Browse Example Project
Test Center includes an example project and repository that showcases all available features. This example setup allows you to preview all the features that become available when you upload detailed results (including verification points and video recordings) and have setup both the repository integration and traceability integrations.
The example enviornment is called demo
and you can start it like this:
$ bin/testcenter -e demo start
You can login to the demo instance using the following credentials:
- User:
- Password:
Note: The demo instance might be in restricted mode
. That will not prevent you from exploring the example data. It will only prevent uploading new results to the demo instance.
Warning: If you decide to activate the demo instance, make sure you do so on the machine that you intend to run your production instance on (since the license gets locked to the machine, regardless of whether it is the demo instance or not).
Product Tour
There is also an online product tour available that is based on the example project that highlights the most relevant features. Follow this link to take a look at the product tour.
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