Minibrowser Example

Simple application that demonstrates how to use a QWebView modules with Qt Quick.

Minibrowser screenshot

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# Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause

import sys
from pathlib import Path

from PySide6.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QUrl, QRect, QPoint
from PySide6.QtGui import QGuiApplication
from PySide6.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine
from PySide6.QtWebView import QtWebView
import argparse

import rc_qml  # noqa: F401

class Utils:
    def fromUserInput(userInput):
        if not userInput:
            return QUrl.fromUserInput("about:blank")
        result = QUrl.fromUserInput(userInput)
        return result if result.isValid() else QUrl.fromUserInput("about:blank")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv)
                                              .translate("main", "QtWebView Example"))

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=QGuiApplication.applicationDisplayName())
    parser.add_argument("--url", nargs="?",
                        help="The initial URL to open.")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    initialUrl = args.url

    engine = QQmlApplicationEngine()
    context = engine.rootContext()
    context.setContextProperty("utils", Utils())
    context.setContextProperty("initialUrl", Utils.fromUserInput(initialUrl))

    geometry = QGuiApplication.primaryScreen().availableGeometry()
    if not QGuiApplication.styleHints().showIsFullScreen():
        size = geometry.size() * 4 / 5
        offset = (geometry.size() - size) / 2
        pos = geometry.topLeft() + QPoint(offset.width(), offset.height())
        geometry = QRect(pos, size)

    engine.setInitialProperties({"x": geometry.x(), "y": geometry.y(),
                                 "width": geometry.width(), "height": geometry.height()})
    qml_file = Path(__file__).parent / "main.qml"

    if not engine.rootObjects():

    exit_code = app.exec()
    del engine
// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtWebView
import QtQuick.Layouts

ApplicationWindow {
    id: window
    visible: true
    title: webView.title

    menuBar: ToolBar {
        id: navigationBar
        RowLayout {
            anchors.fill: parent
            spacing: 0

            ToolButton {
                id: backButton
                icon.source: "qrc:/left-32.png"
                onClicked: webView.goBack()
                enabled: webView.canGoBack
                Layout.preferredWidth: navigationBar.height

            ToolButton {
                id: forwardButton
                icon.source: "qrc:/right-32.png"
                onClicked: webView.goForward()
                enabled: webView.canGoForward
                Layout.preferredWidth: navigationBar.height

            ToolButton {
                id: reloadButton
                icon.source: webView.loading ? "qrc:/stop-32.png" : "qrc:/refresh-32.png"
                onClicked: webView.loading ? webView.stop() : webView.reload()
                Layout.preferredWidth: navigationBar.height

            Item { Layout.preferredWidth: 5 }

            TextField {
                Layout.fillWidth: true
                id: urlField
                inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhUrlCharactersOnly | Qt.ImhPreferLowercase
                text: webView.url
                onAccepted: webView.url = utils.fromUserInput(text)

            Item { Layout.preferredWidth: 5 }

            ToolButton {
                id: goButton
                text: qsTr("Go")
                onClicked: {
                    webView.url = utils.fromUserInput(urlField.text)

            ToolButton {
                id: settingsButton
                icon.source: "qrc:/settings-32.png"
                onClicked: {
                    settingsDrawer.width = (settingsDrawer.width > 0) ? 0 : window.width * 1/4
                Layout.preferredWidth: navigationBar.height

            Item { Layout.preferredWidth: 10 }
         ProgressBar {
             id: progress
             anchors {
                left: parent.left
                top: parent.bottom
                right: parent.right
                leftMargin: parent.leftMargin
                rightMargin: parent.rightMargin
             z: Qt.platform.os === "android" ? -1 : -2
             background: Item {}
             visible: Qt.platform.os !== "ios" && Qt.platform.os !== "winrt"
             from: 0
             to: 100
             value: webView.loadProgress < 100 ? webView.loadProgress : 0

    Item {
        id: settingsDrawer
        anchors.right: parent.right
        ColumnLayout {
            Label {
                text: "JavaScript"
            CheckBox {
                id: javaScriptEnabledCheckBox
                text: "enabled"
                onCheckStateChanged: webView.settings.javaScriptEnabled = (checkState == Qt.Checked)
            Label {
                text: "Local storage"
            CheckBox {
                id: localStorageEnabledCheckBox
                text: "enabled"
                onCheckStateChanged: webView.settings.localStorageEnabled = (checkState == Qt.Checked)
            Label {
                text: "Allow file access"
            CheckBox {
                id: allowFileAccessEnabledCheckBox
                text: "enabled"
                onCheckStateChanged: webView.settings.allowFileAccess = (checkState == Qt.Checked)
            Label {
                text: "Local content can access file URLs"
            CheckBox {
                id: localContentCanAccessFileUrlsEnabledCheckBox
                text: "enabled"
                onCheckStateChanged: webView.settings.localContentCanAccessFileUrls = (checkState == Qt.Checked)

    WebView {
        id: webView
        url: initialUrl
        anchors.right: settingsDrawer.left
        anchors.left: parent.left
        height: parent.height
        onLoadingChanged: function(loadRequest) {
            if (loadRequest.errorString)

        Component.onCompleted: {
            javaScriptEnabledCheckBox.checkState = settings.javaScriptEnabled ? Qt.Checked : Qt.Unchecked
            localStorageEnabledCheckBox.checkState = settings.localStorageEnabled ? Qt.Checked : Qt.Unchecked
            allowFileAccessEnabledCheckBox.checkState = settings.allowFileAccess ? Qt.Checked : Qt.Unchecked
            localContentCanAccessFileUrlsEnabledCheckBox.checkState = settings.localContentCanAccessFileUrls ? Qt.Checked : Qt.Unchecked
    <qresource prefix="/">
        <file alias="left-32.png">images/left-32.png</file>
        <file alias="stop-32.png">images/stop-32.png</file>
        <file alias="refresh-32.png">images/refresh-32.png</file>
        <file alias="right-32.png">images/right-32.png</file>