
To make movement between states smooth, you can use Transitions to animate the changes between states.

First, you need to add states in the States view and edit some properties that can be animated, such as colors or numbers, in the Properties view. For example, you can animate the changes in the position of a component.

"Transitions view"

In Transitions, you can set the start frame, end frame, and duration for the transition of each property. You can also set an easing curve for each animation and the maximum duration of the whole transition.

Zooming in Transitions

Use the slider on the toolbar to set the zooming level in Transitions. Select the and buttons to zoom out of or into the view.

Animating Transitions Between States

To animate transitions:

  1. Select View > Views > Transition Editor.

    "Empty Transitions view"

  2. Select the (Add Transition) button to add a transition. This works only if you have added at least one state and modified at least one property in it.

    "Transitions view"

  3. Move the blue bar next to the component or property name to set the start and end frame of the animation of the property. Pull its left and right edges to set the duration of the animation.
  4. To attach an easing curve to the selected transition, select the (Easing Curve Editor (C)) button.

Specifying Transition Settings

To modify transition settings, select the (Transition Settings (S)) button in Transition Editor.

"Transitions settings"

To add transitions:

  1. Select the (Add Transition) button.
  2. In the Transition ID field, enter an ID for the transition.
  3. In the From field, select the state to transition from.
  4. In the To field, select the state to transition to.

To remove the current transition, select the (Remove Transition) button.

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