Neue Klassen und Funktionen in Qt 6.0
Dieser Abschnitt enthält eine umfassende Liste aller neuen Klassen und Funktionen, die in Qt 6.0 eingeführt wurden.
- Neue Namespaces
- Neue Klassen
- Neue Memberfunktionen
- Neue Funktionen in Namespaces
- Neue globale Funktionen
- Neue Makros
- Neue Enum-Typen
- Neue Enum-Werte
- Neue Typ-Aliase
- Neue Eigenschaften
- Neue Variablen
- Neue QML-Typen
- Neue QML-Eigenschaften
Neue Namespaces
(since 6.0) namespace | QNativeInterface |
(since 6.0) namespace | QQuickOpenGLUtils |
Neue Klassen
- A
- QAbstractFileIconProvider
- QAction
- QActionGroup
- QAdoptSharedDataTag
- QAndroidOffscreenSurface (QNativeInterface)
- QAnyStringView
- QAxBaseObject
- QAxBaseWidget
- QAxObjectInterface
- P
- QPageRanges
- QPartialOrdering
- QPickingProxy (Qt3DRender)
- QPointerEvent
- QPointingDevice
- QPromise
- QProperty
- QPropertyBindingError
- QPropertyData
Neue Mitgliedsfunktionen
Klasse QAbstractItemModel:
(since 6.0) virtual bool | clearItemData(const QModelIndex &index) |
(since 6.0) virtual void | multiData(const QModelIndex &index, QModelRoleDataSpan roleDataSpan) const |
Klasse QAbstractItemView:
(since 6.0) virtual void | initViewItemOption(QStyleOptionViewItem *option) const |
(since 6.0) virtual QAbstractItemDelegate * | itemDelegateForIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const |
Klasse QAbstractProxyModel:
(since 6.0) virtual bool | clearItemData(const QModelIndex &index) override |
Klasse QAction:
(since 6.0) QList<QObject *> | associatedObjects() const |
Klasse QBitArray:
(since 6.0) quint32 | toUInt32(QSysInfo::Endian endianness, bool *ok) const |
Klasse QBitmap:
(since 6.0) QBitmap | fromPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap) |
Klasse QBluetoothDeviceInfo:
(since 6.0) QList<QBluetoothUuid> | serviceUuids() const |
Klasse QByteArray:
(since 6.0) int | compare(QByteArrayView bv, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.0) bool | contains(QByteArrayView bv) const |
(since 6.0) qsizetype | count(QByteArrayView bv) const |
(since 6.0) bool | endsWith(QByteArrayView bv) const |
(since 6.0) QByteArray | first(qsizetype n) && |
(since 6.0) QByteArray | first(qsizetype n) const & |
(since 6.0) qsizetype | indexOf(QByteArrayView bv, qsizetype from) const |
(since 6.0) QByteArray & | insert(qsizetype i, QByteArrayView data) |
(since 6.0) QByteArray | last(qsizetype n) && |
(since 6.0) QByteArray | last(qsizetype n) const & |
(since 6.0) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QByteArrayView bv, qsizetype from) const |
(since 6.0) void | push_back(QByteArrayView str) |
(since 6.0) void | push_front(QByteArrayView str) |
(since 6.0) QByteArray & | replace(QByteArrayView before, QByteArrayView after) |
(since 6.0) QByteArray | sliced(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n) && |
(since 6.0) QByteArray | sliced(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n) const & |
(since 6.0) QByteArray | sliced(qsizetype pos) && |
(since 6.0) QByteArray | sliced(qsizetype pos) const & |
(since 6.0) bool | startsWith(QByteArrayView bv) const |
Klasse QCanBusDeviceInfo:
(since 6.0) QString | alias() const |
Klasse QChar:
Klasse QDataStream:
(since 6.0) QDataStream & | operator<<(char16_t c) |
(since 6.0) QDataStream & | operator<<(char32_t c) |
(since 6.0) QDataStream & | operator<<(QDataStream &out, const std::pair<T1, T2> &pair) |
(since 6.0) QDataStream & | operator>>(char16_t &c) |
(since 6.0) QDataStream & | operator>>(char32_t &c) |
(since 6.0) QDataStream & | operator>>(QDataStream &in, std::pair<T1, T2> &pair) |
Klasse QDate:
(since 6.0) QDate | fromString(QStringView string, Qt::DateFormat format) |
(since 6.0) QDate | fromString(QStringView string, QStringView format, QCalendar cal) |
(since 6.0) QDate | fromString(const QString &string, QStringView format, QCalendar cal) |
(since 6.0) QDate | fromString(const QString &string, QStringView format, int baseYear, QCalendar cal) |
Klasse QDateTime:
(since 6.0) QDateTime | fromString(QStringView string, Qt::DateFormat format) |
(since 6.0) QDateTime | fromString(QStringView string, QStringView format, QCalendar cal) |
(since 6.0) QDateTime | fromString(const QString &string, QStringView format, QCalendar cal) |
(since 6.0) QDateTime | fromString(const QString &string, QStringView format, int baseYear, QCalendar cal) |
Klasse QDebug:
(since 6.0) QDebug & | operator<<(QByteArrayView t) |
(since 6.0) QDebug & | operator<<(QUtf8StringView s) |
(since 6.0) QDebug & | operator<<(const char16_t *t) |
(since 6.0) QString | toString(const T &object) |
Klasse QDir:
(since 6.0) void | addSearchPath(const QString &prefix, const std::filesystem::path &path) |
(since 6.0) std::filesystem::path | filesystemAbsolutePath() const |
(since 6.0) std::filesystem::path | filesystemCanonicalPath() const |
(since 6.0) std::filesystem::path | filesystemPath() const |
(since 6.0) void | setPath(const std::filesystem::path &path) |
Klasse QDropEvent:
(since 6.0) Qt::MouseButtons | buttons() const |
(since 6.0) Qt::KeyboardModifiers | modifiers() const |
(since 6.0) QPointF | position() const |
Klasse QEvent:
(since 6.0) virtual QEvent * | clone() const |
(since 6.0) bool | isInputEvent() const |
(since 6.0) bool | isPointerEvent() const |
(since 6.0) bool | isSinglePointEvent() const |
Klasse QExplicitlySharedDataPointer:
Klasse QFile:
(since 6.0) bool | copy(const std::filesystem::path &newName) |
(since 6.0) std::filesystem::path | filesystemFileName() const |
(since 6.0) bool | link(const std::filesystem::path &newName) |
(since 6.0) QFileDevice::Permissions | permissions(const std::filesystem::path &filename) |
(since 6.0) bool | rename(const std::filesystem::path &newName) |
(since 6.0) void | setFileName(const std::filesystem::path &name) |
(since 6.0) bool | setPermissions(const std::filesystem::path &filename, QFileDevice::Permissions permissionSpec) |
Klasse QFileInfo:
(since 6.0) std::filesystem::path | filesystemAbsoluteFilePath() const |
(since 6.0) std::filesystem::path | filesystemAbsolutePath() const |
(since 6.0) std::filesystem::path | filesystemCanonicalFilePath() const |
(since 6.0) std::filesystem::path | filesystemCanonicalPath() const |
(since 6.0) std::filesystem::path | filesystemFilePath() const |
(since 6.0) std::filesystem::path | filesystemPath() const |
(since 6.0) std::filesystem::path | filesystemSymLinkTarget() const |
(since 6.0) void | setFile(const std::filesystem::path &path) |
(since 6.0) void | stat() |
Klasse QFuture:
(since 6.0) bool | isSuspended() const |
(since 6.0) bool | isSuspending() const |
(since 6.0) bool | isValid() const |
(since 6.0) QFuture<T> | onCanceled(Function &&handler) |
(since 6.0) QFuture<T> | onFailed(Function &&handler) |
(since 6.0) void | setSuspended(bool suspend) |
(since 6.0) void | suspend() |
(since 6.0) T | takeResult() |
(since 6.0) QFuture<QFuture<T>::ResultType<Function>> | then(Function &&function) |
(since 6.0) QFuture<QFuture<T>::ResultType<Function>> | then(QThreadPool *pool, Function &&function) |
(since 6.0) QFuture<QFuture<T>::ResultType<Function>> | then(QtFuture::Launch policy, Function &&function) |
(since 6.0) void | toggleSuspended() |
Klasse QFutureWatcher:
(since 6.0) bool | isSuspended() const |
(since 6.0) bool | isSuspending() const |
(since 6.0) void | setSuspended(bool suspend) |
(since 6.0) void | suspend() |
(since 6.0) void | suspended() |
(since 6.0) void | suspending() |
(since 6.0) void | toggleSuspended() |
Klasse QGraphicsLayoutItem:
(since 6.0) virtual bool | isEmpty() const |
Klasse QHash:
(since 6.0) size_t | qHash(QPoint key, size_t seed) |
(since 6.0) size_t | qHash(char16_t key, size_t seed) |
(since 6.0) size_t | qHash(char32_t key, size_t seed) |
(since 6.0) size_t | qHash(char8_t key, size_t seed) |
(since 6.0) size_t | qHash(const QTypeRevision &key, size_t seed) |
(since 6.0) size_t | qHash(std::nullptr_t key, size_t seed) |
(since 6.0) size_t | qHash(wchar_t key, size_t seed) |
(since 6.0) size_t | qHashMulti(size_t seed, const T &... args) |
(since 6.0) size_t | qHashMultiCommutative(size_t seed, const T &... args) |
Klasse QHeaderView:
(since 6.0) virtual void | initStyleOptionForIndex(QStyleOptionHeader *option, int logicalIndex) const |
Klasse QIODevice:
(since 6.0) virtual qint64 | skipData(qint64 maxSize) |
Klasse QIcon:
(since 6.0) QPixmap | pixmap(const QSize &size, qreal devicePixelRatio, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state) const |
Klasse QImage:
(since 6.0) QImage | convertedTo(QImage::Format format, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags) && |
(since 6.0) QImage | convertedTo(QImage::Format format, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags) const & |
(since 6.0) QImage | fromHBITMAP(HBITMAP hbitmap) |
(since 6.0) QImage | fromHICON(HICON icon) |
(since 6.0) void | mirror(bool horizontal, bool vertical) |
(since 6.0) void | rgbSwap() |
(since 6.0) HBITMAP | toHBITMAP() const |
(since 6.0) HICON | toHICON(const QImage &mask) const |
Klasse QImageIOHandler:
(since 6.0) bool | allocateImage(QSize size, QImage::Format format, QImage *image) |
Klasse QImageReader:
(since 6.0) int | allocationLimit() |
(since 6.0) void | setAllocationLimit(int mbLimit) |
Klasse QInputEvent:
(since 6.0) const QInputDevice * | device() const |
Klasse QJsonValue:
(since 6.0) qint64 | toInteger(qint64 defaultValue) const |
Klasse QKeyEvent:
(since 6.0) QKeyCombination | keyCombination() const |
Klasse QLabel:
(since 6.0) QPicture | picture() const |
Klasse QLatin1StringView:
(since 6.0) QLatin1StringView | first(qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.0) QLatin1StringView | last(qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.0) QLatin1StringView | sliced(qsizetype pos) const |
(since 6.0) QLatin1StringView | sliced(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.0) QString | toString() const |
(since 6.0) decltype(qTokenize(*this, std::forward<Needle>(needle), flags...)) | tokenize(Needle &&sep, Flags... flags) const |
Klasse QLibraryInfo:
(since 6.0) QString | path(QLibraryInfo::LibraryPath p) |
Klasse QList:
(since 6.0) void | append(QList<T> &&value) |
(since 6.0) QList<T> | first(qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.0) QList<T> | last(qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.0) QList<T> & | operator+=(QList<T> &&other) |
(since 6.0) QList<T> & | operator<<(QList<T> &&other) |
(since 6.0) void | resize(qsizetype size) |
(since 6.0) void | resize(qsizetype size, QList<T>::parameter_type c) |
(since 6.0) QList<T> | sliced(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.0) QList<T> | sliced(qsizetype pos) const |
Klasse QLocale:
(since 6.0) QString | quoteString(QStringView str, QLocale::QuotationStyle style) const |
Klasse QMap:
(since 6.0) QMap<Key, T>::iterator | erase(QMap<Key, T>::const_iterator first, QMap<Key, T>::const_iterator last) |
(since 6.0) std::map<Key, T> | toStdMap() && |
Klasse QMargins:
(since 6.0) QMargins | operator|(const QMargins &m1, const QMargins &m2) |
Klasse QMarginsF:
(since 6.0) QMarginsF | operator|(const QMarginsF &m1, const QMarginsF &m2) |
Klasse QMetaMethod:
(since 6.0) QMetaType | parameterMetaType(int index) const |
(since 6.0) QByteArray | parameterTypeName(int index) const |
(since 6.0) int | relativeMethodIndex() const |
(since 6.0) QMetaType | returnMetaType() const |
Klasse QMetaProperty:
(since 6.0) QUntypedBindable | bindable(QObject *object) const |
(since 6.0) bool | isBindable() const |
(since 6.0) QMetaType | metaType() const |
(since 6.0) int | typeId() const |
Klasse QMetaSequence:
(since 6.0) QMetaSequence | fromContainer() |
(since 6.0) bool | operator!=(const QMetaSequence &lhs, const QMetaSequence &rhs) |
(since 6.0) bool | operator==(const QMetaSequence &lhs, const QMetaSequence &rhs) |
Klasse QMetaType:
(since 6.0) qsizetype | alignOf() const |
(since 6.0) QPartialOrdering | compare(const void *lhs, const void *rhs) const |
(since 6.0) bool | equals(const void *lhs, const void *rhs) const |
(since 6.0) bool | hasRegisteredDebugStreamOperator() const |
(since 6.0) bool | hasRegisteredMutableViewFunction() |
(since 6.0) bool | registerMutableView(To (From::*)() function) |
(since 6.0) bool | registerMutableView(UnaryFunction function) |
(since 6.0) bool | view(QMetaType fromType, void *from, QMetaType toType, void *to) |
Klasse QModbusReply:
(since 6.0) QList<QModbusDevice::IntermediateError> | intermediateErrors() const |
Klasse QModelIndex:
(since 6.0) void | multiData(QModelRoleDataSpan roleDataSpan) const |
Klasse QMultiHash:
(since 6.0) QMultiHash<Key, T> & | unite(const QHash<Key, T> &other) |
Klasse QMultiMap:
(since 6.0) QMultiMap<Key, T>::iterator | erase(QMultiMap<Key, T>::const_iterator first, QMultiMap<Key, T>::const_iterator last) |
Klasse QSGD3D11Texture:
(since 6.0) QSGTexture * | fromNative(void *texture, QQuickWindow *window, const QSize &size, QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options) |
Klasse QSGMetalTexture:
(since 6.0) QSGTexture * | fromNative(int texture, QQuickWindow *window, const QSize &size, QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options) |
Klasse QSGOpenGLTexture:
(since 6.0) QSGTexture * | fromNative(GLuint textureId, QQuickWindow *window, const QSize &size, QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options) |
Klasse QSGVulkanTexture:
(since 6.0) QSGTexture * | fromNative(VkImage image, VkImageLayout layout, QQuickWindow *window, const QSize &size, QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options) |
Klasse QPagedPaintDevice:
(since 6.0) QPageRanges | pageRanges() const |
(since 6.0) virtual void | setPageRanges(const QPageRanges &ranges) |
Klasse QPersistentModelIndex:
(since 6.0) void | multiData(QModelRoleDataSpan roleDataSpan) const |
Klasse QPointer:
(since 6.0) T * | get() const |
Klasse QProcess:
(since 6.0) std::function<void ()> | childProcessModifier() const |
(since 6.0) void | setChildProcessModifier(const std::function<void ()> &modifier) |
(since 6.0) void | startCommand(const QString &command, QIODeviceBase::OpenMode mode) |
Klasse QQmlApplicationEngine:
(since 6.0) void | setExtraFileSelectors(const QStringList &extraFileSelectors) |
Klasse QQmlExtensionPlugin:
(since 6.0) virtual void | unregisterTypes() |
Klasse QQuickItem:
(since 6.0) virtual void | geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) |
Klasse QQuickRenderControl:
(since 6.0) void | beginFrame() |
(since 6.0) void | endFrame() |
(since 6.0) bool | initialize() |
(since 6.0) int | samples() const |
(since 6.0) void | setSamples(int sampleCount) |
(since 6.0) QQuickWindow * | window() const |
Klasse QQuickWindow:
(since 6.0) void | afterFrameEnd() |
(since 6.0) void | beforeFrameBegin() |
(since 6.0) QSGRendererSchnittstelle::GraphicsApi | graphicsApi() |
(since 6.0) QQuickGraphicsConfiguration | graphicsConfiguration() const |
(since 6.0) QQuickGraphicsDevice | graphicsDevice() const |
(since 6.0) QQuickRenderTarget | renderTarget() const |
(since 6.0) void | setGraphicsApi(QSGRendererInterface::GraphicsApi api) |
(since 6.0) void | setGraphicsConfiguration(konst. QQuickGraphicsConfiguration &config) |
(since 6.0) void | setGraphicsDevice(konst. QQuickGraphicsDevice &Gerät) |
(since 6.0) void | setRenderTarget(const QQuickRenderTarget &target) |
Klasse QRect:
(since 6.0) QRect | span(const QPoint &p1, const QPoint &p2) |
Klasse QRegion:
Klasse QRegularExpression:
(since 6.0) QRegularExpression | fromWildcard(QStringView pattern, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs, QRegularExpression::WildcardConversionOptions options) |
Klasse QSGRenderNode:
(since 6.0) virtual void | prepare() |
Klasse QSGTexture:
(since 6.0) virtual void | commitTextureOperations(QRhi *rhi, QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *resourceUpdates) |
(since 6.0) virtual QRhiTexture * | rhiTexture() const |
Klasse QSharedDataPointer:
(since 6.0) T * | get() |
(since 6.0) const T * | get() const |
(since 6.0) void | reset(T *ptr) |
(since 6.0) T * | take() |
Klasse QShortcut:
(since 6.0) QList<QKeySequence> | keys() const |
(since 6.0) void | setKeys(QKeySequence::StandardKey key) |
(since 6.0) void | setKeys(const QList<QKeySequence> &keys) |
Klasse QSortFilterProxyModel:
(since 6.0) void | autoAcceptChildRowsChanged(bool autoAcceptChildRows) |
(since 6.0) void | invalidateColumnsFilter() |
(since 6.0) void | invalidateRowsFilter() |
Klasse QSqlDriver:
(since 6.0) virtual int | maximumIdentifierLength(QSqlDriver::IdentifierType type) const |
Klasse QSqlQuery:
(since 6.0) QVariantList | boundValues() const |
Klasse QSslConfiguration:
(since 6.0) bool | handshakeMustInterruptOnError() const |
(since 6.0) bool | missingCertificateIsFatal() const |
(since 6.0) void | setCiphers(const QString &ciphers) |
(since 6.0) void | setHandshakeMustInterruptOnError(bool interrupt) |
(since 6.0) void | setMissingCertificateIsFatal(bool cannotRecover) |
Klasse QSslSocket:
(since 6.0) void | continueInterruptedHandshake() |
Klasse QStandardItem:
(since 6.0) virtual void | multiData(QModelRoleDataSpan roleDataSpan) const |
Klasse QString:
(since 6.0) QString & | append(QStringView v) |
(since 6.0) qsizetype | count(QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.0) QString | first(qsizetype n) && |
(since 6.0) QString | first(qsizetype n) const & |
(since 6.0) QString | fromLatin1(QByteArrayView str) |
(since 6.0) QString | fromLocal8Bit(QByteArrayView str) |
(since 6.0) QString | fromUtf8(QByteArrayView str) |
(since 6.0) QString | fromUtf8(const char8_t *str, qsizetype size) |
(since 6.0) QString & | insert(qsizetype position, QStringView str) |
(since 6.0) QString | last(qsizetype n) && |
(since 6.0) QString | last(qsizetype n) const & |
(since 6.0) int | localeAwareCompare(QStringView other) const |
(since 6.0) int | localeAwareCompare(QStringView s1, QStringView s2) |
(since 6.0) QString & | operator+=(QStringView str) |
(since 6.0) QString & | prepend(QStringView str) |
(since 6.0) QString | sliced(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n) && |
(since 6.0) QString | sliced(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n) const & |
(since 6.0) QString | sliced(qsizetype pos) && |
(since 6.0) QString | sliced(qsizetype pos) const & |
(since 6.0) decltype(qTokenize(std::move(*this), std::forward<Needle>(needle), flags...)) | tokenize(Needle &&sep, Flags... flags) && |
(since 6.0) decltype(qTokenize(std::move(*this), std::forward<Needle>(needle), flags...)) | tokenize(Needle &&sep, Flags... flags) const && |
(since 6.0) decltype(qTokenize(*this, std::forward<Needle>(needle), flags...)) | tokenize(Needle &&sep, Flags... flags) const & |
Klasse QStringListModel:
(since 6.0) virtual bool | clearItemData(const QModelIndex &index) override |
Klasse QStringTokenizer:
(since 6.0) decltype(QtPrivate::Tok::TokenizerResult<Haystack, Needle>{std::forward<Haystack>(h), std::forward<Needle>(n), flags...}) | qTokenize(Haystack &&haystack, Needle &&needle, Flags... flags) |
Klasse QStringView:
(since 6.0) QStringView::const_pointer | constData() const |
(since 6.0) qsizetype | count(QChar ch, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.0) qsizetype | count(QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.0) QStringView | first(qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.0) QStringView | last(qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.0) QStringView | sliced(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.0) QStringView | sliced(qsizetype pos) const |
(since 6.0) QList<QStringView> | split(QChar sep, Qt::SplitBehavior behavior, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.0) QList<QStringView> | split(QStringView sep, Qt::SplitBehavior behavior, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.0) QList<QStringView> | split(const QRegularExpression &re, Qt::SplitBehavior behavior) const |
(since 6.0) CFStringRef | toCFString() const |
(since 6.0) double | toDouble(bool *ok) const |
(since 6.0) float | toFloat(bool *ok) const |
(since 6.0) int | toInt(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.0) long | toLong(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.0) qlonglong | toLongLong(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.0) NSString * | toNSString() const |
(since 6.0) short | toShort(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.0) uint | toUInt(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.0) ulong | toULong(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.0) qulonglong | toULongLong(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.0) ushort | toUShort(bool *ok, int base) const |
(since 6.0) decltype(qTokenize(*this, std::forward<Needle>(needle), flags...)) | tokenize(Needle &&sep, Flags... flags) const |
Klasse QSurfaceFormat:
(since 6.0) void | setColorSpace(const QColorSpace &colorSpace) |
Klasse QTextCharFormat:
(since 6.0) qreal | baselineOffset() const |
(since 6.0) void | setBaselineOffset(qreal baseline) |
(since 6.0) void | setSubScriptBaseline(qreal baseline) |
(since 6.0) void | setSuperScriptBaseline(qreal baseline) |
(since 6.0) qreal | subScriptBaseline() const |
(since 6.0) qreal | superScriptBaseline() const |
Klasse QTextDocument:
(since 6.0) qreal | baselineOffset() const |
(since 6.0) void | setBaselineOffset(qreal baseline) |
(since 6.0) void | setSubScriptBaseline(qreal baseline) |
(since 6.0) void | setSuperScriptBaseline(qreal baseline) |
(since 6.0) qreal | subScriptBaseline() const |
(since 6.0) qreal | superScriptBaseline() const |
Klasse QThreadPool:
(since 6.0) bool | contains(const QThread *thread) const |
Klasse QTime:
(since 6.0) QTime | fromString(QStringView string, QStringView format) |
(since 6.0) QTime | fromString(QStringView string, Qt::DateFormat format) |
(since 6.0) QTime | fromString(const QString &string, QStringView format) |
Klasse QTypeRevision:
(since 6.0) QDataStream & | operator<<(QDataStream &out, const QTypeRevision &revision) |
(since 6.0) QDataStream & | operator>>(QDataStream &in, QTypeRevision &revision) |
Klasse QUnhandledException:
(since 6.0) std::__exception_ptr::exception_ptr | exception() const |
(since 6.0) void | swap(QUnhandledException &andere) |
Klasse QVarLengthArray:
(since 6.0) QVarLengthArray<T, Prealloc> & | operator=(QVarLengthArray<T, Prealloc> &&other) |
Klasse QVariant:
(since 6.0) bool | canConvert(QMetaType type) const |
(since 6.0) QPartialOrdering | compare(const QVariant &lhs, const QVariant &rhs) |
(since 6.0) bool | convert(QMetaType targetType) |
(since 6.0) QMetaType | metaType() const |
Klasse QWidget:
(since 6.0) QPointF | mapFrom(const QWidget *parent, const QPointF &pos) const |
(since 6.0) QPointF | mapFromGlobal(const QPointF &pos) const |
(since 6.0) QPointF | mapFromParent(const QPointF &pos) const |
(since 6.0) QPointF | mapTo(const QWidget *parent, const QPointF &pos) const |
(since 6.0) QPointF | mapToGlobal(const QPointF &pos) const |
(since 6.0) QPointF | mapToParent(const QPointF &pos) const |
Klasse QWindow:
(since 6.0) QPointF | mapFromGlobal(const QPointF &pos) const |
(since 6.0) QPointF | mapToGlobal(const QPointF &pos) const |
(since 6.0) virtual void | paintEvent(QPaintEvent *ev) |
Neue Funktionen in Namespaces
(since 6.0) void | resetOpenGLState() |
(since 6.0) QtConcurrent::QTaskBuilder<Task> | task(Task &&task) |
Neue globale Funktionen
(since 6.0) long double | qDegreesToRadians(long double degrees) |
(since 6.0) long double | qRadiansToDegrees(long double radians) |
Neue Makros
(since 6.0) | QT_NO_FOREACH |
(since 6.0) | Q_MOC_INCLUDE |
(since 6.0) | Q_OBJECT_BINDABLE_PROPERTY(containingClass, type, name, signal) |
(since 6.0) | Q_OBJECT_BINDABLE_PROPERTY_WITH_ARGS(containingClass, type, name, initialvalue, signal) |
(since 6.0) | Q_OBJECT_COMPUTED_PROPERTY(containingClass, type, name, callback) |
Neue Enum-Typen
(since 6.0) enum | IntermediateError { ResponseCrcError, ResponseRequestMismatch } |
(since 6.0) enum | WildcardConversionOption { DefaultWildcardConversion, UnanchoredWildcardConversion, NonPathWildcardConversion } |
(since 6.0) enum class | AlertLevel { Warning, Fatal, Unknown } |
(since 6.0) enum class | AlertType { CloseNotify, UnexpectedMessage, BadRecordMac, RecordOverflow, DecompressionFailure, …, UnknownAlertMessage } |
(since 6.0) enum class | Launch { Sync, Async, Inherit } |
Neue Enum-Werte
enum value | Country::BosniaAndHerzegovina |
enum value | Country::Curacao |
enum value | Country::Czechia |
enum value | Language::Bangla |
enum value | Language::CentralAtlasTamazight |
enum value | Language::Inupiaq |
enum value | Language::Kalaallisut |
enum value | Language::Kuanyama |
enum value | Language::Kyrgyz |
enum value | Language::Navajo |
enum value | Language::NigerianPidgin |
enum value | Language::Odia |
enum value | Language::Uyghur |
enum value | Language::Wolaytta |
enum value | Resource::RhiRedirectCommandBuffer |
enum value | Resource::RhiRedirectRenderTarget |
enum value | Resource::RhiSwapchainResource |
enum value | Script::BanglaScript |
enum value | Script::MendeScript |
enum value | Script::OdiaScript |
Neue Typ-Aliase
Neue Eigenschaften
(since 6.0)
sortIndex : const(since 6.0)
readOnly : const(since 6.0)
autoAcceptChildRows :(since 6.0)
additionalShmFormats : const
Neue Variablen
(since 6.0) | MacOSBigSur |
Neue QML-Typen
Neue QML-Eigenschaften
QML-Typ FontLoader:
(since 6.0) | font : font |
QML-Typ GeometryRenderer:
(since 6.0) | sortIndex : float |
QML-Typ Item:
(since 6.0) | palette : Palette |
QML-Typ SceneEnvironment:
(since 6.0) | tonemapMode : enumeration |
QML-Typ Text:
(since 6.0) | renderTypeQuality : int |
QML-Typ WaylandCompositor:
(since 6.0) | additionalShmFormats : list<enum> |
QML-Typ Window:
(since 6.0) | palette : Palette |
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