Manage projects

You can create, rename and delete projects. Furthermore you can define a time frame after which test results should be deleted. For how to create a project please take a look at the previous article.

Project Management Page

Most project related operations are available from the project management page. You can reach it via the project selection dialog, which you can open by clicking on the Projects button on the top left of the page.

Project Dialog

Then you have to select the cog settings icon next to the listed project names.

Project Management Page

Rename a project

To change the name, use the Project name input field within the Project Settings section of the project management page. Confirm your change with the Save button that becomes visible once you start to adjust the name.

Note: When changing the name of a project you should make sure to also update all references to the project inside your result upload scripts.

Configure data cleanup

To prevent Test Center from getting slower in time or just to save disk space, you can automatically remove uploaded reports after the specified number of days or all reports uploaded before the specified date.

In the Maintenance section, you can either specify a specific date before which you want data to be deleted within the Delete uploads imported before date input field. Or you can specify after how many days you want data to be deleted with the Auto delete uploads imported after days input field. If you make changes to any of these field you need to confirm your changes using the Save button.

Note: Report uploads with the label .scheduling.maintenance=keep will not be removed.

Note: The data will be deleted within a background task that is triggered every 10 minutes.

Delete project

To delete a project you can use the Delete Project button. The project deletion will only be available if the project contains no more result data. That means the number of reports and batches displayed within the Maintenance section needs to be 0.

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