Qt Quick Examples - アニメーション
QML Animation のサンプル集です。
アニメーションについてのより詳しい情報は、Qt Quickの重要な概念 - 状態、遷移、アニメーション を参照してください。
Qt Creator からサンプルを実行するには、Welcome モードを開き、Examples からサンプルを選択します。詳細については、Building and Running an Exampleを参照してください。
gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0.0 SequentialAnimation on color { loops: Animation.Infinite ColorAnimation { from: "#14148c"; to: "#0E1533"; duration: 5000 } ColorAnimation { from: "#0E1533"; to: "#14148c"; duration: 5000 } } } GradientStop { position: 1.0 SequentialAnimation on color { loops: Animation.Infinite ColorAnimation { from: "#14aaff"; to: "#437284"; duration: 5000 } ColorAnimation { from: "#437284"; to: "#14aaff"; duration: 5000 } } } }
// Animate the y property. Setting loops to Animation.Infinite makes the // animation repeat indefinitely, otherwise it would only run once. SequentialAnimation on y { loops: Animation.Infinite // Move from minHeight to maxHeight in 300ms, using the OutExpo easing function NumberAnimation { from: smiley.minHeight; to: smiley.maxHeight easing.type: Easing.OutExpo; duration: 300 } // Then move back to minHeight in 1 second, using the OutBounce easing function NumberAnimation { from: smiley.maxHeight; to: smiley.minHeight easing.type: Easing.OutBounce; duration: 1000 } // Then pause for 500ms PauseAnimation { duration: 500 } }
SequentialAnimation { SequentialAnimation { ParallelAnimation { YAnimator { target: smiley; from: smiley.minHeight; to: smiley.maxHeight easing.type: Easing.OutExpo; duration: 300 } ScaleAnimator { target: shadow from: 1 to: 0.5 easing.type: Easing.OutExpo; duration: 300 } } ParallelAnimation { YAnimator { target: smiley; from: smiley.maxHeight; to: smiley.minHeight easing.type: Easing.OutBounce; duration: 1000 } ScaleAnimator { target: shadow from: 0.5 to: 1 easing.type: Easing.OutBounce; duration: 1000 } } } PauseAnimation { duration: 500 } running: true loops: Animation.Infinite }
// Set an 'elastic' behavior on the focusRect's y property. Behavior on y { NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.OutElastic easing.amplitude: 3.0 easing.period: 2.0 duration: 300 } }
Wiggly Textは、より複雑なビヘイビアを使って、テキストをドラッグするときにアニメーションさせたり、くねくね動かしたりするデモです。これはそれぞれの文字に複雑なバインディングを割り当てることで行います:
x: follow ? follow.x + follow.width : container.width / 6 y: follow ? follow.y : container.height / 2
Behavior on x { enabled: container.animated; SpringAnimation { spring: 3; damping: 0.3; mass: 1.0 } } Behavior on y { enabled: container.animated; SpringAnimation { spring: 3; damping: 0.3; mass: 1.0 } }
Tv Tennisは複雑なビヘイビアを使ってパドルをボールに従わせ、無限のテニスゲームをシミュレートします。ここでも、他の値に依存するバインディングが位置に適用され、ビヘイビアがアニメーションを提供します。
Easing Curvesでは、Qt Quick アニメーションで利用できるすべてのイージングカーブを紹介しています。
// In state 'middleRight', move the image to middleRightRect State { name: "middleRight" PropertyChanges { userIcon { x: middleRightRect.x y: middleRightRect.y } } }, // In state 'bottomLeft', move the image to bottomLeftRect State { name: "bottomLeft" PropertyChanges { userIcon { x: bottomLeftRect.x y: bottomLeftRect.y } } }
Transitions は、States の例を取り、トランジションを設定することでプロパティの変化をアニメーション化します:
// Transitions define how the properties change when the item moves between each state transitions: [ // When transitioning to 'middleRight' move x,y over a duration of 1 second, // with OutBounce easing function. Transition { from: "*"; to: "middleRight" NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; easing.type: Easing.OutBounce; duration: 1000 } }, // When transitioning to 'bottomLeft' move x,y over a duration of 2 seconds, // with InOutQuad easing function. Transition { from: "*"; to: "bottomLeft" NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad; duration: 2000 } }, // For any other state changes move x,y linearly over duration of 200ms. Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: 200 } }
PathAnimationは、PathAnimation を使って、ベジェ曲線に沿って画像をアニメーション化します。
PathAnimation { id: pathAnim duration: 2000 easing.type: Easing.InQuad target: box orientation: PathAnimation.RightFirst anchorPoint: Qt.point(box.width/2, box.height/2) path: Path { startX: 50; startY: 50 PathCubic { x: window.width - 50 y: window.height - 50 control1X: x; control1Y: 50 control2X: 50; control2Y: y } onChanged: canvas.requestPaint() } }
PathInterpolatorは、同じベジェ曲線に沿って、PathInterpolator を代わりに使って画像をアニメーションさせます。
PathInterpolator { id: motionPath path: Path { startX: 50; startY: 50 PathCubic { x: window.width - 50 y: window.height - 50 control1X: x; control1Y: 50 control2X: 50; control2Y: y } onChanged: canvas.requestPaint() } SequentialAnimation on progress { running: true loops: -1 PauseAnimation { duration: 1000 } NumberAnimation { id: progressAnim running: false from: 0; to: 1 duration: 2000 easing.type: Easing.InQuad } } }
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