Neue Klassen und Funktionen in Qt 6.7

Diese Seite enthält eine umfassende Liste aller neuen Klassen und Funktionen, die in Qt 6.7 eingeführt wurden.

Neue Namespaces

(since 6.7) namespace QtVideo

Neue Klassen

Neue Mitgliedsfunktionen

Klasse QAnyStringView:

(since 6.7) QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, QAnyStringView s)

Klasse QAtomicInteger:

(since 6.7) void qYieldCpu()

Klasse QByteArrayView:

(since 6.7) std::string_view operator std::string_view() const

Klasse QCalendar:

(since 6.7) QDate matchCenturyToWeekday(const QCalendar::YearMonthDay &parts, int dow) const

Klasse QCanDbcFileParser:

(since 6.7) bool parseData(QStringView data)

Klasse QCborStreamReader:

(since 6.7) QByteArray readAllByteArray()
(since 6.7) QString readAllString()
(since 6.7) QByteArray readAllUtf8String()
(since 6.7) bool readAndAppendToByteArray(QByteArray &dst)
(since 6.7) bool readAndAppendToString(QString &dst)
(since 6.7) bool readAndAppendToUtf8String(QByteArray &dst)
(since 6.7) QCborStreamReader::StringResult<QByteArray> readUtf8String()

Klasse QCheckBox:

(since 6.7) void checkStateChanged(Qt::CheckState state)

Klasse QCoreApplication:

(since 6.7) void processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags, QDeadlineTimer deadline)

Klasse QDBusAbstractInterface:

(since 6.7) bool isInteractiveAuthorizationAllowed() const
(since 6.7) void setInteractiveAuthorizationAllowed(bool enable)

Klasse QDataStream:

(since 6.7) QDataStream &readBytes(char *&s, qint64 &l)

Klasse QDate:

(since 6.7) QDate fromString(QStringView string, QStringView format, int baseYear)
(since 6.7) QDate fromString(const QString &string, QStringView format, int baseYear)
(since 6.7) QDate fromString(const QString &string, const QString &format, int baseYear)
(since 6.7) QDate fromString(QStringView string, QStringView format, int baseYear, QCalendar cal)

Klasse QDateTime:

(since 6.7) QDateTime fromString(QStringView string, QStringView format, int baseYear)
(since 6.7) QDateTime fromString(const QString &string, QStringView format, int baseYear)
(since 6.7) QDateTime fromString(const QString &string, const QString &format, int baseYear)
(since 6.7) QDateTime fromString(QStringView string, QStringView format, int baseYear, QCalendar cal)

Klasse QDebug:

(since 6.7) QDebug &operator<<(T i)
(since 6.7) QDebug &operator<<(T i)
(since 6.7) QDebug &operator<<(std::nullopt_t)
(since 6.7) bool quoteStrings() const
(since 6.7) void setQuoteStrings(bool b)

Klasse QEventLoop:

(since 6.7) void processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags, QDeadlineTimer deadline)

Klasse QEventLoopLocker:

(since 6.7) QEventLoopLocker &operator=(QEventLoopLocker &&other)
(since 6.7) void swap(QEventLoopLocker &other)
(since 6.7) void swap(QEventLoopLocker &lhs, QEventLoopLocker &rhs)

Klasse QFont:

(since 6.7) void clearFeatures()
(since 6.7) void clearVariableAxes()
(since 6.7) QList<QFont::Tag> featureTags() const
(since 6.7) quint32 featureValue(QFont::Tag tag) const
(since 6.7) bool isFeatureSet(QFont::Tag tag) const
(since 6.7) bool isVariableAxisSet(QFont::Tag tag) const
(since 6.7) void setFeature(QFont::Tag tag, quint32 value)
(since 6.7) void setVariableAxis(QFont::Tag tag, float value)
(since 6.7) void unsetFeature(QFont::Tag tag)
(since 6.7) void unsetVariableAxis(QFont::Tag tag)
(since 6.7) QList<QFont::Tag> variableAxisTags() const
(since 6.7) float variableAxisValue(QFont::Tag tag) const

Klasse QGrpcClientBase:

(since 6.7) std::shared_ptr<QAbstractGrpcChannel> channel() const
(since 6.7) void channelChanged()

Klasse QHttpServerRequest:

(since 6.7) QSslConfiguration sslConfiguration() const

Klasse QIcon:

(since 6.7) QIcon fromTheme(QIcon::ThemeIcon icon)
(since 6.7) QIcon fromTheme(QIcon::ThemeIcon icon, const QIcon &fallback)
(since 6.7) bool hasThemeIcon(QIcon::ThemeIcon icon)

Klasse QJniObject:

(since 6.7) auto callStaticMethod(const char *methodName, Args &&... args)

Klasse QMetaObject:

(since 6.7) bool invokeMethod(QObject *context, Functor &&function, Args &&... arguments)
(since 6.7) bool invokeMethod(QObject *context, Functor &&function, QTemplatedMetaMethodReturnArgument<FunctorReturnType> ret, Args &&... arguments)
(since 6.7) bool invokeMethod(QObject *context, Functor &&function, Qt::ConnectionType type, Args &&... arguments)
(since 6.7) bool invokeMethod(QObject *context, Functor &&function, Qt::ConnectionType type, QTemplatedMetaMethodReturnArgument<FunctorReturnType> ret, Args &&... arguments)

Klasse QNetworkAccessManager:

(since 6.7) QNetworkReply *get(const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *data)
(since 6.7) QNetworkReply *get(const QNetworkRequest &request, const QByteArray &data)
(since 6.7) void setTransferTimeout(std::chrono::milliseconds duration)
(since 6.7) std::chrono::milliseconds transferTimeoutAsDuration() const

Klasse QNetworkRequest:

(since 6.7) void setTransferTimeout(std::chrono::milliseconds duration)
(since 6.7) std::chrono::milliseconds transferTimeoutAsDuration() const

Klasse QObject:

(since 6.7) T findChild(Qt::FindChildOptions options) const

Klasse QOpcUaAttributeOperand:

(since 6.7) bool operator!=(const QOpcUaAttributeOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaAttributeOperand &rhs)
(since 6.7) bool operator==(const QOpcUaAttributeOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaAttributeOperand &rhs)

Klasse QOpcUaClient:

(since 6.7) QOpcUaHistoryReadResponse *readHistoryEvents(const QOpcUaHistoryReadEventRequest &request)
(since 6.7) bool registerNodes(const QStringList &nodesToRegister)
(since 6.7) void registerNodesFinished(const QStringList &nodesToRegister, const QStringList &registeredNodeIds, QOpcUa::UaStatusCode statusCode)
(since 6.7) bool unregisterNodes(const QStringList &nodesToUnregister)
(since 6.7) void unregisterNodesFinished(const QStringList &nodesToUnregister, QOpcUa::UaStatusCode statusCode)

Klasse QOpcUaContentFilterElement:

(since 6.7) bool operator!=(const QOpcUaContentFilterElement &lhs, const QOpcUaContentFilterElement &rhs)

Klasse QOpcUaDataValue:

(since 6.7) QVariant operator QVariant() const
(since 6.7) bool operator!=(const QOpcUaDataValue &lhs, const QOpcUaDataValue &rhs)
(since 6.7) bool operator==(const QOpcUaDataValue &lhs, const QOpcUaDataValue &rhs)
(since 6.7) quint16 serverPicoseconds() const
(since 6.7) void setServerPicoseconds(quint16 serverPicoseconds)
(since 6.7) void setSourcePicoseconds(quint16 sourcePicoseconds)
(since 6.7) quint16 sourcePicoseconds() const

Klasse QOpcUaElementOperand:

(since 6.7) bool operator!=(const QOpcUaElementOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaElementOperand &rhs)
(since 6.7) bool operator==(const QOpcUaElementOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaElementOperand &rhs)

Klasse QOpcUaGenericStructHandler:

(since 6.7) bool initialized() const

Klasse QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest:

(since 6.7) void setTimestampsToReturn(QOpcUa::TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn)
(since 6.7) QOpcUa::TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn() const

Klasse QOpcUaHistoryReadResponse:

(since 6.7) QList<QOpcUaHistoryEvent> events() const
(since 6.7) void readHistoryEventsFinished(const QList<QOpcUaHistoryEvent> &results, QOpcUa::UaStatusCode serviceResult)

Klasse QOpcUaLiteralOperand:

(since 6.7) bool operator!=(const QOpcUaLiteralOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaLiteralOperand &rhs)
(since 6.7) bool operator==(const QOpcUaLiteralOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaLiteralOperand &rhs)

Klasse QOpcUaMonitoringParameters:

(since 6.7) QHash<quint32, QOpcUa::UaStatusCode> failedTriggeredItemsStatus() const
(since 6.7) void setFailedTriggeredItemsStatus(const QHash<quint32, QOpcUa::UaStatusCode> &status)
(since 6.7) void setTriggeredItemIds(const QSet<quint32> &ids)
(since 6.7) QSet<quint32> triggeredItemIds() const

Klasse QOpcUaNode:

(since 6.7) QOpcUaHistoryReadResponse *readHistoryEvents(const QDateTime &startTime, const QDateTime &endTime, QOpcUaMonitoringParameters::EventFilter &filter, quint32 numValues)
(since 6.7) QOpcUaHistoryReadResponse *readHistoryRaw(const QDateTime &startTime, const QDateTime &endTime, quint32 numValues, bool returnBounds, QOpcUa::TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn)
(since 6.7) void valueAttributeUpdated(const QVariant &value)

Klasse QOpcUaRelativePathElement:

(since 6.7) QVariant operator QVariant() const
(since 6.7) bool operator!=(const QOpcUaRelativePathElement &lhs, const QOpcUaRelativePathElement &rhs)

Klasse QOpcUaSimpleAttributeOperand:

(since 6.7) bool operator!=(const QOpcUaSimpleAttributeOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaSimpleAttributeOperand &rhs)

Klasse QPartialOrdering:

(since 6.7) bool is_eq(QPartialOrdering o)
(since 6.7) bool is_gt(QPartialOrdering o)
(since 6.7) bool is_gteq(QPartialOrdering o)
(since 6.7) bool is_lt(QPartialOrdering o)
(since 6.7) bool is_lteq(QPartialOrdering o)
(since 6.7) bool is_neq(QPartialOrdering o)

Klasse QProcess:

(since 6.7) void failChildProcessModifier(const char *description, int error)

Klasse QProtobufMessage:

(since 6.7) QList<QByteArray> unknownFieldData(qint32 field) const
(since 6.7) QList<qint32> unknownFieldNumbers() const

Klasse QProtobufSerializer:

(since 6.7) void shouldPreserveUnknownFields(bool preserveUnknownFields)

Klasse QQuickTextDocument:

(preliminary) void save()
(preliminary) void saveAs(const QUrl &url)
(since 6.7) void setTextDocument(QTextDocument *document)
(since 6.7) void textDocumentChanged()

Klasse QQuickView:

(since 6.7) void loadFromModule(QAnyStringView uri, QAnyStringView typeName)

Klasse QQuickWebEngineProfile:

(since 6.7) void clearHttpCacheCompleted()

Klasse QQuickWindow:

(since 6.7) QSGTextNode *createTextNode() const

Klasse QRawFont:

(since 6.7) QByteArray fontTable(QFont::Tag tag) const

Klasse QRemoteObjectHost:

(since 6.7) void setLocalServerOptions(QLocalServer::SocketOptions options)

Klasse QRhiColorAttachment:

(since 6.7) int multiViewCount() const
(since 6.7) void setMultiViewCount(int count)

Klasse QRhiGraphicsPipeline:

(since 6.7) int multiViewCount() const
(since 6.7) void setMultiViewCount(int count)

Klasse QShader:

(since 6.7) QShader &operator=(QShader &&other)
(since 6.7) void swap(QShader &other)

Klasse QShaderBaker:

(since 6.7) void setMultiViewCount(int count)

Klasse QSharedPointer:

(since 6.7) bool owner_before(const QSharedPointer<X> &other) const
(since 6.7) bool owner_before(const QWeakPointer<X> &other) const
(since 6.7) bool owner_equal(const QSharedPointer<X> &other) const
(since 6.7) bool owner_equal(const QWeakPointer<X> &other) const
(since 6.7) size_t owner_hash() const

Klasse QSignalBlocker:

(since 6.7) void dismiss()

Klasse QSqlQuery:

(since 6.7) bool isPositionalBindingEnabled() const
(since 6.7) void setPositionalBindingEnabled(bool enable)

Klasse QStaticLatin1StringMatcher:

(since 6.7) auto qMakeStaticCaseInsensitiveLatin1StringMatcher(const char (&)[N] patternToMatch)
(since 6.7) auto qMakeStaticCaseSensitiveLatin1StringMatcher(const char (&)[N] patternToMatch)

Klasse QString:

(since 6.7) std::u16string_view operator std::u16string_view() const

Klasse QStringList:

(since 6.7) QStringList filter(const QStringMatcher &matcher) const
(since 6.7) QStringList filter(QLatin1StringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const

Klasse QStringMatcher:

(since 6.7) QStringView patternView() const

Klasse QStringView:

(since 6.7) bool isLower() const
(since 6.7) bool isUpper() const
(since 6.7) std::u16string_view operator std::u16string_view() const

Klasse QSvgWidget:

(since 6.7) QtSvg::Options options() const
(since 6.7) void setOptions(QtSvg::Options options)

Klasse QTemporaryFile:

(since 6.7) QTemporaryFile *createNativeFile(const std::filesystem::path &fileName)
(since 6.7) bool rename(const std::filesystem::path &newName)
(since 6.7) void setFileTemplate(const std::filesystem::path &name)

Klasse QUtf8StringView:

(since 6.7) std::basic_string_view<QUtf8StringView::storage_type> operator std::basic_string_view<QUtf8StringView::storage_type>() const

Klasse QVariant:

(since 6.7) QVariant fromMetaType(QMetaType type, const void *copy)
(since 6.7) T qvariant_cast(QVariant &&value)

Klasse QVulkanWindow:

(since 6.7) void setEnabledFeaturesModifier(const QVulkanWindow::EnabledFeaturesModifier &modifier)
(since 6.7) void setEnabledFeaturesModifier(QVulkanWindow::EnabledFeatures2Modifier modifier)

Klasse QWaylandSeat:

(since 6.7) void sendUnicodeKeyPressEvent(uint unicode)
(since 6.7) void sendUnicodeKeyReleaseEvent(uint unicode)

Klasse QWeakPointer:

(since 6.7) bool owner_before(const QSharedPointer<X> &other) const
(since 6.7) bool owner_before(const QWeakPointer<X> &other) const
(since 6.7) bool owner_equal(const QSharedPointer<X> &other) const
(since 6.7) bool owner_equal(const QWeakPointer<X> &other) const
(since 6.7) size_t owner_hash() const

Klasse QWebEnginePage:

(since 6.7) void desktopMediaRequested(const QWebEngineDesktopMediaRequest &request)
(since 6.7) void webAuthUxRequested(QWebEngineWebAuthUxRequest *request)

Klasse QWebEngineProfile:

(since 6.7) void clearHttpCacheCompleted()

Klasse QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo:

(since 6.7) QIODevice *requestBody() const

Klasse QWebEngineUrlRequestJob:

(since 6.7) QIODevice *requestBody() const

Neue Funktionen in Namespaces

(since 6.7) Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay(LeftInt lhs, RightInt rhs)
(since 6.7) Qt::partial_ordering compareThreeWay(LeftFloat lhs, RightFloat rhs)
(since 6.7) Qt::partial_ordering compareThreeWay(IntType lhs, FloatType rhs)
(since 6.7) Qt::partial_ordering compareThreeWay(FloatType lhs, IntType rhs)
(since 6.7) Qt::strong_ordering compareThreeWay(Enum lhs, Enum rhs)
(since 6.7) void qSleep(std::chrono::milliseconds msecs)
(since 6.7) void qWait(std::chrono::milliseconds msecs)
(since 6.7) bool qWaitFor(Functor predicate, QDeadlineTimer deadline)
(since 6.7) bool qWaitForWindowFocused(QWindow *window, QDeadlineTimer timeout)
(since 6.7) bool qWaitForWindowFocused(QWidget *widget, QDeadlineTimer timeout)

Neue globale Funktionen

(since 6.7) auto qCompareThreeWay(const LeftType &lhs, const RightType &rhs)
(since 6.7) void qDrawPlainRoundedRect(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, qreal rx, qreal ry, const QColor &lineColor, int lineWidth, const QBrush *fill)
(since 6.7) void qDrawPlainRoundedRect(QPainter *Painter, int x, int y, int width, int height, qreal rx, qreal ry, const QColor &lineColor, int lineWidth, const QBrush *fill)

Neue Makros

(since 6.7) Q_NODISCARD_CTOR_X(message)
(since 6.7) Q_NODISCARD_X(message)

Neue Enum-Typen

(since 6.7) enum class TransitionResolution { Reject, RelativeToBefore, RelativeToAfter, PreferBefore, PreferAfter, …, LegacyBehavior }
(since 6.7) enum class ThemeIcon { AddressBookNew, ApplicationExit, AppointmentNew, CallStart, CallStop, …, NThemeIcons }
(since 6.7) enum class TagSeparator { Dash, Underscore }
(since 6.7) enum class TimestampsToReturn { Source, Server, Both, Neither, Invalid }
(since 6.7) enum Option { NoOption, Tiny12FeaturesOnly, AssumeTrustedSource }
(since 6.7) enum class Rotation { None, Clockwise90, Clockwise180, Clockwise270 }

Neue Enum-Werte

Neue Typ-Aliase

(since 6.7) const_pointer
(since 6.7) pointer
(since 6.7) QRhiShaderResourceBindingSet
(since 6.7) EnabledFeatures2Modifier

Neue Eigenschaften

Neue Variablen

(since 6.7) DefaultTwoDigitBaseYear
(since 6.7) Android14

Neue QML-Typen

Neue QML-Eigenschaften

QML-Typ ConvexMeshShape:

(since 6.7) geometry : Geometry

QML-Typ CustomMaterial:

(since 6.7) destinationAlphaBlend : enumeration
(since 6.7) sourceAlphaBlend : enumeration

QML-Typ GeoJsonData:

(since 6.7) model : QVariant
(since 6.7) sourceUrl : QUrl

QML-Typ HeightFieldShape:

(since 6.7) image : Image

QML-Typ Item:

(since 6.7) focusPolicy : enumeration

QML-Typ MediaPlayer:

(since 6.7) autoPlay : bool

QML-Typ PathText:

(since 6.7) font.variableAxes : object

QML-Typ PhysicsWorld:

(since 6.7) numThreads : int
(since 6.7) reportKinematicKinematicCollisions : bool
(since 6.7) reportStaticKinematicCollisions : bool

QML-Typ Rectangle:

(since 6.7) bottomLeftRadius : real
(since 6.7) bottomRightRadius : real
(since 6.7) topLeftRadius : real
(since 6.7) topRightRadius : real

QML-Typ Shape:

(since 6.7) horizontalAlignment : enumeration
(since 6.7) verticalAlignment : enumeration

QML-Typ ShapePath:

(since 6.7) pathHints : PathHints

QML-Typ SystemPalette:

(since 6.7) accent : color

QML-Typ Text:

(since 6.7) font.variableAxes : object

QML-Typ TextDocument:

(preliminary) errorString : string
(preliminary) modified : bool
(preliminary) source : url
(preliminary) status : enumeration

QML-Typ TextEdit:

(preliminary) cursorSelection : QtQuick::TextSelection
(since 6.7) font.variableAxes : object

QML-Typ TextInput:

(since 6.7) font.variableAxes : object

QML-Typ Texture:

(since 6.7) textureProvider : RenderExtension

QML-Typ TriangleMeshShape:

(since 6.7) geometry : Geometry

QML-Typ Video:

(since 6.7) autoPlay : bool

QML-Typ View3D:

(since 6.7) effectiveTextureSize : size
(since 6.7) explicitTextureHeight : int
(since 6.7) explicitTextureWidth : int

QML-Typ cameraDevice:

(since 6.7) correctionAngle : QtVideo::Rotation

Neue QML-Methoden

QML-Typ StackView:

(since 6.7) Item popCurrentItem(operation)
(since 6.7) Item popToIndex(index, operation)
(since 6.7) Item popToItem(item, operation)
(since 6.7) Item pushItem(item, properties, operation)
(since 6.7) Item pushItem(component, properties, operation)
(since 6.7) Item pushItem(url, properties, operation)
(since 6.7) Item pushItems(items, operation)
(since 6.7) Item replaceCurrentItem(items, operation)
(since 6.7) Item replaceCurrentItem(item, properties, operation)
(since 6.7) Item replaceCurrentItem(component, properties, operation)
(since 6.7) Item replaceCurrentItem(url, properties, operation)

QML-Typ TextDocument:

(preliminary) void save()
(preliminary) void saveAs(url url)

QML-Typ WaylandSeat:

(since 6.7) void sendUnicodeKeyPressEvent(uint unicode)
(since 6.7) void sendUnicodeKeyReleaseEvent(uint unicode)

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