List of All Members for WebEngineView
継承されたメンバを含む、WebEngineView のメンバ一覧です。
- ErrorDomain : enumeration
- Feature : enumeration
(deprecated in 6.8)
- FindFlags : enumeration
- JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel : enumeration
- LifecycleState : enumeration
(since QtWebEngine 1.10)
- LoadStatus : enumeration
- PrintedPageOrientation : enumeration
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- PrintedPageSizeId : enumeration
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- RenderProcessTerminationStatus : enumeration
(since QtWebEngine 1.2)
- WebAction : enumeration
(since QtWebEngine 1.2)
- activeFocusOnPress : bool
(since QtWebEngine 1.2)
- audioMuted : bool
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- backgroundColor : color
(since QtWebEngine 1.2)
- canGoBack : bool
- canGoForward : bool
- contentsSize : size
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- devToolsId : WebEngineView
(since QtWebEngine 6.6)
- devToolsView : WebEngineView
(since QtWebEngine 1.7)
- history : WebEngineHistory
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- icon : url
- inspectedView : WebEngineView
(since QtWebEngine 1.7)
- isFullScreen : bool
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- lifecycleState : LifecycleState
(since QtWebEngine 1.10)
- loadProgress : int
- loading : bool
- mainFrame : webEngineFrame
(since QtWebEngine 6.8)
- profile : WebEngineProfile
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- recentlyAudible : bool
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- recommendedState : LifecycleState
(since QtWebEngine 1.10)
- renderProcessPid : qint64
(since QtWebEngine 1.11)
- scrollPosition : point
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- settings : WebEngineSettings
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- title : string
- touchHandleDelegate : Component
(since QtWebEngine 6.4)
- url : url
- userScripts : WebEngineScriptCollection
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- webChannel : QQmlWebChannel
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- webChannelWorld : int
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- zoomFactor : real
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- void acceptAsNewWindow(QWebEngineNewWindowRequest *request)
(since QtWebEngine 2.0)
- WebEngineAction action(WebAction action)
- activeFocusOnPressChanged(bool activeFocusOnPress)
(since QtWebEngine 1.2)
- audioMutedChanged(bool muted)
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- authenticationDialogRequested(AuthenticationDialogRequest request)
(since QtWebEngine 1.4)
- backgroundColorChanged()
(since QtWebEngine 1.2)
- certificateError(WebEngineCertificateError error)
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- colorDialogRequested(ColorDialogRequest request)
(since QtWebEngine 1.4)
- contextMenuRequested(ContextMenuRequest request)
(since QtWebEngine 1.4)
- desktopMediaRequested(WebEngineDesktopMediaRequest request)
(since QtWebEngine 6.7)
- featurePermissionRequested(url securityOrigin, Feature feature)
(since QtWebEngine 1.1, deprecated in 6.8)
- fileDialogRequested(FileDialogRequest request)
(since QtWebEngine 1.4)
- webEngineFrame findFrameByName(string name)
(since QtWebEngine 6.8)
- void findText(string subString)
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- void findText(string subString, FindFlags options)
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- void findText(string subString, FindFlags options, variant resultCallback)
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- findTextFinished(FindTextResult result)
(since QtWebEngine 1.10)
- void fullScreenCancelled()
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- fullScreenRequested(FullScreenRequest request)
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- geometryChangeRequested(rect geometry, rect frameGeometry)
(since QtWebEngine 1.7)
- void goBack()
- void goBackOrForward(int offset)
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- void goForward()
- void grantFeaturePermission(url securityOrigin, Feature feature, bool granted)
(since QtWebEngine 1.1, deprecated in 6.8)
- javaScriptConsoleMessage(JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel level, string message, int lineNumber, string sourceID)
- javaScriptDialogRequested(JavaScriptDialogRequest request)
(since QtWebEngine 1.4)
- linkHovered(url hoveredUrl)
- void loadHtml(string html, url baseUrl)
- loadingChanged(WebEngineLoadingInfo loadingInfo)
- navigationRequested(WebEngineNavigationRequest request)
- newWindowRequested(WebEngineNewWindowRequest request)
(since QtWebEngine 2.0)
- pdfPrintingFinished(string filePath, bool success)
(since QtWebEngine 1.5)
- permissionRequested(webEnginePermission permission)
(since QtWebEngine 6.8)
- printRequested()
(since QtWebEngine 1.8)
- printRequestedByFrame(webEngineFrame frame)
(since QtWebEngine 6.8)
- void printToPdf(const string filePath, PrintedPageSizeId pageSizeId, PrintedPageOrientation orientation)
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- void printToPdf(variant resultCallback, PrintedPageSizeId pageSizeId, PrintedPageOrientation orientation)
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- quotaRequested(QuotaRequest request)
(since QtWebEngine 1.7, deprecated in 6.5)
- recentlyAudibleChanged(bool recentlyAudible)
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- registerProtocolHandlerRequested(RegisterProtocolHandlerRequest request)
(since QtWebEngine 1.7)
- void reload()
- void reloadAndBypassCache()
(since QtWebEngine 1.1)
- renderProcessPidChanged(qint64 pid)
(since QtWebEngine 1.11)
- renderProcessTerminated(RenderProcessTerminationStatus terminationStatus, int exitCode)
(since QtWebEngine 1.2)
- void replaceMisspelledWord(const QString &replacement)
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- void runJavaScript(string script, variant callback)
- void runJavaScript(string script, int worldId, variant callback)
- void save(const QString &filePath, QWebEngineDownloadRequest::SavePageFormat format)
(since QtWebEngine 6.6)
- selectClientCertificate(WebEngineClientCertificateSelection clientCertificateSelection)
(since QtWebEngine 1.9)
- void setActiveFocusOnPress(bool arg)
(since QtWebEngine 1.2)
- void stop()
- tooltipRequested(TooltipRequest request)
(since QtWebEngine 1.10)
- touchSelectionMenuRequested(TouchSelectionMenuRequest *request)
(since QtWebEngine 6.3)
- void triggerWebAction(WebAction action)
(since QtWebEngine 1.2)
- wasRecentlyAudibleChanged(bool wasRecentlyAudible)
(since QtWebEngine 1.3)
- webAuthUxRequested(QWebEngineWebAuthUxRequest *request)
(since QtWebEngine 6.7)
- windowCloseRequested()
(since QtWebEngine 1.2)
- zoomFactorChanged(qreal factor)
(since QtWebEngine 6.8)
- activeFocus : bool
- activeFocusOnTab : bool
- anchors :
- anchors.alignWhenCentered : bool
- anchors.baseline : AnchorLine
- anchors.baselineOffset : real
- anchors.bottom : AnchorLine
- anchors.bottomMargin : real
- anchors.centerIn : Item
- anchors.fill : Item
- anchors.horizontalCenter : AnchorLine
- anchors.horizontalCenterOffset : real
- anchors.left : AnchorLine
- anchors.leftMargin : real
- anchors.margins : real
- anchors.right : AnchorLine
- anchors.rightMargin : real
- : AnchorLine
- anchors.topMargin : real
- anchors.verticalCenter : AnchorLine
- anchors.verticalCenterOffset : real
- antialiasing : bool
- baselineOffset : int
- children : list<Item>
- childrenRect :
- childrenRect.height : real
- childrenRect.width : real
- childrenRect.x : real
- childrenRect.y : real
- clip : bool
- containmentMask : QObject*
- data : list<QtObject>
- enabled : bool
- focus : bool
- focusPolicy : enumeration
(since 6.7)
- height : real
- implicitHeight : real
- implicitWidth : real
- layer.effect : Component
- layer.enabled : bool
- layer.format : enumeration
- : bool
(since 6.5)
- layer.mipmap : bool
- layer.samplerName : string
- layer.samples : enumeration
- layer.smooth : bool
- layer.sourceRect : rect
- layer.textureMirroring : enumeration
- layer.textureSize : size
- layer.wrapMode : enumeration
- opacity : real
- palette : Palette
(since 6.0)
- parent : Item
- resources : list<QtObject>
- rotation : real
- scale : real
- smooth : bool
- state : string
- states : list<State>
- transform : list<Transform>
- transformOrigin : enumeration
- transitions : list<Transition>
- visible : bool
- visibleChildren : list<Item>
- width : real
- x : real
- y : real
- z : real
- childAt(real x, real y)
- bool contains(point point)
- dumpItemTree()
(since 6.3)
- forceActiveFocus()
- forceActiveFocus(Qt::FocusReason reason)
- bool grabToImage(callback, targetSize)
- point mapFromGlobal(real x, real y)
- point mapFromItem(Item item, point p)
- rect mapFromItem(Item item, rect r)
- point mapFromItem(Item item, real x, real y)
- rect mapFromItem(Item item, real x, real y, real width, real height)
- point mapToGlobal(real x, real y)
- point mapToItem(Item item, point p)
- rect mapToItem(Item item, rect r)
- point mapToItem(Item item, real x, real y)
- rect mapToItem(Item item, real x, real y, real width, real height)
- nextItemInFocusChain(bool forward)
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