Simple Bar Graph

The Qt 3D Bar Graph example demonstrates creating a 3D bar graph in QML using Bars3D. It visualizes fictional company data for income and expenses over time, showcasing features like data series switching, custom axis labels, and interactive data selection.

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# Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause

import sys
from pathlib import Path

from PySide6.QtGui import QGuiApplication
from PySide6.QtQuick import QQuickView

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv)
    view = QQuickView()

    view.loadFromModule("Bars", "Main")
    view.setTitle("Monthly income / expenses")

    ex = app.exec()
    del view
// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls.Basic
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtGraphs
import Qt.labs.qmlmodels

pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound

Item {
    id: mainview
    width: 1280
    height: 1024

    property int buttonLayoutHeight: 180
    property int currentRow
    state: Screen.width < Screen.height ? "portrait" : "landscape"

    Data {
        id: graphData

    Axes {
        id: graphAxes

    property Bar3DSeries selectedSeries
    selectedSeries: barSeries

    function handleSelectionChange(series, position) {
        if (position !== series.invalidSelectionPosition)
            selectedSeries = series

        // Set tableView current row to selected bar
        var rowRole = series.rowLabels[position.x]
        var colRole
        if (barGraph.columnAxis ==
            colRole = "01"
            colRole = series.columnLabels[position.y]
        var checkTimestamp = rowRole + "-" + colRole

        if (currentRow === -1 || checkTimestamp !== graphData.model.get(currentRow).timestamp) {
            var totalRows = tableView.rows
            for (var i = 0; i < totalRows; i++) {
                var modelTimestamp = graphData.model.get(i).timestamp
                if (modelTimestamp === checkTimestamp) {
                    currentRow = i

    ColumnLayout {
        id: tableViewLayout
        anchors.left: parent.left

        HorizontalHeaderView {
            id: headerView
            readonly property var columnNames: ["Month", "Expenses", "Income"]

            syncView: tableView
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            delegate: Text {
                required property int index
                padding: 3
                text: headerView.columnNames[index]
                color: barGraph.theme.labelTextColor
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                elide: Text.ElideRight

        TableView {
            id: tableView
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.fillHeight: true

            reuseItems: false
            clip: true

            model: TableModel {
                id: tableModel
                TableModelColumn { display: "timestamp" }
                TableModelColumn { display: "expenses" }
                TableModelColumn { display: "income" }

                rows: graphData.modelAsJsArray

            delegate: Rectangle {
                id: delegateRoot
                required property int row
                required property int column
                required property string display
                implicitHeight: 30
                implicitWidth: column === 0 ? tableView.width / 2 : tableView.width / 4
                color: row === mainview.currentRow ? barGraph.theme.grid.mainColor
                                                   : barGraph.theme.backgroundColor
                border.color: row === mainview.currentRow ? barGraph.theme.labelTextColor
                                                          : barGraph.theme.grid.mainColor
                border.width: 1
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    onClicked: {
                        mainview.currentRow = delegateRoot.row

                        //! [2]
                        var timestamp = graphData.model.get(mainview.currentRow).timestamp
                        var pattern = /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)/
                        var matches = pattern.exec(timestamp)
                        var rowIndex = modelProxy.rowCategoryIndex(matches[1])
                        var colIndex

                        if (barGraph.columnAxis ==
                            colIndex = 0 // Just one column when showing yearly totals
                            colIndex = modelProxy.columnCategoryIndex(matches[2])

                        if (selectedSeries.visible)
                            mainview.selectedSeries.selectedBar = Qt.point(rowIndex, colIndex)
                        else if (barSeries.visible)
                            barSeries.selectedBar = Qt.point(rowIndex, colIndex)
                            secondarySeries.selectedBar = Qt.point(rowIndex, colIndex)
                        //! [2]

                Text {
                    id: delegateText
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    width: parent.width
                    anchors.leftMargin: 4
                    anchors.left: parent.left
                    anchors.right: parent.right
                    text: formattedText
                    property string formattedText: {
                        if (delegateRoot.column === 0) {
                            if (delegateRoot.display !== "") {
                                var pattern = /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)/
                                var matches = pattern.exec(delegateRoot.display)
                                var colIndex = parseInt(matches[2], 10) - 1
                                return matches[1] + " - " + graphAxes.column.labels[colIndex]
                        } else {
                            return delegateRoot.display
                    color: delegateRoot.row === mainview.currentRow ? barGraph.theme.backgroundColor
                                                                    : barGraph.theme.labelTextColor
                    horizontalAlignment: delegateRoot.column === 0 ? Text.AlignLeft
                                                                   : Text.AlignHCenter
                    elide: Text.ElideRight

    ColumnLayout {
        id: controlLayout
        spacing: 0

        Button {
            id: changeDataButton
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.fillHeight: true
            text: "Show 2020 - 2022"
            clip: true
            //! [1]
            onClicked: {
                if (text === "Show yearly totals") {
                    modelProxy.autoRowCategories = true
                    secondaryProxy.autoRowCategories = true
                    modelProxy.columnRolePattern = /^.*$/
                    secondaryProxy.columnRolePattern = /^.*$/
                    graphAxes.value.autoAdjustRange = true
                    barGraph.columnAxis =
                    text = "Show all years"
                } else if (text === "Show all years") {
                    modelProxy.autoRowCategories = true
                    secondaryProxy.autoRowCategories = true
                    modelProxy.columnRolePattern = /^.*-(\d\d)$/
                    secondaryProxy.columnRolePattern = /^.*-(\d\d)$/
                    graphAxes.value.min = 0
                    graphAxes.value.max = 35
                    barGraph.columnAxis = graphAxes.column
                    text = "Show 2020 - 2022"
                } else { // text === "Show 2020 - 2022"
                    // Explicitly defining row categories, since we do not want to show data for
                    // all years in the model, just for the selected ones.
                    modelProxy.autoRowCategories = false
                    secondaryProxy.autoRowCategories = false
                    modelProxy.rowCategories = ["2020", "2021", "2022"]
                    secondaryProxy.rowCategories = ["2020", "2021", "2022"]
                    text = "Show yearly totals"
            //! [1]

            contentItem: Text {
                text: changeDataButton.text
                opacity: changeDataButton.enabled ? 1.0 : 0.3
                color: barGraph.theme.labelTextColor
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                elide: Text.ElideRight

            background: Rectangle {
                opacity: changeDataButton.enabled ? 1 : 0.3
                color: changeDataButton.down ? barGraph.theme.grid.mainColor : barGraph.theme.backgroundColor
                border.color: changeDataButton.down ? barGraph.theme.labelTextColor : barGraph.theme.grid.mainColor
                border.width: 1
                radius: 2

        Button {
            id: shadowToggle
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.fillHeight: true
            text: "Hide Shadows"
            clip: true
            onClicked: {
                if (barGraph.shadowQuality == Graphs3D.ShadowQuality.None) {
                    barGraph.shadowQuality = Graphs3D.ShadowQuality.SoftHigh
                    text = "Hide Shadows"
                } else {
                    barGraph.shadowQuality = Graphs3D.ShadowQuality.None
                    text = "Show Shadows"
            contentItem: Text {
                text: shadowToggle.text
                opacity: shadowToggle.enabled ? 1.0 : 0.3
                color: barGraph.theme.labelTextColor
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                elide: Text.ElideRight

            background: Rectangle {
                opacity: shadowToggle.enabled ? 1 : 0.3
                color: shadowToggle.down ? barGraph.theme.grid.mainColor : barGraph.theme.backgroundColor
                border.color: shadowToggle.down ? barGraph.theme.labelTextColor : barGraph.theme.grid.mainColor
                border.width: 1
                radius: 2

        Button {
            id: seriesToggle
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.fillHeight: true
            text: "Show Expenses"
            clip: true
            //! [0]
            onClicked: {
                if (text === "Show Expenses") {
                    barSeries.visible = false
                    secondarySeries.visible = true
                    barGraph.valueAxis.labelFormat = "-%.2f M\u20AC"
                    secondarySeries.itemLabelFormat = "Expenses, @colLabel, @rowLabel: @valueLabel"
                    text = "Show Both"
                } else if (text === "Show Both") {
                    barSeries.visible = true
                    barGraph.valueAxis.labelFormat = "%.2f M\u20AC"
                    secondarySeries.itemLabelFormat = "Expenses, @colLabel, @rowLabel: -@valueLabel"
                    text = "Show Income"
                } else { // text === "Show Income"
                    secondarySeries.visible = false
                    text = "Show Expenses"
            //! [0]
            contentItem: Text {
                text: seriesToggle.text
                opacity: seriesToggle.enabled ? 1.0 : 0.3
                color: barGraph.theme.labelTextColor
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                elide: Text.ElideRight

            background: Rectangle {
                opacity: seriesToggle.enabled ? 1 : 0.3
                color: seriesToggle.down ? barGraph.theme.grid.mainColor : barGraph.theme.backgroundColor
                border.color: seriesToggle.down ? barGraph.theme.labelTextColor : barGraph.theme.grid.mainColor
                border.width: 1
                radius: 2

        Button {
            id: marginToggle
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.fillHeight: true
            text: "Use Margin"
            clip: true

            onClicked: {
                if (text === "Use Margin") {
                    barGraph.barSeriesMargin = Qt.size(0.2, 0.2)
                    barGraph.barSpacing = Qt.size(0.0, 0.0)
                    text = "Use Spacing"
                } else if (text === "Use Spacing") {
                    barGraph.barSeriesMargin = Qt.size(0.0, 0.0)
                    barGraph.barSpacing = Qt.size(0.5, 0.5)
                    text = "Use Margin"
            contentItem: Text {
                text: marginToggle.text
                opacity: marginToggle.enabled ? 1.0 : 0.3
                color: barGraph.theme.labelTextColor
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                elide: Text.ElideRight

            background: Rectangle {
                opacity: marginToggle.enabled ? 1 : 0.3
                color: marginToggle.down ? barGraph.theme.grid.mainColor : barGraph.theme.backgroundColor
                border.color: marginToggle.down ? barGraph.theme.labelTextColor : barGraph.theme.grid.mainColor
                border.width: 1
                radius: 2

    Item {
        id: dataView
        anchors.right: mainview.right
        anchors.bottom: mainview.bottom

        Bars3D {
            id: barGraph
            anchors.fill: parent
            shadowQuality: Graphs3D.ShadowQuality.SoftHigh
            selectionMode: Graphs3D.SelectionFlag.Item
            theme: GraphsTheme {
                colorScheme: GraphsTheme.ColorScheme.Dark
                labelBorderVisible: true
                labelFont.pointSize: 35
                labelBackgroundVisible: true
                colorStyle: GraphsTheme.ColorStyle.RangeGradient
                singleHighlightGradient: customGradient

                Gradient {
                    id: customGradient
                    GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#FFFF00" }
                    GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#808000" }
            barThickness: 0.7
            barSpacing: Qt.size(0.5, 0.5)
            barSpacingRelative: false
            cameraPreset: Graphs3D.CameraPreset.IsometricLeftHigh
            columnAxis: graphAxes.column
            rowAxis: graphAxes.row
            valueAxis: graphAxes.value

            //! [4]
            Bar3DSeries {
                id: secondarySeries
                visible: false
                itemLabelFormat: "Expenses, @colLabel, @rowLabel: -@valueLabel"
                baseGradient: secondaryGradient

                ItemModelBarDataProxy {
                    id: secondaryProxy
                    itemModel: graphData.model
                    rowRole: "timestamp"
                    columnRole: "timestamp"
                    valueRole: "expenses"
                    rowRolePattern: /^(\d\d\d\d).*$/
                    columnRolePattern: /^.*-(\d\d)$/
                    valueRolePattern: /-/
                    rowRoleReplace: "\\1"
                    columnRoleReplace: "\\1"
                    multiMatchBehavior: ItemModelBarDataProxy.MultiMatchBehavior.Cumulative
                //! [4]

                Gradient {
                    id: secondaryGradient
                    GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#FF0000" }
                    GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#600000" }

                onSelectedBarChanged: (position) => mainview.handleSelectionChange(secondarySeries,

            //! [3]
            Bar3DSeries {
                id: barSeries
                itemLabelFormat: "Income, @colLabel, @rowLabel: @valueLabel"
                baseGradient: barGradient

                ItemModelBarDataProxy {
                    id: modelProxy
                    itemModel: graphData.model
                    rowRole: "timestamp"
                    columnRole: "timestamp"
                    valueRole: "income"
                    rowRolePattern: /^(\d\d\d\d).*$/
                    columnRolePattern: /^.*-(\d\d)$/
                    rowRoleReplace: "\\1"
                    columnRoleReplace: "\\1"
                    multiMatchBehavior: ItemModelBarDataProxy.MultiMatchBehavior.Cumulative
                //! [3]

                Gradient {
                    id: barGradient
                    GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#00FF00" }
                    GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#006000" }

                onSelectedBarChanged: (position) => mainview.handleSelectionChange(barSeries,

    states: [
        State  {
            name: "landscape"
            PropertyChanges {
                target: dataView
                width: mainview.width / 4 * 3
                height: mainview.height
            PropertyChanges  {
                target: tableViewLayout
                height: mainview.height - buttonLayoutHeight
                anchors.right: dataView.left
                anchors.left: mainview.left
                anchors.bottom: undefined
            PropertyChanges  {
                target: controlLayout
                width: mainview.width / 4
                height: buttonLayoutHeight
                anchors.bottom: mainview.bottom
                anchors.left: mainview.left
                anchors.right: dataView.left
        State  {
            name: "portrait"
            PropertyChanges {
                target: dataView
                width: mainview.width
                height: mainview.width
            PropertyChanges  {
                target: tableViewLayout
                height: mainview.width
                anchors.right: controlLayout.left
                anchors.left: mainview.left
            PropertyChanges  {
                target: controlLayout
                width: mainview.height / 4
                height: mainview.width / 4
                anchors.left: undefined
                anchors.right: mainview.right
// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause

import QtQuick
import QtQml.Models

Item {
    property alias model: dataModel

    property var modelAsJsArray: {
        var arr = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < dataModel.count; i++) {
            var row = dataModel.get(i);
                         timestamp: row.timestamp,
                         expenses: row.expenses,
                         income: row.income
        return arr;

    //! [0]
    ListModel {
        id: dataModel
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-01"; expenses: "-4";  income: "5" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-02"; expenses: "-5";  income: "6" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-03"; expenses: "-7";  income: "4" }
        //! [0]
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-04"; expenses: "-3";  income: "2" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-05"; expenses: "-4";  income: "1" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-06"; expenses: "-2";  income: "2" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-07"; expenses: "-1";  income: "3" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-08"; expenses: "-5";  income: "1" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-09"; expenses: "-2";  income: "3" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-10"; expenses: "-5";  income: "2" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-11"; expenses: "-8";  income: "5" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2016-12"; expenses: "-3";  income: "3" }

        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-01"; expenses: "-3";  income: "1" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-02"; expenses: "-4";  income: "2" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-03"; expenses: "-12"; income: "4" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-04"; expenses: "-13"; income: "6" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-05"; expenses: "-14"; income: "11" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-06"; expenses: "-7";  income: "7" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-07"; expenses: "-6";  income: "4" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-08"; expenses: "-4";  income: "15" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-09"; expenses: "-2";  income: "18" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-10"; expenses: "-29"; income: "25" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-11"; expenses: "-23"; income: "29" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2017-12"; expenses: "-5";  income: "9" }

        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-01"; expenses: "-3";  income: "8" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-02"; expenses: "-8";  income: "14" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-03"; expenses: "-10"; income: "20" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-04"; expenses: "-12"; income: "24" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-05"; expenses: "-10"; income: "19" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-06"; expenses: "-5";  income: "8" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-07"; expenses: "-1";  income: "4" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-08"; expenses: "-7";  income: "12" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-09"; expenses: "-4";  income: "16" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-10"; expenses: "-22"; income: "33" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-11"; expenses: "-16"; income: "25" }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2018-12"; expenses: "-2";  income: "7" }

        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-01"; expenses: "-4";  income: "5"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-02"; expenses: "-4";  income: "7"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-03"; expenses: "-11"; income: "14"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-04"; expenses: "-16"; income: "22"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-05"; expenses: "-3";  income: "5"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-06"; expenses: "-4";  income: "8"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-07"; expenses: "-7";  income: "9"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-08"; expenses: "-9";  income: "13"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-09"; expenses: "-1";  income: "6"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-10"; expenses: "-14"; income: "25"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-11"; expenses: "-19"; income: "29"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2019-12"; expenses: "-5";  income: "7"  }

        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-01"; expenses: "-14"; income: "22"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-02"; expenses: "-5";  income: "7"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-03"; expenses: "-1";  income: "9"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-04"; expenses: "-1";  income: "12"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-05"; expenses: "-5";  income: "9"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-06"; expenses: "-5";  income: "8"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-07"; expenses: "-3";  income: "7"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-08"; expenses: "-1";  income: "5"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-09"; expenses: "-2";  income: "4"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-10"; expenses: "-10"; income: "13"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-11"; expenses: "-12"; income: "17"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2020-12"; expenses: "-6";  income: "9"  }

        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-01"; expenses: "-2";  income: "6"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-02"; expenses: "-4";  income: "8"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-03"; expenses: "-7";  income: "12"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-04"; expenses: "-9";  income: "15"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-05"; expenses: "-7";  income: "19"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-06"; expenses: "-9";  income: "18"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-07"; expenses: "-13"; income: "17"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-08"; expenses: "-5";  income: "9"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-09"; expenses: "-3";  income: "8"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-10"; expenses: "-13"; income: "15"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-11"; expenses: "-8";  income: "17"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2021-12"; expenses: "-7";  income: "10"  }

        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-01"; expenses: "-12";  income: "16"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-02"; expenses: "-24";  income: "28"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-03"; expenses: "-27";  income: "22"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-04"; expenses: "-29";  income: "25"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-05"; expenses: "-27";  income: "29"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-06"; expenses: "-19";  income: "18"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-07"; expenses: "-13";  income: "17"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-08"; expenses: "-15";  income: "19"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-09"; expenses: "-3";   income: "8"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-10"; expenses: "-3";   income: "6"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-11"; expenses: "-4";   income: "8"  }
        ListElement{ timestamp: "2022-12"; expenses: "-5";   income: "9"  }
// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause

import QtQuick
import QtGraphs

Item {
    property alias column: columnAxis
    property alias row: rowAxis
    property alias value: valueAxis
    property alias total: totalAxis

    // Custom labels for columns, since the data contains abbreviated month names.
    //! [0]
    Category3DAxis {
        id: columnAxis
        labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
            "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
        labelAutoAngle: 30
    //! [0]
    Category3DAxis {
        id: totalAxis
        labels: ["Yearly total"]
        labelAutoAngle: 30
    Category3DAxis {
        // For row labels we can use row labels from data proxy, no labels defined for rows.
        id: rowAxis
        labelAutoAngle: 30

    Value3DAxis {
        id: valueAxis
        min: 0
        max: 35
        labelFormat: "%.2f M\u20AC"
        title: "Monthly income"
        labelAutoAngle: 90
module Bars
Main 1.0 Main.qml
Axes 1.0 Axes.qml
Data 1.0 Data.qml