Qt Graphs からの移行Qt Charts
Qt Charts とQt Graphs では API と機能が若干異なります。この記事では、Qt Charts とQt Graphs のAPIの違いについて説明します:
Qt Charts のインポート文は、次のように変更する必要があります:
import QtCharts
import QtGraphs
Qt Graphs の場合。
Qt Charts のインクルード
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Charts)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Charts)
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Graphs)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Graphs)
forQt Graphs.
Qmake モジュールのインクルード
Qt Charts のインクルード
QT += charts
QT += graphs
forQt Graphs.
で欠けている機能Qt Graphs
これらの機能は、6.8 リリースではQt Graphs にありません:
- Qt Graphs ウィジェット
- ローソク足チャート
- ボックス&ウィスカー・チャート
- タイトルと凡例
- 対数軸
- ポーラーチャート
2Dグラフと3Dグラフのテーマ設定が統一された。テーマ設定については、GraphsTheme を参照。
グラフ全体の一般的な配色はcolor scheme プロパティで制御され、系列の色はtheme プロパティで制御されます。配色が明示的に設定されていない場合は、デスクトップのテーマ設定(Light/Dark)に従います。
Qt Graphs 2D では、すべての列挙型はスコープされた列挙型として実装されています。例えば、Qt Charts のPieSlice.LabelOutside
に対して、Qt Graphs 2D の対応する列挙型はPieSlice.LabelPosition.Outside
QML におけるチャート系列の移行
このセクションでは、Qt Charts のコードを、Qt Graphs 2D に移行する方法を説明します。
Qt Charts の場合
ChartView { anchors.fill: parent ValueAxis { id: valueAxisX max: 8 } ValueAxis { id: valueAxisY max: 4 } AreaSeries { axisX: valueAxisX axisY: valueAxisY upperSeries: LineSeries { XYPoint { x: 0; y: 2 } XYPoint { x: 1; y: 3.5 } XYPoint { x: 2; y: 3.8 } } lowerSeries: LineSeries { XYPoint { x: 0.4; y: 1.5 } XYPoint { x: 1; y: 2.5 } XYPoint { x: 2.4; y: 3 } } } }
Qt Graphs :
GraphsView { anchors.fill: parent axisX: ValueAxis { id: xAxis max: 8 tickInterval: 2.0 } axisY: ValueAxis { id: yAxis max: 4 tickInterval: 1.0 } AreaSeries { upperSeries: LineSeries { XYPoint { x: 0; y: 2 } XYPoint { x: 1; y: 3.5 } XYPoint { x: 2; y: 3.8 } } lowerSeries: LineSeries { XYPoint { x: 0.4; y: 1.5 } XYPoint { x: 1; y: 2.5 } XYPoint { x: 2.4; y: 3 } } } }
Qt Charts :
import QtQuick import QtCharts ChartView { BarSeries { id: mySeries axisX: BarCategoryAxis { categories: ["2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012" ] } BarSet { label: "Bob"; values: [2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] } BarSet { label: "Susan"; values: [5, 1, 2, 4, 1, 7] } BarSet { label: "James"; values: [3, 5, 8, 13, 5, 8] } } }
Qt Graphs :
GraphsView { axisX: BarCategoryAxis { categories: ["2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012" ] } BarSeries { id: mySeries BarSet { label: "Bob"; values: [2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] } BarSet { label: "Susan"; values: [5, 1, 2, 4, 1, 7] } BarSet { label: "James"; values: [3, 5, 8, 13, 5, 8] } } }
Qt Charts と
import QtQuick import QtCharts ChartView { PieSeries { id: pieOuter size: 0.96 holeSize: 0.7 PieSlice { id: slice; label: "Alpha"; value: 19511; color: "#99CA53" } PieSlice { label: "Epsilon"; value: 11105; color: "#209FDF" } PieSlice { label: "Psi"; value: 9352; color: "#F6A625" } } PieSeries { id: pieInner size: 0.7 holeSize: 0.25 PieSlice { label: "Materials"; value: 10334; color: "#B9DB8A" } PieSlice { label: "Employee"; value: 3066; color: "#DCEDC4" } PieSlice { label: "Logistics"; value: 6111; color: "#F3F9EB" } PieSlice { label: "Materials"; value: 7371; color: "#63BCE9" } PieSlice { label: "Employee"; value: 2443; color: "#A6D9F2" } PieSlice { label: "Logistics"; value: 1291; color: "#E9F5FC" } PieSlice { label: "Materials"; value: 4022; color: "#F9C36C" } PieSlice { label: "Employee"; value: 3998; color: "#FCE1B6" } PieSlice { label: "Logistics"; value: 1332; color: "#FEF5E7" } } Component.onCompleted: { // Set the common slice properties dynamically for convenience for (var i = 0; i < pieOuter.count; i++) { pieOuter.at(i).labelPosition = PieSlice.LabelOutside; pieOuter.at(i).labelVisible = true; pieOuter.at(i).borderWidth = 3; } for (var i = 0; i < pieInner.count; i++) { pieInner.at(i).labelPosition = PieSlice.LabelInsideNormal; pieInner.at(i).labelVisible = true; pieInner.at(i).borderWidth = 2; } } }
Qt Graphs 付き
GraphsView { PieSeries { id: pieOuter pieSize: 0.96 holeSize: 0.7 PieSlice { id: slice; label: "Alpha"; value: 19511; color: "#99CA53" } PieSlice { label: "Epsilon"; value: 11105; color: "#209FDF" } PieSlice { label: "Psi"; value: 9352; color: "#F6A625" } } PieSeries { id: pieInner pieSize: 0.7 holeSize: 0.25 PieSlice { label: "Materials"; value: 10334; color: "#B9DB8A" } PieSlice { label: "Employee"; value: 3066; color: "#DCEDC4" } PieSlice { label: "Logistics"; value: 6111; color: "#F3F9EB" } PieSlice { label: "Materials"; value: 7371; color: "#63BCE9" } PieSlice { label: "Employee"; value: 2443; color: "#A6D9F2" } PieSlice { label: "Logistics"; value: 1291; color: "#E9F5FC" } PieSlice { label: "Materials"; value: 4022; color: "#F9C36C" } PieSlice { label: "Employee"; value: 3998; color: "#FCE1B6" } PieSlice { label: "Logistics"; value: 1332; color: "#FEF5E7" } } Component.onCompleted: { // Set the common slice properties dynamically for convenience for (var i = 0; i < pieOuter.count; i++) { pieOuter.at(i).labelPosition = PieSlice.LabelPosition.Outside; pieOuter.at(i).labelVisible = true; pieOuter.at(i).borderWidth = 3; } for (var i = 0; i < pieInner.count; i++) { pieInner.at(i).labelPosition = PieSlice.LabelPosition.InsideNormal; pieInner.at(i).labelVisible = true; pieInner.at(i).borderWidth = 2; } } }
WithQt Charts
ChartView { LineSeries { XYPoint { x: 0; y: 0 } XYPoint { x: 1.1; y: 2.1 } XYPoint { x: 1.9; y: 3.3 } XYPoint { x: 2.1; y: 2.1 } XYPoint { x: 2.9; y: 4.9 } XYPoint { x: 3.4; y: 3.0 } XYPoint { x: 4.1; y: 3.3 } } }
Qt Graphs :
GraphsView { // Graphs don't calculate a visible range for axes. // You should define the visible range explicitly. axisX: ValueAxis { id: xAxis max: 4.1 } axisY: ValueAxis { id: yAxis max: 4.9 } LineSeries { XYPoint { x: 0; y: 0 } XYPoint { x: 1.1; y: 2.1 } XYPoint { x: 1.9; y: 3.3 } XYPoint { x: 2.1; y: 2.1 } XYPoint { x: 2.9; y: 4.9 } XYPoint { x: 3.4; y: 3.0 } XYPoint { x: 4.1; y: 3.3 } } }
WithQt Charts :
ChartView { property variant othersSlice: 0 PieSeries { id: pieSeries PieSlice { label: "Volkswagen"; value: 13.5 } PieSlice { label: "Toyota"; value: 10.9 } PieSlice { label: "Ford"; value: 8.6 } PieSlice { label: "Skoda"; value: 8.2 } PieSlice { label: "Volvo"; value: 6.8 } } Component.onCompleted: { othersSlice = pieSeries.append("Others", 52.0); pieSeries.find("Volkswagen").exploded = true; } }
WithQt Graphs :
GraphsView { property variant othersSlice: 0 PieSeries { id: pieSeries PieSlice { label: "Volkswagen"; value: 13.5 } PieSlice { label: "Toyota"; value: 10.9 } PieSlice { label: "Ford"; value: 8.6 } PieSlice { label: "Skoda"; value: 8.2 } PieSlice { label: "Volvo"; value: 6.8 } } Component.onCompleted: { othersSlice = pieSeries.append("Others", 52.0); pieSeries.find("Volkswagen").exploded = true; } }
WithQt Charts :
ChartView { ScatterSeries { XYPoint { x: 1.5; y: 1.5 } XYPoint { x: 1.5; y: 1.6 } XYPoint { x: 1.57; y: 1.55 } XYPoint { x: 1.8; y: 1.8 } XYPoint { x: 1.9; y: 1.6 } XYPoint { x: 2.1; y: 1.3 } XYPoint { x: 2.5; y: 2.1 } } }
Qt Graphs を使用:
GraphsView { // Graphs don't calculate a visible range for axes. // You should define the visible range explicitly. ValueAxis { id: xyAxis min: 1.3 max: 2.5 } axisX: xyAxis axisY: xyAxis ScatterSeries { XYPoint { x: 1.5; y: 1.5 } XYPoint { x: 1.5; y: 1.6 } XYPoint { x: 1.57; y: 1.55 } XYPoint { x: 1.8; y: 1.8 } XYPoint { x: 1.9; y: 1.6 } XYPoint { x: 2.1; y: 1.3 } XYPoint { x: 2.5; y: 2.1 } } }
Qt Charts を使用
ChartView { SplineSeries { name: "Spline" XYPoint { x: 0; y: 0.0 } XYPoint { x: 1.1; y: 3.2 } XYPoint { x: 1.9; y: 2.4 } XYPoint { x: 2.1; y: 2.1 } XYPoint { x: 2.9; y: 2.6 } XYPoint { x: 3.4; y: 2.3 } XYPoint { x: 4.1; y: 3.1 } } }
Qt Graphs を使用:
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