3DWheelEventPtr

typedef Qt3D::Q3DWheelEventPtr

typedef Qt3D::Q3DWheelEventPtr

typedef Qt3D::QAbstractBufferPtr

typedef Qt3D::QAspectJobPtr

typedef Qt3D::QAttributeList

typedef Qt3D::QBackendNodeFunctorPtr

typedef Qt3D::QBackendScenePropertyChangePtr

typedef Qt3D::QBufferFunctorPtr

typedef Qt3D::QComponentList

typedef Qt3D::QFrameGraphSelectorFunctorPtr

typedef Qt3D::QGeometryFunctorPtr

typedef Qt3D::QNodeList

typedef Qt3D::QNodePtr

typedef Qt3D::QObservableList

typedef Qt3D::QQueryHandle

typedef Qt3D::QSceneChangeList

typedef Qt3D::QSceneChangePtr

typedef Qt3D::QScenePropertyChangePtr

typedef Qt3D::QTextureDataFunctorPtr

typedef Qt3D::TexImageDataPtr

typedef Qt3D::TextureDict

Function Documentation

Qt3D::PropertyChangeHandler(Receiver * receiver, QObject * parent)


















QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> Qt3D::acquire(T * d)

GLuint Qt3D::byteSizeFromType(GLint type)

QVector3D Qt3D::center() const

See also setCenter().

void Qt3D::clear()

void Qt3D::connectToPropertyChange(const QObject * object, int propertyIndex)

const T * Qt3D::constData(const QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> & handle, bool * ok) const

T * Qt3D::data(const QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> & handle, bool * ok)

void Qt3D::disconnectFromPropertyChange(const QObject * object, int propertyIndex)

GLint Qt3D::elementType(GLint type)

qintptr Qt3D::functorTypeId()

bool Qt3D::intersects(const QAxisAlignedBoundingBox & a, const QAxisAlignedBoundingBox & b)

bool Qt3D::intersects(const Sphere & a, const Sphere & b)

uint Qt3D::qHash(const QNodeId & id, uint seed = 0)

int Qt3D::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call call, int methodId, void ** args)

float Qt3D::radius() const

See also setRadius().

void Qt3D::registerBackendType(const QBackendNodeFunctorPtr & functor)

void Qt3D::release(const QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> & handle)

void Qt3D::reset()

void Qt3D::setCenter(const QVector3D & c)

See also center().

void Qt3D::setRadius(float r)

See also radius().

void Qt3D::swap(QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)

Swaps the contents of the circular buffer lhs with the contents of rhs.

GLint Qt3D::tupleSizeFromType(GLint type)

void Qt3D::update(const QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> & handle, T * d)

bool Qt3D::operator!=(const Dependency & left, const Dependency & right)

bool Qt3D::operator!=(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)

Returns true if the circular buffer lhs is not equal to rhs; otherwise returns false.

Two circular buffers are considered equal if they contain the same values in the same order and have the same capacity.

This function requires the value type to have an implementation of operator==().

See also operator==().

bool Qt3D::operator!=(const QOpenGLFilter & reference, const QOpenGLFilter & sample)

Returns true if reference and sample are different.

QCircularBuffer<T> Qt3D::operator+(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)

Returns a circular buffer object with capacity of lhs.size() + rhs.size() containing the items from lhs followed by the items from rhs.

See also Qt3D::QCircularBuffer::operator+=().

bool Qt3D::operator<(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)

Returns true if lhs is lexographically less than rhs. This is equivalent to calling return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end()).

QDebug Qt3D::operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QAxisAlignedBoundingBox & c)

QDebug Qt3D::operator<<(QDebug d, const QNodeId & id)

QDebug Qt3D::operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Qt3D::QRay3D & ray)

QDataStream & Qt3D::operator<<(QDataStream & stream, const Qt3D::QRay3D & ray)

QDebug Qt3D::operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QHandle<T, INDEXBITS> & h)

bool Qt3D::operator<=(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)

Returns true if lhs is lexographically less than or equal to rhs.

bool Qt3D::operator==(const Dependency & left, const Dependency & right)

bool Qt3D::operator==(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)

Returns true if the circular buffer lhs is equal to rhs; otherwise returns false.

Two circular buffers are considered equal if they contain the same values in the same order and have the same capacity.

This function requires the value type to have an implementation of operator==().

See also operator!=().

bool Qt3D::operator==(const QOpenGLFilter & reference, const QOpenGLFilter & sample)

Returns true if reference and sample are equivalent.

bool Qt3D::operator>(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)

Returns true if rhs is lexographically less than lhs.

bool Qt3D::operator>=(const QCircularBuffer<T> & lhs, const QCircularBuffer<T> & rhs)

Returns true if lhs is lexographically less than or equal to rhs.

QDataStream & Qt3D::operator>>(QDataStream & stream, Qt3D::QRay3D & ray)

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