Qt Quick Particles の例 - Emitters



Velocity from motionは、主にエミッタを動かすことで、パーティクルが強く動く効果を与えます:

Emitter {
    id: trailsNormal
    system: sys1

    emitRate: 500
    lifeSpan: 2000

    y: mouseArea.pressed ? mouseArea.mouseY : circle.cy
    x: mouseArea.pressed ? mouseArea.mouseX : circle.cx

    velocity: PointDirection {xVariation: 4; yVariation: 4;}
    acceleration: PointDirection {xVariation: 10; yVariation: 10;}
    velocityFromMovement: 8

    size: 8
    sizeVariation: 4


    if (root.lastWasPulse) {
        root.lastWasPulse = false;
    } else {
        root.lastWasPulse = true;



onEmitParticles: (particles) => {
    for (var i=0; i<particles.length; i++) {
        let particle = particles[i];
        particle.startSize = Math.max(02,Math.min(492,Math.tan(particle.t/2)*24));
        let theta = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6.0);
        particle.red = theta == 0 || theta == 1 || theta == 2 ? 0.2 : 1;
        particle.green = theta == 2 || theta == 3 || theta == 4 ? 0.2 : 1;
        particle.blue = theta == 4 || theta == 5 || theta == 0 ? 0.2 : 1;
        theta /= 6.0;
        theta *= 2.0*Math.PI;
        theta += sys.convert(sys.petalRotation);//Convert from degrees to radians
        particle.initialVX = sys.petalLength * Math.cos(theta);
        particle.initialVY = sys.petalLength * Math.sin(theta);
        particle.initialAX = particle.initialVX * -0.5;
        particle.initialAY = particle.initialVY * -0.5;


Emit maskはEmitterにイメージマスクを設定し、任意の形状から放出する。

shape: MaskShape {
    source: "images/starfish_mask.png"

Maximum emittedは一度に一定数以上のパーティクルを放出しません。この例では、制限に達したときに何が起こるかを簡単に見ることができます。

Shape and Directionは塗りつぶされていないEllipse形状からパーティクルを放出します。TargetDirection

shape: EllipseShape {fill: false}
velocity: TargetDirection {
    targetX: root.width/2
    targetY: root.height/2
    proportionalMagnitude: true
    magnitude: 0.5


TrailEmitter このタイプを使用して、シーン内の火のパーティクルを追いかけるように煙のパーティクルを追加します。

onEmitParticles: (particles) => {
    for (var i=0; i<particles.length; i++) {
        let particle = particles[i];
        particle.startSize = Math.max(02,Math.min(492,Math.tan(particle.t/2)*24));
        let theta = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6.0);
        particle.red = theta == 0 || theta == 1 || theta == 2 ? 0.2 : 1;
        particle.green = theta == 2 || theta == 3 || theta == 4 ? 0.2 : 1;
        particle.blue = theta == 4 || theta == 5 || theta == 0 ? 0.2 : 1;
        theta /= 6.0;
        theta *= 2.0*Math.PI;
        theta += sys.convert(sys.petalRotation);//Convert from degrees to radians
        particle.initialVX = sys.petalLength * Math.cos(theta);
        particle.initialVY = sys.petalLength * Math.sin(theta);
        particle.initialAX = particle.initialVX * -0.5;
        particle.initialAY = particle.initialVY * -0.5;

プロジェクト例 @ code.qt.io

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