Qt Quick 3D Physics - 複合形状の例
いつものように、PhysicsWorld :
PhysicsWorld { id: physicsWorld enableCCD: true maximumTimestep: 20 scene: viewport.scene }
environment: SceneEnvironment { antialiasingMode: SceneEnvironment.MSAA backgroundMode: SceneEnvironment.Color clearColor: "lightblue" } focus: true PerspectiveCamera { id: camera position: Qt.vector3d(0, 900, 1500) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(-10, 0, 0) clipFar: 15500 clipNear: 1 } DirectionalLight { eulerRotation.x: -45 eulerRotation.y: 45 castsShadow: true brightness: 1.5 shadowMapQuality: Light.ShadowMapQualityHigh }
StaticRigidBody { position: Qt.vector3d(0, -100, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(-90, 0, 0) collisionShapes: PlaneShape {} Model { source: "#Rectangle" scale: Qt.vector3d(500, 500, 1) materials: DefaultMaterial { diffuseColor: "green" } castsShadows: false receivesShadows: true } }
MeshLink { id: leftLink isKinematic: true property vector3d startPos: Qt.vector3d(-6 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) property vector3d startRot: Qt.vector3d(90, 0, 0) kinematicPosition: startPos position: startPos kinematicEulerRotation: startRot eulerRotation: startRot color: "red" } CapsuleLink { position: Qt.vector3d(-5 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(90, 0, 0) } MeshLink { position: Qt.vector3d(-4 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(90, 0, 0) } MeshLink { position: Qt.vector3d(-3 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(0, 90, 0) } MeshLink { position: Qt.vector3d(-2 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(90, 0, 0) } MeshLink { position: Qt.vector3d(-1 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(0, 90, 0) } CapsuleLink { position: Qt.vector3d(0, viewport.ringY, 0) } MeshLink { position: Qt.vector3d(1 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(0, 90, 0) } MeshLink { position: Qt.vector3d(2 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(90, 0, 0) } MeshLink { position: Qt.vector3d(3 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(0, 90, 0) } MeshLink { position: Qt.vector3d(4 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(90, 0, 0) } CapsuleLink { position: Qt.vector3d(5 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(90, 0, 0) } MeshLink { id: rightLink isKinematic: true property vector3d startPos: Qt.vector3d(6 * viewport.ringDistance, viewport.ringY, 0) property vector3d startRot: Qt.vector3d(90, 0, 0) kinematicPosition: startPos position: startPos kinematicEulerRotation: startRot eulerRotation: startRot color: "red" }
左側の最初のリンクは、アニメーションでコントロールできるように、isKinematic プロパティをtrue
に設定します。これはキネマティックオブジェクトなので、kinematicPosition とkinematicRotation プロパティを設定する必要があります。アニメーションは、kinematicPosition プロパティをアニメーションさせることで行います。他のリンクは、いくつかの間隔を空けてインスタンス化されています。
物理的なシミュレーションに正確に追従する滑らかなアニメーションを得るために、AnimationController を使い、PhysicsWorld のonFrameDone
信号に接続します。こうすることで、シミュレーションが遅くなるようなコマ落ちがあっても、アニメーションはそれに応じて遅くなります。左端と右端のリングを前後に動かすために、4つのNumberAnimation を持つSequentialAnimation を使います。これがアニメーションのQMLコードです:
Connections { target: physicsWorld property real totalAnimationTime: 12000 function onFrameDone(timeStep) { let progressStep = timeStep / totalAnimationTime animationController.progress += progressStep if (animationController.progress >= 1) { animationController.completeToEnd() animationController.reload() animationController.progress = 0 } } } AnimationController { id: animationController animation: SequentialAnimation { NumberAnimation { target: leftLink property: "kinematicPosition.x" to: 3 * viewport.ringDistance from: -6 * viewport.ringDistance easing.type: Easing.InOutCubic duration: 1000 } NumberAnimation { target: leftLink property: "kinematicPosition.x" from: 3 * viewport.ringDistance to: -6 * viewport.ringDistance easing.type: Easing.InOutCubic duration: 1000 } NumberAnimation { target: rightLink property: "kinematicPosition.x" to: -3 * viewport.ringDistance from: 6 * viewport.ringDistance easing.type: Easing.InOutCubic duration: 1000 } NumberAnimation { target: rightLink property: "kinematicPosition.x" from: -3 * viewport.ringDistance to: 6 * viewport.ringDistance easing.type: Easing.InOutCubic duration: 1000 } } }
興味深いのは、MeshファイルとCapsule Linksファイルの中で起こっていることです。それぞれのファイルを見てみよう。
DynamicRigidBody { scale: Qt.vector3d(100, 100, 100) property color color: "white" PrincipledMaterial { id: _material baseColor: color metalness: 1.0 roughness: 0.5 } Model { source: "meshes/ring.mesh" materials: [_material] } collisionShapes: [ ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_001.mesh" }, ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_002.mesh" }, ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_003.mesh" }, ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_004.mesh" }, ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_005.mesh" }, ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_006.mesh" }, ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_007.mesh" }, ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_008.mesh" }, ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_009.mesh" }, ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_010.mesh" }, ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_011.mesh" }, ConvexMeshShape { source: "meshes/segmentedRing_012.mesh" } ] }
DynamicRigidBody { property real len: 170 property real w: 17 PrincipledMaterial { id: material3 baseColor: "yellow" metalness: 1.0 roughness: 0.5 } Node { opacity: 1 Model { materials: material3 source: "#Cylinder" scale: Qt.vector3d(w / 100, len / 100, w / 100) eulerRotation.z: 90 y: -len / 2 } Model { materials: material3 source: "#Cylinder" scale: Qt.vector3d(w / 100, len / 100, w / 100) eulerRotation.z: 90 y: len / 2 } Model { materials: material3 source: "#Cylinder" scale: Qt.vector3d(w / 100, len / 100, w / 100) x: len / 2 } Model { materials: material3 source: "#Cylinder" scale: Qt.vector3d(w / 100, len / 100, w / 100) x: -len / 2 } Model { materials: material3 source: "#Sphere" scale: Qt.vector3d(w / 100, w / 100, w / 100) x: -len / 2 y: -len / 2 } Model { materials: material3 source: "#Sphere" scale: Qt.vector3d(w / 100, w / 100, w / 100) x: -len / 2 y: len / 2 } Model { materials: material3 source: "#Sphere" scale: Qt.vector3d(w / 100, w / 100, w / 100) x: len / 2 y: -len / 2 } Model { materials: material3 source: "#Sphere" scale: Qt.vector3d(w / 100, w / 100, w / 100) x: len / 2 y: len / 2 } } collisionShapes: [ CapsuleShape { y: -len / 2 height: len diameter: w }, CapsuleShape { y: len / 2 height: len diameter: w }, CapsuleShape { x: -len / 2 eulerRotation.z: 90 height: len diameter: w }, CapsuleShape { x: len / 2 eulerRotation.z: 90 height: len diameter: w } ] }
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