Qt 6.8의 새로운 클래스 및 함수

이 페이지에는 Qt 6.8에 도입된 모든 새로운 클래스와 함수의 종합적인 목록이 포함되어 있습니다.

새로운 네임스페이스

(since 6.8) namespace QtJniTypes

새 클래스

신규 회원 기능

클래스 QAbstractEventDispatcher:

(since 6.8) void registerTimer(Qt::TimerId timerId, QAbstractEventDispatcher::Duration interval, Qt::TimerType timerType, QObject *object)
(since 6.8) Qt::TimerId registerTimer(QAbstractEventDispatcher::Duration interval, Qt::TimerType timerType, QObject *object)
(since 6.8) QList<QAbstractEventDispatcher::TimerInfoV2> timersForObject(QObject *object) const
(since 6.8) bool unregisterTimer(Qt::TimerId timerId)

클래스 QAbstractGrpcChannel:

(since 6.8) void setChannelOptions(QGrpcChannelOptions &&options)
(since 6.8) void setChannelOptions(const QGrpcChannelOptions &options)

클래스 QAbstractHttpServer:

(since 6.8) void addWebSocketUpgradeVerifier(const typename QtPrivate::ContextTypeForFunctor<Handler>::ContextType *context, Handler &&func)
(since 6.8) QHttp2Configuration http2Configuration() const
(since 6.8) void setHttp2Configuration(const QHttp2Configuration &configuration)

클래스 QAbstractProtobufSerializer:

(since 6.8) virtual QAbstractProtobufSerializer::Error lastError() const = 0
(since 6.8) virtual QString lastErrorString() const = 0

클래스 QAnyStringView:

(since 6.8) qsizetype max_size() const
(since 6.8) QAnyStringView &slice(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n)
(since 6.8) QAnyStringView &slice(qsizetype pos)

클래스 QBasicTimer:

(since 6.8) Qt::TimerId id() const

클래스 QByteArray:

(since 6.8) qsizetype maxSize()
(since 6.8) qsizetype max_size() const
(since 6.8) void resizeForOverwrite(qsizetype size)
(since 6.8) QByteArray &slice(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n)
(since 6.8) QByteArray &slice(qsizetype pos)

클래스 QByteArrayView:

(since 6.8) qsizetype maxSize()
(since 6.8) qsizetype max_size() const
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView &slice(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n)
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView &slice(qsizetype pos)

클래스 QCanBus:

(since 6.8) QList<QCanBusDeviceInfo> availableDevices(QString *errorMessage) const

클래스 QColorSpace:

(since 6.8) QColorSpace::ColorModel colorModel() const
(since 6.8) bool isValidTarget() const
(since 6.8) void setWhitePoint(QPointF whitePoint)
(since 6.8) QColorSpace::TransformModel transformModel() const
(since 6.8) QPointF whitePoint() const

클래스 QCryptographicHash:

(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<char> buffer, QByteArrayView data, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<char> buffer, QSpan<const QByteArrayView> data, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<std::byte> buffer, QByteArrayView data, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<std::byte> buffer, QSpan<const QByteArrayView> data, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<uchar> buffer, QByteArrayView data, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<uchar> buffer, QSpan<const QByteArrayView> data, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)

클래스 QDBusObjectPath:

(since 6.8) QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QDBusObjectPath &path)

클래스 QDnsLookup:

(since 6.8) quint16 defaultPortForProtocol(QDnsLookup::Protocol protocol)
(since 6.8) bool isProtocolSupported(QDnsLookup::Protocol protocol)
(since 6.8) void setSslConfiguration(const QSslConfiguration &sslConfiguration)
(since 6.8) QList<QDnsTlsAssociationRecord> tlsAssociationRecords() const

클래스 QFontDatabase:

(since 6.8) void addApplicationFallbackFontFamily(QChar::Script script, const QString &familyName)
(since 6.8) QStringList applicationFallbackFontFamilies(QChar::Script script)
(since 6.8) bool removeApplicationFallbackFontFamily(QChar::Script script, const QString &familyName)
(since 6.8) void setApplicationFallbackFontFamilies(QChar::Script script, const QStringList &familyNames)

클래스 QGrpcBidiStream:

(since 6.8) void writesDone()

클래스 QGrpcCallOptions:

(since 6.8) QVariant operator QVariant() const
(since 6.8) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QGrpcCallOptions &callOpts)
(since 6.8) void swap(QGrpcCallOptions &other)

클래스 QGrpcChannelOptions:

(since 6.8) QVariant operator QVariant() const
(since 6.8) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QGrpcChannelOptions &chOpts)
(since 6.8) QGrpcSerializationFormat serializationFormat() const
(since 6.8) QGrpcChannelOptions &setSerializationFormat(const QGrpcSerializationFormat &format)
(since 6.8) void swap(QGrpcChannelOptions &other)

클래스 QGrpcClientStream:

(since 6.8) void writesDone()

클래스 QGrpcOperation:

(since 6.8) bool read(QProtobufMessage *message) const

클래스 QGrpcSerializationFormat:

(since 6.8) QVariant operator QVariant() const
(since 6.8) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QGrpcSerializationFormat &sfmt)
(since 6.8) void swap(QGrpcSerializationFormat &other)

클래스 QGrpcStatus:

(since 6.8) bool isOk() const
(since 6.8) QVariant operator QVariant() const
(since 6.8) QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const QGrpcStatus &status)
(since 6.8) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QGrpcStatus &status)
(since 6.8) QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, QGrpcStatus &status)
(since 6.8) size_t qHash(const QGrpcStatus &key, size_t seed)
(since 6.8) void swap(QGrpcStatus &other)

클래스 QHash:

(since 6.8) size_t qHash(qint128 key, size_t seed)
(since 6.8) size_t qHash(quint128 key, size_t seed)

클래스 QHelpContentModel:

(since 6.8) void createContentsForCurrentFilter()

클래스 QHelpIndexModel:

(since 6.8) void createIndexForCurrentFilter()

클래스 QHttpHeaders:

(since 6.8) bool replaceOrAppend(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView newValue)

클래스 QHttpPart:

(since 6.8) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QHttpPart &part)

클래스 QHttpServerResponder:

(since 6.8) void swap(QHttpServerResponder &other)
(since 6.8) void writeBeginChunked(const QByteArray &mimeType, QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status)
(since 6.8) void writeBeginChunked(const QHttpHeaders &headers, QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status)
(since 6.8) void writeBeginChunked(const QHttpHeaders &headers, QList<QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader> trailers, QHttpServerResponder::StatusCode status)
(since 6.8) void writeChunk(const QByteArray &data)
(since 6.8) void writeEndChunked(const QByteArray &data)
(since 6.8) void writeEndChunked(const QByteArray &data, const QHttpHeaders &trailers)

클래스 QHttpServerResponse:

(since 6.8) QHttpHeaders headers() const
(since 6.8) void setHeaders(QHttpHeaders &&newHeaders)
(since 6.8) void setHeaders(const QHttpHeaders &newHeaders)

클래스 QIdentityProxyModel:

(since 6.8) bool handleSourceDataChanges() const
(since 6.8) bool handleSourceLayoutChanges() const
(since 6.8) void setHandleSourceDataChanges(bool b)
(since 6.8) void setHandleSourceLayoutChanges(bool b)

클래스 QImage:

(since 6.8) void applyColorTransform(const QColorTransform &transform, QImage::Format toFormat, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags)
(since 6.8) QImage colorTransformed(const QColorTransform &transform, QImage::Format toFormat, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags) const &
(since 6.8) QImage colorTransformed(const QColorTransform &transform, QImage::Format 형식, Qt::ImageConversionFlags 플래그) &&
(since 6.8) void convertToColorSpace(const QColorSpace &colorSpace, QImage::Format 형식, Qt::ImageConversionFlags 플래그)
(since 6.8) QImage convertedToColorSpace(const QColorSpace &colorSpace, QImage::Format 형식, Qt::ImageConversionFlags 플래그) &&
(since 6.8) QImage convertedToColorSpace(const QColorSpace &colorSpace, QImage::Format 형식, Qt::ImageConversionFlags 플래그) const &&

클래스 QJniObject:

(since 6.8) void swap(QJniObject &other)

클래스 QLatin1StringMatcher:

(since 6.8) qsizetype indexIn(QStringView haystack, qsizetype from) const

클래스 QLatin1StringView:

(since 6.8) qsizetype maxSize()
(since 6.8) qsizetype max_size() const
(since 6.8) QLatin1StringView &slice(qsizetype pos)
(since 6.8) QLatin1StringView &slice(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n)

클래스 QLibraryInfo:

(since 6.8) QStringList paths(QLibraryInfo::LibraryPath p)

클래스 QLineF:

(since 6.8) bool qFuzzyCompare(const QLineF &lhs, const QLineF &rhs)
(since 6.8) bool qFuzzyIsNull(const QLineF &line)

클래스 QList:

(since 6.8) qsizetype maxSize()
(since 6.8) qsizetype max_size() const
(since 6.8) void resizeForOverwrite(qsizetype size)

클래스 QLocalServer:

(since 6.8) void addPendingConnection(QLocalSocket *socket)

클래스 QMap:

(since 6.8) size_t qHash(const QMap<Key, T> &key, size_t seed)

클래스 QMarginsF:

(since 6.8) bool qFuzzyCompare(const QMarginsF &lhs, const QMarginsF &rhs)
(since 6.8) bool qFuzzyIsNull(const QMarginsF &margins)

클래스 QMessageAuthenticationCode:

(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<char> buffer, QByteArrayView message, QByteArrayView key, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<char> buffer, QSpan<const QByteArrayView> messageParts, QByteArrayView key, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<std::byte> buffer, QByteArrayView message, QByteArrayView key, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<std::byte> buffer, QSpan<const QByteArrayView> messageParts, QByteArrayView key, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<uchar> buffer, QByteArrayView message, QByteArrayView key, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)
(since 6.8) QByteArrayView hashInto(QSpan<uchar> buffer, QSpan<const QByteArrayView> messageParts, QByteArrayView key, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method)

클래스 QNetworkAccessManager:

(since 6.8) QNetworkReply *post(const QNetworkRequest &request, std::nullptr_t nptr)
(since 6.8) QNetworkReply *put(const QNetworkRequest &request, std::nullptr_t nptr)

클래스 QNetworkCacheMetaData:

(since 6.8) QHttpHeaders headers() const
(since 6.8) void setHeaders(const QHttpHeaders &headers)

클래스 QNetworkProxy:

(since 6.8) QHttpHeaders headers() const
(since 6.8) void setHeaders(QHttpHeaders &&newHeaders)
(since 6.8) void setHeaders(const QHttpHeaders &newHeaders)

클래스 QNetworkReply:

(since 6.8) QHttpHeaders headers() const
(since 6.8) void setHeaders(const QHttpHeaders &newHeaders)
(since 6.8) void setHeaders(QHttpHeaders &&newHeaders)
(since 6.8) void setWellKnownHeader(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QByteArrayView value)

클래스 QNetworkRequest:

(since 6.8) QHttpHeaders headers() const
(since 6.8) void setHeaders(QHttpHeaders &&newHeaders)
(since 6.8) void setHeaders(const QHttpHeaders &newHeaders)

클래스 QNetworkRequestFactory:

(since 6.8) QVariant attribute(QNetworkRequest::Attribute attribute) const
(since 6.8) QVariant attribute(QNetworkRequest::Attribute attribute, const QVariant &defaultValue) const
(since 6.8) void clearAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Attribute attribute)
(since 6.8) void clearAttributes()
(since 6.8) QNetworkRequest::Priority priority() const
(since 6.8) void setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Attribute attribute, const QVariant &value)
(since 6.8) void setPriority(QNetworkRequest::Priority priority)

클래스 QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow:

(since 6.8) QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow::PkceMethod pkceMethod() const
(since 6.8) void setPkceMethod(QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow::PkceMethod method, qsizetype length)

클래스 QObject:

(since 6.8) void killTimer(Qt::TimerId id)

클래스 QPdfWriter:

(since 6.8) QPdfWriter::ColorModel colorModel() const
(since 6.8) QUuid documentId() const
(since 6.8) QPdfOutputIntent outputIntent() const
(since 6.8) void setColorModel(QPdfWriter::ColorModel model)
(since 6.8) void setDocumentId(QUuid documentId)
(since 6.8) void setOutputIntent(const QPdfOutputIntent &intent)

클래스 QPointF:

(since 6.8) bool qFuzzyCompare(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
(since 6.8) bool qFuzzyIsNull(const QPointF &point)

클래스 QProtobufMessage:

(since 6.8) bool deserialize(QAbstractProtobufSerializer *serializer, QByteArrayView data)
(since 6.8) const QtProtobufPrivate::QProtobufPropertyOrdering *propertyOrdering() const
(since 6.8) QByteArray serialize(QAbstractProtobufSerializer *serializer) const

클래스 QQuickRenderTarget:

(since 6.8) QRhiTexture *depthTexture() const
(since 6.8) QQuickRenderTarget fromD3D11Texture(void *texture, uint format, QSize pixelSize, int sampleCount, QQuickRenderTarget::Flags flags)
(since 6.8) QQuickRenderTarget fromD3D12Texture(void *texture, int resourceState, uint format, uint viewFormat, QSize pixelSize, int sampleCount, int arraySize, QQuickRenderTarget::Flags flags)
(since 6.8) QQuickRenderTarget fromMetalTexture(MTLTexture *texture, uint format, uint viewFormat, QSize pixelSize, int sampleCount, int arraySize, QQuickRenderTarget::Flags flags)
(since 6.8) QQuickRenderTarget fromOpenGLTexture(uint textureId, uint format, QSize pixelSize, int sampleCount, int arraySize, QQuickRenderTarget::Flags flags)
(since 6.8) QQuickRenderTarget fromVulkanImage(VkImage image, VkImageLayout layout, VkFormat format, VkFormat viewFormat, QSize pixelSize, int sampleCount, int arraySize, QQuickRenderTarget::Flags flags)
(since 6.8) void setDepthTexture(QRhiTexture *texture)

클래스 QQuickWebEngineProfile:

(since 6.8) QWebEngineClientHints *clientHints() const
(since 6.8) QList<QWebEnginePermission> listAllPermissions() const
(since 6.8) QList<QWebEnginePermission> listPermissionsForOrigin(const QUrl &securityOrigin) const
(since 6.8) QList<QWebEnginePermission> listPermissionsForPermissionType(QWebEnginePermission::PermissionType permissionType) const
(since 6.8) QWebEnginePermission queryPermission(const QUrl &securityOrigin, QWebEnginePermission::PermissionType permissionType) const

클래스 QRectF:

(since 6.8) bool qFuzzyCompare(const QRectF &lhs, const QRectF &rhs)
(since 6.8) bool qFuzzyIsNull(const QRectF &rect)

클래스 QRegion:

(since 6.8) QSpan<const QRect> rects() const
(since 6.8) void setRects(QSpan<const QRect> rects)

클래스 QRhiTexture:

(since 6.8) QRhiTexture::ViewFormat readViewFormat() const
(since 6.8) void setReadViewFormat(const QRhiTexture::ViewFormat &fmt)
(since 6.8) void setWriteViewFormat(const QRhiTexture::ViewFormat &fmt)
(since 6.8) QRhiTexture::ViewFormat writeViewFormat() const

클래스 QRhiTextureRenderTargetDescription:

(since 6.8) QRhiTexture *depthResolveTexture() const
(since 6.8) void setDepthResolveTexture(QRhiTexture *tex)

클래스 QSGMaterial:

(since 6.8) int viewCount() const

클래스 QSGMaterialShader:

(since 6.8) void setShaderFileName(QSGMaterialShader::Stage stage, const QString &filename, int viewCount)

클래스 QSizeF:

(since 6.8) bool qFuzzyCompare(const QSizeF &lhs, const QSizeF &rhs)
(since 6.8) bool qFuzzyIsNull(const QSizeF &size)

클래스 QSpan:

(since 6.8) QSpan<const std::byte, E == q20::dynamic_extent ? q20::dynamic_extent : E * sizeof(T)> as_bytes(QSpan<T, E> s)
(since 6.8) QSpan<std::byte, E == q20::dynamic_extent ? q20::dynamic_extent : E * sizeof(T)> as_writable_bytes(QSpan<T, E> s)

클래스 QSqlDatabase:

(since 6.8) bool moveToThread(QThread *targetThread)
(since 6.8) QThread *thread() const

클래스 QString:

(since 6.8) qsizetype maxSize()
(since 6.8) qsizetype max_size() const
(since 6.8) void resizeForOverwrite(qsizetype size)
(since 6.8) QString &slice(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n)
(since 6.8) QString &slice(qsizetype pos)

클래스 QStringView:

(since 6.8) qsizetype maxSize()
(since 6.8) qsizetype max_size() const
(since 6.8) QStringView &slice(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n)
(since 6.8) QStringView &slice(qsizetype pos)

클래스 QStyleHints:

(since 6.8) void setColorScheme(Qt::ColorScheme scheme)
(since 6.8) void unsetColorScheme()

클래스 QSvgRenderer:

(since 6.8) void setDefaultOptions(QtSvg::Options flags)

클래스 QThread:

(since 6.8) bool isCurrentThread() const
(since 6.8) bool isMainThread()

클래스 QThreadPool:

(since 6.8) bool waitForDone(QDeadlineTimer deadline)

클래스 QTimeZone:

(since 6.8) bool hasAlternativeName(QByteArrayView alias) const

클래스 QTimer:

(since 6.8) Qt::TimerId id() const

클래스 QTimerEvent:

(since 6.8) Qt::TimerId id() const

클래스 QUtf8StringView:

(since 6.8) qsizetype maxSize()
(since 6.8) qsizetype max_size() const
(since 6.8) QUtf8StringView &slice(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n)
(since 6.8) QUtf8StringView &slice(qsizetype pos)

클래스 QVarLengthArray:

(since 6.8) qsizetype maxSize()
(since 6.8) qsizetype max_size() const

클래스 QVersionNumber:

(since 6.8) QVersionNumber::const_iterator begin() const
(since 6.8) QVersionNumber::const_iterator cbegin() const
(since 6.8) QVersionNumber::const_iterator cend() const
(since 6.8) QVersionNumber::const_iterator constBegin() const
(since 6.8) QVersionNumber::const_iterator constEnd() const
(since 6.8) QVersionNumber::const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
(since 6.8) QVersionNumber::const_reverse_iterator crend() const
(since 6.8) QVersionNumber::const_iterator end() const
(since 6.8) QVersionNumber::const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
(since 6.8) QVersionNumber::const_reverse_iterator rend() const

클래스 QWebEnginePage:

(since 6.8) std::optional<QWebEngineFrame> findFrameByName(QAnyStringView name)
(since 6.8) QWebEngineFrame mainFrame()
(since 6.8) void permissionRequested(QWebEnginePermission permission)
(since 6.8) void printRequestedByFrame(QWebEngineFrame frame)
(since 6.8) void zoomFactorChanged(qreal factor)

클래스 QWebEngineProfile:

(since 6.8) QWebEngineClientHints *clientHints() const
(since 6.8) QList<QWebEnginePermission> listAllPermissions() const
(since 6.8) QList<QWebEnginePermission> listPermissionsForOrigin(const QUrl &securityOrigin) const
(since 6.8) QList<QWebEnginePermission> listPermissionsForPermissionType(QWebEnginePermission::PermissionType permissionType) const
(since 6.8) QWebEngineProfile::PersistentPermissionsPolicy persistentPermissionsPolicy() const
(since 6.8) QWebEnginePermission queryPermission(const QUrl &securityOrigin, QWebEnginePermission::PermissionType permissionType) const
(since 6.8) void setPersistentPermissionsPolicy(QWebEngineProfile::PersistentPermissionsPolicy newPersistentPermissionsPolicy)

클래스 QWebEngineView:

(since 6.8) void printRequestedByFrame(QWebEngineFrame frame)

클래스 QWidget:

(since 6.8) QWidget *childAt(const QPointF &p) const

네임스페이스의 새로운 함수

(since 6.8) Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay(std::nullptr_t lhs, Qt::totally_ordered_wrapper<T *> rhs)
(since 6.8) Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay(U *lhs, Qt::totally_ordered_wrapper<T *> rhs)
(since 6.8) Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay(Qt::totally_ordered_wrapper<T *> lhs, std::nullptr_t rhs)
(since 6.8) Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay(Qt::totally_ordered_wrapper<T *> lhs, U *rhs)
(since 6.8) Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay(Qt::totally_ordered_wrapper<T *> lhs, Qt::totally_ordered_wrapper<U *> rhs)
(since 6.8) void failOnWarning()
(since 6.8) void setThrowOnFail(bool enable)
(since 6.8) void setThrowOnSkip(bool enable)
(since 6.8) void wheelEvent(QWindow *window, QPointF pos, QPoint angleDelta, QPoint pixelDelta, Qt::KeyboardModifiers stateKey, Qt::ScrollPhase phase)

새로운 매크로

(since 6.8) QT_NO_QASCONST
(since 6.8) QT_NO_QSNPRINTF
(since 6.8) Q_DECLARE_JNI_CLASS(Type, JavaSignature)
(since 6.8) Q_DECLARE_JNI_NATIVE_METHOD(Method, JavaName)
(since 6.8) Q_JNI_NATIVE_METHOD(Method)
(since 6.8) Q_JNI_NATIVE_SCOPED_METHOD(Method, Scope)

새로운 열거형 유형

(since 6.8) enum class BlendOp { Add, Subtract, ReverseSubtract, Min, Max }
(since 6.8) enum class Error { None, InvalidHeader, UnknownType, UnexpectedEndOfStream, InvalidFormat }
(since 6.8) enum class AnnouncementPoliteness { Polite, Assertive }
(since 6.8) enum class Attribute { Custom, Level }
(since 6.8) enum class ColorModel { Undefined, Rgb, Gray, Cmyk }
(since 6.8) enum class TransformModel { ThreeComponentMatrix, ElementListProcessing }
(since 6.8) enum class PkceMethod { S256, Plain, None }
(since 6.8) enum class OutOfBoundsPolicy { Reject, Clamp }
(since 6.8) enum class ColorModel { RGB, Grayscale, CMYK, Auto }
(since 6.8) enum class Flag { MultisampleResolve }
(since 6.8) enum class PersistentPermissionsPolicy { AskEveryTime, StoreInMemory, StoreOnDisk }
(since 6.8) enum class PersistentPermissionsPolicy { AskEveryTime, StoreInMemory, StoreOnDisk }
(since 6.8) enum class ContextMenuTrigger { Press, Release }
(since 6.8) enum class TimerId { Invalid }

새로운 열거형 값

새로운 타입 별칭

(since 6.8) const_iterator
(since 6.8) const_pointer
(since 6.8) const_reference
(since 6.8) const_reverse_iterator
(since 6.8) difference_type
(since 6.8) pointer
(since 6.8) reference
(since 6.8) size_type
(since 6.8) value_type

새로운 속성

새로운 변수

(since 6.8) opAlpha
(since 6.8) opColor
(since 6.8) MacOSSequoia

새로운 QML 유형

새로운 QML 속성

QML 유형 BorderImage:

(since 6.8) retainWhileLoading : bool

QML 유형 DebugSettings:

(since 6.8) disableShadowCameraUpdate : bool
(since 6.8) drawCascades : bool
(since 6.8) drawDirectionalLightShadowBoxes : bool
(since 6.8) drawSceneCascadeIntersection : bool
(since 6.8) drawShadowCastingBounds : bool
(since 6.8) drawShadowReceivingBounds : bool

QML 유형 DirectionalLight:

(since 6.8) csmBlendRatio : real
(since 6.8) csmNumSplits : int
(since 6.8) csmSplit1 : real
(since 6.8) csmSplit2 : real
(since 6.8) csmSplit3 : real

QML 유형 Drag:

(since 6.8) imageSourceSize : size

QML 유형 GrpcChannelOptions:

(since 6.8) serializationFormat : enumeration

QML Type HorizontalHeaderView:

(since 6.8) movableColumns : bool

QML Type Image:

(since 6.8) retainWhileLoading : bool

QML Type Layout:

(since 6.8) useDefaultSizePolicy : enumeration

QML Type Light:

(since 6.8) pcfFactor : real
(since 6.8) softShadowQuality : enumeration

QML Type MediaPlayer:

(since 6.8) audioBufferOutput : QAudioBufferOutput

QML Type MenuItem:

(since 6.8) implicitTextPadding : bool
(since 6.8) textPadding : bool

QML Type PathText:

(since 6.8) font.contextFontMerging : bool
(since 6.8) font.preferTypoLineMetrics : bool

QML Type PdfSearchModel:

(since 6.8) count : int

QML Type Popup:

(since 6.8) popupType : enumeration

QML Type PrincipledMaterial:

(since 6.8) baseColorChannel : enumeration
(since 6.8) baseColorSingleChannelEnabled : bool
(since 6.8) emissiveChannel : enumeration
(since 6.8) emissiveSingleChannelEnabled : bool
(since 6.8) invertOpacityMapValue : real
(since 6.8) specularChannel : enumeration
(since 6.8) specularSingleChannelEnabled : bool
(since 6.8) vertexColorAlphaMask : enumeration
(since 6.8) vertexColorBlueMask : enumeration
(since 6.8) vertexColorGreenMask : enumeration
(since 6.8) vertexColorRedMask : enumeration
(since 6.8) vertexColorsMaskEnabled : bool

QML Type ShapePath:

(since 6.8) fillItem : Item
(since 6.8) fillTransform : matrix4x4

QML Type ShellSurface:

(since 6.8) modal : bool

QML Type SpecularGlossyMaterial:

(since 6.8) albedoChannel : enumeration
(since 6.8) albedoSingleChannelEnabled : bool
(since 6.8) emissiveChannel : enumeration
(since 6.8) emissiveSingleChannelEnabled : bool
(since 6.8) invertOpacityMapValue : real
(since 6.8) specularChannel : enumeration
(since 6.8) specularSingleChannelEnabled : bool
(since 6.8) vertexColorAlphaMask : enumeration
(since 6.8) vertexColorBlueMask : enumeration
(since 6.8) vertexColorGreenMask : enumeration
(since 6.8) vertexColorRedMask : enumeration
(since 6.8) vertexColorsMaskEnabled : bool

QML Type Text:

(since 6.8) font.contextFontMerging : bool
(since 6.8) font.preferTypoLineMetrics : bool

QML Type TextEdit:

(since 6.8) font.contextFontMerging : bool
(since 6.8) font.preferTypoLineMetrics : bool

QML Type TextInput:

(since 6.8) font.contextFontMerging : bool
(since 6.8) font.preferTypoLineMetrics : bool

QML Type VerticalHeaderView:

(since 6.8) movableRows : bool

QML Type WebEngineNavigationRequest:

(since 6.8) hasFormData : bool

QML Type WebEngineProfile:

(since 6.8) persistentPermissionsPolicy : enumeration

QML Type XdgToplevel:

(since 6.8) modal : bool

QML Type pickResult:

(since 6.8) hitType : enumeration
(since 6.8) itemHit : Item

새로운 QML 신호

(since 6.8) columnMoved(int logicalIndex, int oldVisualIndex, int newVisualIndex)
(since 6.8) rowMoved(int logicalIndex, int oldVisualIndex, int newVisualIndex)

새로운 QML 메서드

QML 유형 TableView:

(since 6.8) clearColumnReordering()
(since 6.8) clearRowReordering()
(since 6.8) moveColumn(int source, int destination)
(since 6.8) moveRow(int source, int destination)

QML Type View3D:

(since 6.8) pickResult pick(float x, float y, Model model)
(since 6.8) List<pickResult> pickSubset(float x, float y, list<Model> models)
(since 6.8) setTouchpoint(Item target, point position, int pointId, bool pressed)

QML 유형 WebEngineProfile:

(since 6.8) list<webEnginePermission> listAllPermissions()
(since 6.8) list<webEnginePermission> listPermissionsForOrigin(url securityOrigin)
(since 6.8) list<webEnginePermission> listPermissionsForPermissionType(WebEnginePermission.PermissionType permissionType)
(since 6.8) void queryPermission(url securityOrigin, WebEnginePermission.PermissionType permissionType)

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