Qt Quick 3D Physics - 質量の例
まず、PhysicsWorld を追加します:
PhysicsWorld { running: true gravity: Qt.vector3d(0, -9.81, 0) typicalLength: 1 typicalSpeed: 10 scene: viewport.scene }
environment: SceneEnvironment { clearColor: "lightblue" backgroundMode: SceneEnvironment.Color } PerspectiveCamera { id: camera position: Qt.vector3d(0, 2, 5) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(-10, 0, 0) clipFar: 100 clipNear: 0.01 } DirectionalLight { eulerRotation.x: -45 eulerRotation.y: 45 castsShadow: true brightness: 1 shadowFactor: 50 shadowBias: 0.1 pcfFactor: 0.01 }
StaticRigidBody { position: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(-90, 0, 0) collisionShapes: PlaneShape {} Model { source: "#Rectangle" materials: DefaultMaterial { diffuseColor: "green" } castsShadows: false receivesShadows: true } }
RolyPolyと呼ぶことにします。RolyPolyは、いわゆるローリーポリのおもちゃのように振る舞うからです。RolyPolyはDynamicRigidBody 、3つの球形のコリジョンシェイプを持っています:
DynamicRigidBody { property string color: "blue" collisionShapes: [ SphereShape { id: sphere0 diameter: 1 }, SphereShape { id: sphere1 diameter: 0.8 position: Qt.vector3d(0, 0.6, 0) }, SphereShape { id: sphere2 diameter: 0.6 position: Qt.vector3d(0, 1.1, 0) } ] Model { source: "#Sphere" position: sphere0.position scale: Qt.vector3d(1,1,1).times(sphere0.diameter*0.01) materials: PrincipledMaterial { baseColor: color } } Model { source: "#Sphere" position: sphere1.position scale: Qt.vector3d(1,1,1).times(sphere1.diameter*0.01) materials: PrincipledMaterial { baseColor: color } } Model { source: "#Sphere" position: sphere2.position scale: Qt.vector3d(1,1,1).times(sphere2.diameter*0.01) materials: PrincipledMaterial { baseColor: color } } }
RolyPoly { position: Qt.vector3d(-2, 0.5, 0) color: "blue" mass: 0.9 centerOfMassPosition: Qt.vector3d(0, -0.5, 0) inertiaTensor: Qt.vector3d(0.217011, 0.0735887, 0.217011) massMode: DynamicRigidBody.MassAndInertiaTensor } RolyPoly { position: Qt.vector3d(0, 0.5, 0) color: "purple" mass: 0.9 centerOfMassPosition: Qt.vector3d(0, -0.5, 0) inertiaTensor: Qt.vector3d(0.05, 100, 100) massMode: DynamicRigidBody.MassAndInertiaTensor } RolyPoly { position: Qt.vector3d(2, 0.5, 0) color: "red" mass: 0.9 massMode: DynamicRigidBody.Mass }
Node { id: shapeSpawner property var spheres: [] property var sphereComponent: Qt.createComponent("Sphere.qml") function createBall(position, forward) { let diameter = 0.2 let speed = 20 let sphere = sphereComponent.createObject(shapeSpawner, { "position": position, "sphereDiameter": diameter }) sphere.setLinearVelocity(forward.times(speed)) var pair = { "sphere": sphere, "date": Date.now() } spheres.push(pair) if (sphere === null) { console.log("Error creating object") } } function clean() { spheres = spheres.filter(sphere => { let diff = Date.now() - sphere['date']; if (diff > 5000) { sphere['sphere'].destroy(); return false; } return true; }); } Timer { interval: 200 running: true repeat: true onTriggered: shapeSpawner.clean() } }
次に、WasdController を追加して、カメラを動かし、ボディにボールを向けて撃つことができるようにします:
WasdController { speed: 0.01 shiftSpeed: 0.1 controlledObject: camera Keys.onPressed: (event) => { handleKeyPress(event); if (event.key === Qt.Key_Space) { shapeSpawner.createBall(camera.position, camera.forward); } } Keys.onReleased: (event) => { handleKeyRelease(event) } }
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